49944 lines
6.8 MiB
49944 lines
6.8 MiB
Go. Idź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2877272 (CM) & #7818294 (Hanyel)
Hi. Cześć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #538123 (CM) & #405641 (zipangu)
Run! Uciekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #906328 (papabear) & #6160322 (arie)
Run. Biegnij. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4008918 (JSakuragi) & #6160593 (arie)
Run. Uciekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4008918 (JSakuragi) & #6160595 (arie)
Who? Kto? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2083030 (CK) & #4748428 (AgnieszkaC)
Wow! O, dziamdzia zaprzała jej szadź! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52027 (Zifre) & #365523 (zipangu)
Wow! Łał! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52027 (Zifre) & #7818298 (Hanyel)
Duck! Unik! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280158 (CM) & #6160307 (arie)
Fire! Pali się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1829639 (Spamster) & #6308709 (arie)
Fire! Strzelaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1829639 (Spamster) & #8607306 (arie)
Fire! Ognia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1829639 (Spamster) & #8607310 (arie)
Help! Pomocy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435084 (lukaszpp) & #787823 (damc)
Hide. Schowaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8907581 (CK) & #10542011 (tokzyk)
Jump! Skacz! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1102981 (jamessilver) & #6308688 (arie)
Jump. Skok. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #631038 (Shishir) & #5627056 (machmet)
Stay. Zostań. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8907595 (CK) & #9367656 (Tomo77)
Stop! Stój! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448320 (CM) & #5190356 (gin)
Stop! Zatrzymaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448320 (CM) & #5367012 (Mateon1)
Wait! Czekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #4476124 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Wait! Zaczekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #4476127 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Wait! Poczekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #4476129 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Wait! Czekajcie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #8617105 (arie)
Wait! Poczekajcie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #8617106 (arie)
Wait! Zaczekajcie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #8617107 (arie)
Wait! Niech pan zaczeka! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #8617111 (arie)
Wait! Niech pani zaczeka! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1744314 (belgavox) & #8617113 (arie)
Wait. Czekajcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #3048305 (camilozeta)
Wait. Zaczekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #8542697 (nusia2302)
Wait. Czekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #8617104 (arie)
Wait. Poczekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #8617108 (arie)
Wait. Poczekajcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #8617109 (arie)
Wait. Zaczekajcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3048304 (camilozeta) & #8617110 (arie)
Begin. Zaczynaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6102432 (mailohilohi) & #6160579 (arie)
Begin. Zaczynajcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6102432 (mailohilohi) & #6160681 (arie)
Do it. Zrób to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049386 (mailohilohi) & #8755769 (nusia2302)
Hello! Cześć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #373330 (CK) & #405641 (zipangu)
Hello. Cześć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1858850 (LanguageExpert) & #405641 (zipangu)
Hurry! Pośpiesz się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1182334 (Hideousss) & #524941 (Pacio)
I hid. Ukryłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397686 (CK) & #10596454 (polski_ren)
I ran. Pobiegłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828607 (CK) & #8755774 (nusia2302)
I ran. Pobiegłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828607 (CK) & #10626975 (polski_ren)
I see. Rozumiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111796 (CK) & #363756 (zipangu)
I see. Widzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111796 (CK) & #5662018 (machmet)
I try. Próbuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20776 (CK) & #5271487 (krzysiek)
I won! Wygrałem! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005192 (CK) & #5629690 (machmet)
I won. Wygrałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828608 (CK) & #5662127 (machmet)
I won. Zwyciężyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828608 (CK) & #10595138 (polski_ren)
Oh no! O nie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1299275 (CK) & #5627128 (machmet)
Relax. Wyluzuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1722133 (shanghainese) & #3427126 (konrad509)
Shoot! Strzelaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7422159 (CM) & #8607306 (arie)
Shoot! Ognia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7422159 (CM) & #8607310 (arie)
Smile. Uśmiech. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2764108 (CK) & #5627161 (machmet)
Sorry? Przepraszam? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9020701 (Rawrren) & #8617151 (arie)
Ask me. Spytaj mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8540654 (CK) & #10597372 (polski_ren)
Attack! Atak! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972610 (CK) & #5627093 (machmet)
Attack! Do ataku! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972610 (CK) & #12359611 (arie)
Buy it. Kup je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10016573 (ddnktr) & #10597525 (polski_ren)
Buy it. Kup go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10016573 (ddnktr) & #10597526 (polski_ren)
Buy it. Kup ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10016573 (ddnktr) & #10597527 (polski_ren)
Cheers! Na zdrowie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #487006 (human600) & #611685 (simaqian)
Cheers! Twoje zdrowie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #487006 (human600) & #5326241 (machmet)
Eat it. Zjedz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4768107 (garborg) & #8756228 (nusia2302)
Exhale. Wydech. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6092717 (mailohilohi) & #6160666 (arie)
Freeze! Stój! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2160489 (Dreamk33) & #5190356 (gin)
Freeze! Nie ruszaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2160489 (Dreamk33) & #6308753 (arie)
Get up. Wstawaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #896158 (pauldhunt) & #7818317 (Hanyel)
Go now. Idź już. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230771 (CK) & #2289992 (Wessnosa)
Got it! Rozumiem! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #320484 (CM) & #6729512 (arie)
Got it? Rozumiesz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455353 (CM) & #461080 (zipangu)
Got it? Kapujesz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455353 (CM) & #461081 (zipangu)
He ran. On pobiegł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #672229 (CK) & #5627122 (machmet)
Hop in. Wskakuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1111548 (Scott) & #2282545 (liori)
Hug me. Przytul mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1852504 (CK) & #5627220 (machmet)
I care. Mi zależy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397687 (CK) & #10599089 (polski_ren)
I fell. Przewróciłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3824714 (CK) & #4837526 (gin)
I fled. Uciekłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397688 (CK) & #10595182 (polski_ren)
I fled. Uciekłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397688 (CK) & #10595185 (polski_ren)
I knit. Robiłem na drutach. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828609 (CK) & #10597219 (polski_ren)
I knit. Robiłam na drutach. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828609 (CK) & #10597221 (polski_ren)
I know. Wiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #319990 (CK) & #3759846 (gin)
I left. Wyjechałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #6729636 (arie)
I left. Odszedłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #8608460 (arie)
I left. Wyjechałam CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #8617512 (arie)
I left. Wyszłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #8617513 (arie)
I left. Odeszłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #8617514 (arie)
I left. Wyszedłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2307509 (erikspen) & #8617515 (arie)
I lied. Kłamałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3935374 (gianich73) & #8766422 (nusia2302)
I lied. Skłamałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3935374 (gianich73) & #10596412 (polski_ren)
I lost. Przegrałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1755073 (Eldad) & #558318 (zipangu)
I paid. Zapłaciłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828610 (CK) & #10542055 (tokzyk)
I quit. Wychodzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #731636 (Eldad) & #349452 (zipangu)
I sang. Śpiewałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7290637 (shekitten) & #8539737 (nusia2302)
I sang. Śpiewałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7290637 (shekitten) & #10599078 (polski_ren)
I spit. Splunąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397689 (CK) & #10596317 (polski_ren)
I spit. Splunęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397689 (CK) & #10596319 (polski_ren)
I swim. Pływam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828611 (CK) & #8753372 (nusia2302)
I work. Pracuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1581080 (olgalu) & #360969 (zipangu)
I'm OK. Ze mną wszystko w porządku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433763 (CK) & #547736 (Bilberry)
I'm up. Wstałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2765357 (arnxy20) & #10565692 (tokzyk)
Inhale. Wdech. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6092716 (mailohilohi) & #6160665 (arie)
Listen. Słuchaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913088 (CK) & #4791063 (cps)
No way! Nie mam mowy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2175 (CM) & #5336310 (machmet)
Really? Naprawdę? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #373216 (kotobaboke) & #457404 (gregloby)
Thanks! Dziękuję! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448645 (CK) & #382586 (esperanto)
Thanks! Dziękujemy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448645 (CK) & #1414774 (kosapehape)
Thanks! Dzięki! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448645 (CK) & #3452307 (lauburu)
Thanks. Dziękuję! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2057650 (nava) & #382586 (esperanto)
Thanks. Dzięki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2057650 (nava) & #2108480 (liori)
Try it. Spróbuj go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4756252 (cairnhead) & #10600740 (polski_ren)
We ate. Zjedliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5401685 (sarefo) & #6308760 (arie)
We hid. Ukryliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9081176 (CK) & #10599793 (polski_ren)
We hid. Ukryłyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9081176 (CK) & #10599794 (polski_ren)
We ran. Biegliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9076381 (CK) & #10596073 (polski_ren)
We ran. Biegłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9076381 (CK) & #10596074 (polski_ren)
We try. Próbujemy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #247763 (CK) & #5627109 (machmet)
Why me? Dlaczego ja? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24958 (CK) & #349620 (zipangu)
Ask Tom. Spytaj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954263 (CK) & #2120084 (liori)
Ask Tom. Zapytaj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954263 (CK) & #3629757 (Katubeltza)
Ask him. Spytaj go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3919925 (CH) & #10596410 (polski_ren)
Ask him. Spytajcie go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3919925 (CH) & #10596411 (polski_ren)
Awesome! Niesamowity! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433512 (CK) & #5627169 (machmet)
Be calm. Bądź spokojny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916317 (CK) & #5627287 (machmet)
Be cool. Być luzakiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860752 (CK) & #5627241 (machmet)
Be fair. Bądź uczciwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916316 (CK) & #5627283 (machmet)
Be good. Bądź dobry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932304 (Seael) & #10596281 (polski_ren)
Be kind. Bądź miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916315 (CK) & #5627273 (machmet)
Be nice. Bądź miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916314 (CK) & #5627273 (machmet)
Beat it. Spadaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #37902 (CM) & #856051 (zipangu)
Burn it. Spal to! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049387 (mailohilohi) & #10572698 (tokzyk)
Bury it. Zakop je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049389 (mailohilohi) & #10596363 (polski_ren)
Bury it. Zakop ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049389 (mailohilohi) & #10596365 (polski_ren)
Bury it. Zakop go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049389 (mailohilohi) & #10596366 (polski_ren)
Call me. Zadzwoń do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553532 (CK) & #919928 (zipangu)
Call us. Zadzwoń do nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916313 (CK) & #5627272 (machmet)
Come in. Proszę wejść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #355735 (zipangu)
Come in. Wejdź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8608423 (arie)
Come in. Wchodź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8608424 (arie)
Come in. Wejdźcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617142 (arie)
Come in. Niech pan wejdzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617143 (arie)
Come in. Niech pani wejdzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617144 (arie)
Come in. Niech państwo wejdą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617145 (arie)
Come in. Proszę wchodzić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617146 (arie)
Come in. Zapraszam do środka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348091 (Hertz) & #8617147 (arie)
Come on! Śmiało! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24697 (CK) & #524939 (Pacio)
Come on! Dalej! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24697 (CK) & #5700114 (CarloLardini)
Come on. No chodź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954266 (CK) & #5627302 (machmet)
Do this. Zrób to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9104663 (CK) & #8755769 (nusia2302)
Drop it! Rzuć to! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972621 (CK) & #5627151 (machmet)
Drop it. Daj spokój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7915580 (CK) & #366752 (zipangu)
Drop it. Zostaw to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7915580 (CK) & #2189390 (damc)
Drop it. Rzuć to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7915580 (CK) & #12360297 (arie)
Drop it. Odpuść sobie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7915580 (CK) & #12360298 (arie)
Fold it. Złóż je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6051416 (mailohilohi) & #10596362 (polski_ren)
Get Tom. Zabierz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972633 (CK) & #5627160 (machmet)
Get Tom. Przyprowadź Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972633 (CK) & #8750969 (nazarenko)
Get out! Wynoś się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #266790 (CK) & #547705 (Bilberry)
Get out. Wynoś się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #22016 (Eldad) & #547705 (Bilberry)
Get out. Wynocha. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #22016 (Eldad) & #8617135 (arie)
Go away! Idź stąd. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433518 (CK) & #547706 (Bilberry)
Go away. Idź sobie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433491 (CK) & #547707 (Bilberry)
Go away. Odejdź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433491 (CK) & #3513616 (arie)
Go back. Wróć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7765354 (sharris123) & #5627148 (machmet)
Go home. Idź do domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230769 (CK) & #2289991 (Wessnosa)
Goodbye! Do widzenia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #516745 (minshirui) & #8617102 (arie)
Goodbye. Do widzenia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2591566 (tanay) & #6160573 (arie)
Hang on. Wytrzymać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972640 (CK) & #5629671 (machmet)
He came. Przyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #853153 (piksea) & #8617161 (arie)
He left. Poszedł sobie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3259071 (CH) & #6327933 (arie)
He runs. On biega. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #672254 (CK) & #3438203 (konrad509)
Help me! Pomocy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1126684 (CK) & #787823 (damc)
Help me! Pomóż mi! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1126684 (CK) & #1180480 (Ptr)
Help me. Pomóż mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #266065 (Zifre) & #368403 (zipangu)
Help us. Pomóż nam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187193 (CK) & #1042201 (yessoos)
Help us. Pomóżcie nam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187193 (CK) & #10594972 (polski_ren)
Hi, Tom. Cześć, Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549834 (CK) & #350100 (zipangu)
Hit Tom. Uderz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203859 (CK) & #2810206 (Ceresnya)
Hold it! Trzymaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280203 (CK) & #392975 (kertoip)
Hold it. Trzymaj je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932268 (Seael) & #10596431 (polski_ren)
Hold it. Trzymaj ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932268 (Seael) & #10596432 (polski_ren)
Hold it. Trzymaj go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932268 (Seael) & #10596433 (polski_ren)
Hold on. Czekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357000 (sacredceltic) & #8617104 (arie)
Hold on. Proszę poczekać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357000 (sacredceltic) & #8617199 (arie)
Hold on. Chwileczkę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357000 (sacredceltic) & #8617200 (arie)
Hug Tom. Przytul Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203860 (CK) & #3095540 (jeedrek)
I agree. Zgadzam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436281 (lukaszpp) & #349105 (zipangu)
I bowed. Ukłoniłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828612 (CK) & #6328315 (arie)
I cried. Płakałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828613 (CK) & #8504743 (nusia2302)
I cried. Krzyknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828613 (CK) & #8756215 (nusia2302)
I dozed. Przysnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828614 (CK) & #6541899 (arie)
I dozed. Przysnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828614 (CK) & #6541901 (arie)
I drive. Prowadzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828615 (CK) & #10542056 (tokzyk)
I drove. Prowadziłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828616 (CK) & #10542057 (tokzyk)
I fired. Strzeliłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397691 (CK) & #10596320 (polski_ren)
I fired. Strzeliłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397691 (CK) & #10596321 (polski_ren)
I froze. Zamarzłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397692 (CK) & #10596322 (polski_ren)
I froze. Zamarzłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397692 (CK) & #10596323 (polski_ren)
I moved. Poruszyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360094 (arie)
I moved. Poruszyłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360095 (arie)
I moved. Ruszyłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360096 (arie)
I moved. Ruszyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360097 (arie)
I moved. Przeprowadziłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360099 (arie)
I moved. Przeprowadziłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828617 (CK) & #12360100 (arie)
I slept. Spałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3199633 (CM) & #2795698 (arie)
I slept. Spałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3199633 (CM) & #5013632 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I smoke. Palę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538184 (CK) & #8756212 (nusia2302)
I snore. Chrapię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828618 (CK) & #8755779 (nusia2302)
I stink. Śmierdzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538186 (CK) & #8756213 (nusia2302)
I stood. Stałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828619 (CK) & #10542058 (tokzyk)
I swore. Przysiągłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828620 (CK) & #10542059 (tokzyk)
I tried. Próbowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283721 (CK) & #5662021 (machmet)
I waved. Pomachałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828621 (CK) & #10542060 (tokzyk)
I'll go. Ja pójdę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1174876 (CK) & #2282447 (liori)
I'm Tom. Jestem Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283732 (CK) & #3452576 (lauburu)
I'm bad. Jestem zły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828622 (CK) & #10565694 (tokzyk)
I'm hot. Jest mi gorąco. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455953 (lukaszpp) & #6320858 (arie)
I'm hot. Gorąco mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455953 (lukaszpp) & #10606635 (polski_ren)
I'm hot. Jestem seksowny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455953 (lukaszpp) & #10606636 (polski_ren)
I'm ill. Jestem chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #448236 (CK) & #459108 (gregloby)
I'm old. Jestem stary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1924560 (Zaghawa) & #4953519 (nusia2302)
I'm sad. Jestem smutny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #317741 (CK) & #5662023 (machmet)
I'm shy. Jestem nieśmiały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203346 (CK) & #3776562 (jeedrek)
I'm shy. Jestem wstydliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203346 (CK) & #3776563 (jeedrek)
It's me! To ja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349952 (sacredceltic) & #352266 (zipangu)
It's me! Oto ja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349952 (sacredceltic) & #1350180 (times)
It's me. To ja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42400 (sysko) & #352266 (zipangu)
Join me. Dołącz do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10010591 (Nylez) & #10597528 (polski_ren)
Join me. Dołączcie do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10010591 (Nylez) & #10597530 (polski_ren)
Join us. Dołącz do nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1745546 (belgavox) & #5627153 (machmet)
Join us. Przyłącz się do nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1745546 (belgavox) & #8617227 (arie)
Keep it. Zatrzymaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913087 (CK) & #5627259 (machmet)
Kill it. Zabij je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049388 (mailohilohi) & #10595229 (polski_ren)
Kiss me. Pocałuj mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #565931 (Fish) & #566292 (zipangu)
Kiss me. Daj buziaka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #565931 (Fish) & #10464324 (Shounen)
Lie low. Ukryj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7966956 (CK) & #12360299 (arie)
Lie low. Nie wychylaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7966956 (CK) & #12360300 (arie)
Lie low. Przyczaj się gdzieś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7966956 (CK) & #12360301 (arie)
Lie low. Przeczekaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7966956 (CK) & #12360302 (arie)
Look up. Spójrz w górę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6046788 (mailohilohi) & #10600749 (polski_ren)
Me, too. Ja także. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321985 (CK) & #560141 (Bilberry)
Me, too. Ja też. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321985 (CK) & #1122974 (hebrajska)
Open it. Otwórz je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8316002 (ritualesatanum) & #10596315 (polski_ren)
Open up. Otwierać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #22061 (CM) & #5271495 (krzysiek)
Perfect! Doskonale! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #374568 (blay_paul) & #525181 (Pacio)
Pull it. Pociągnij je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049384 (mailohilohi) & #10595217 (polski_ren)
Quit it! Odpuść sobie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2959209 (sharptoothed) & #8617597 (arie)
See you! Na razie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357251 (Eldad) & #367056 (zipangu)
See you! Do zobaczenia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357251 (Eldad) & #8608268 (arie)
Show me. Pokaż mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972649 (CK) & #2120078 (liori)
Shut up! Zamknij się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #462430 (lukaszpp) & #524093 (Bilberry)
Sign up. Zapisz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8907663 (CK) & #10597392 (polski_ren)
Sign up. Zarejestruj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8907663 (CK) & #10597394 (polski_ren)
Stop it. Przestań. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111499 (CK) & #5627222 (machmet)
Take it. Weź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913089 (CK) & #5627261 (machmet)
Tell me. Powiedz mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913090 (CK) & #5627262 (machmet)
Text me. Napisz do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9188507 (CK) & #629817 (zipangu)
Tom ate. Tom zjadł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203599 (CK) & #5630005 (machmet)
Tom hid. Tom ukrył się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8385636 (CK) & #10596274 (polski_ren)
Tom ran. Tom biegał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203766 (CK) & #5630027 (machmet)
Wait up. Zaczekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2954108 (CK) & #8542697 (nusia2302)
Wait up. Czekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2954108 (CK) & #8617104 (arie)
Wake up! Obudź się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #323780 (CK) & #355509 (zipangu)
Wake up. Obudź się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1850243 (CK) & #5627209 (machmet)
We care. Nam zależy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3255558 (CM) & #10596754 (polski_ren)
We know. Wiemy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1556167 (shanghainese) & #10542022 (tokzyk)
We lied. Skłamaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7925229 (MarijnKp) & #10596252 (polski_ren)
We lied. Kłamaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7925229 (MarijnKp) & #10596253 (polski_ren)
We lost. Przegraliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107666 (CK) & #5629804 (machmet)
We swam. Płynęliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10371378 (DJ_Saidez) & #10597451 (polski_ren)
Welcome. Witamy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #138919 (CM) & #351996 (zipangu)
Welcome. Witam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #138919 (CM) & #5366904 (Mateon1)
Who ate? Kto jadł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203598 (CK) & #4748456 (AgnieszkaC)
Who ran? Kto biegł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203765 (CK) & #8617461 (arie)
Who won? Kto wygrał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005190 (CK) & #5629689 (machmet)
You run. Uruchomić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #672252 (CK) & #5627123 (machmet)
You win. Wygrywasz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8645635 (hamsolo474) & #5665223 (machmet)
You won. Wygrałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549833 (CK) & #3480418 (Siganiv)
Ask them. Zapytaj ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3820042 (CK) & #10596406 (polski_ren)
Ask them. Zapytajcie ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3820042 (CK) & #10596407 (polski_ren)
Back off! Odsuń się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954264 (CK) & #5627297 (machmet)
Back off. Odsuń się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553533 (CK) & #5627102 (machmet)
Be brave. Bądź odważny CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4054941 (CK) & #10565701 (tokzyk)
Be brief. Streszczaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3826022 (CK) & #12360085 (arie)
Be quiet. Bądź cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1275396 (jakov) & #5627112 (machmet)
Be quiet. Cicho bądź! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1275396 (jakov) & #8608254 (arie)
Be quiet. Cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1275396 (jakov) & #8617183 (arie)
Be quiet. Siedź cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1275396 (jakov) & #8617184 (arie)
Be quiet. Milcz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1275396 (jakov) & #8617185 (arie)
Be smart. Bądź sprytny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10766773 (CK) & #12360220 (arie)
Be still. Bądź spokojna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954265 (CK) & #5627300 (machmet)
Buzz off. Spadaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2936077 (CK) & #856051 (zipangu)
Buzz off. Odczep się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2936077 (CK) & #8617584 (arie)
Buzz off. Odwal się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2936077 (CK) & #8617585 (arie)
Buzz off. Zjeżdżaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2936077 (CK) & #8617586 (arie)
Bye, Tom. Pa, Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6665116 (CK) & #12360262 (arie)
Call Tom. Zadzwoń Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203855 (CK) & #5636942 (machmet)
Catch me. Złap mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8540665 (CK) & #10599753 (polski_ren)
Catch me. Złapcie mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8540665 (CK) & #10599754 (polski_ren)
Cheer up! Głowa do góry! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #239441 (CM) & #356525 (zipangu)
Cheer up. Uśmiechnij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2946394 (alvations) & #2842648 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Cheer up. Rozchmurz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2946394 (alvations) & #8617590 (arie)
Cheer up. Głowa do góry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2946394 (alvations) & #8617591 (arie)
Cheer up. Rozchmurzcie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2946394 (alvations) & #8617592 (arie)
Cool off! Uspokój się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280162 (CM) & #6309216 (arie)
Cover me. Kryj mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10505094 (CK) & #10597453 (polski_ren)
Cuff him. Skuć go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954267 (CK) & #5627314 (machmet)
Don't go. Nie odchodź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773587 (marloncori) & #1060700 (Karola)
Don't go. Nie idź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773587 (marloncori) & #6309360 (arie)
Don't go. Nie jedź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773587 (marloncori) & #10606707 (polski_ren)
Drink it. Wypij to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9144759 (CK) & #10596097 (polski_ren)
Drive on. Jedź dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954268 (CK) & #5627317 (machmet)
Find Tom. Znajdź Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111838 (CK) & #5636914 (machmet)
Fire Tom. Zwolnij Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11015296 (CK) & #12360229 (arie)
Fire Tom. Zwolnijcie Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11015296 (CK) & #12360230 (arie)
Fix this. Napraw to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3172185 (CK) & #5651996 (machmet)
Get away! Odejdź! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #240634 (CM) & #10568792 (tokzyk)
Get away. Odejdź stąd. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8907753 (CK) & #10600776 (polski_ren)
Get back. Wróć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9141120 (CK) & #5627148 (machmet)
Get busy. Bierz się do roboty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9112568 (CK) & #12360198 (arie)
Get busy. Zajmij się czymś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9112568 (CK) & #12360199 (arie)
Get busy. Weź się do pracy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9112568 (CK) & #12360200 (arie)
Get down! Na ziemię! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268087 (CM) & #361898 (zipangu)
Get down. Schodzić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954269 (CK) & #5627319 (machmet)
Get lost! Idź precz! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #623565 (Dorenda) & #442732 (esperanto)
Get lost. Spadaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #854500 (CK) & #856051 (zipangu)
Get real! Ogarnij się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #326067 (CM) & #5271510 (krzysiek)
Get real. Obudź się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1324400 (Scott) & #5627209 (machmet)
Get real. Zejdź na ziemię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1324400 (Scott) & #8617193 (arie)
Get real. Bądź realistą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1324400 (Scott) & #8617194 (arie)
Go ahead! No dalej! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38590 (CM) & #6160704 (arie)
Go ahead. Kontynuuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38546 (CM) & #6729554 (arie)
Go ahead. Śmiało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38546 (CM) & #8617138 (arie)
Go ahead. No dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38546 (CM) & #8617139 (arie)
Go ahead. Dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38546 (CM) & #8617140 (arie)
Go there. Idź tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1098736 (cntrational) & #10695851 (tokzyk)
Good job! Dobra robota! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1021038 (Quazel) & #3033629 (jeedrek)
Grab Tom. Złap Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972639 (CK) & #5629668 (machmet)
Grab him. Złap go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #285184 (CK) & #5627120 (machmet)
Have fun. Miłej zabawy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21267 (CK) & #547709 (Bilberry)
He spoke. Przemówił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1564976 (marcelostockle) & #10596156 (polski_ren)
He tried. Próbował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3146660 (CM) & #8617612 (arie)
He tries. On się stara. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288166 (CM) & #5927583 (qmak)
He tries. On próbuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288166 (CM) & #6160716 (arie)
Help Tom. Pomóż Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203858 (CK) & #5636953 (machmet)
Hire Tom. Zatrudnij Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11021313 (CK) & #12360231 (arie)
Hire Tom. Zatrudnijcie Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11021313 (CK) & #12360232 (arie)
How cute! Jak uroczo! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #36097 (CM) & #3743312 (lato365)
How deep? Jak głęboko? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #37612 (CM) & #5271499 (krzysiek)
How nice! Jak miło! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913091 (CK) & #5627264 (machmet)
Hurry up. Pośpiesz się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1329 (brauliobezerra) & #524941 (Pacio)
I agreed. Zgodziłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2455128 (CK) & #8617529 (arie)
I agreed. Przytaknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2455128 (CK) & #8617530 (arie)
I agreed. Wyraziłem zgodę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2455128 (CK) & #8617531 (arie)
I burped. Odbiło mi się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828625 (CK) & #12360101 (arie)
I cursed. Zakląłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397701 (CK) & #12360306 (arie)
I cursed. Zaklęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397701 (CK) & #12360307 (arie)
I danced. Tańczyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828626 (CK) & #8760683 (nusia2302)
I did it. Ja to zrobiłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549832 (CK) & #2774720 (AdamG)
I failed. Zawiodłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #5662027 (machmet)
I failed. Nawaliłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #6309179 (arie)
I failed. Poniosłem klęskę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #6309180 (arie)
I failed. Nie udało mi się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #8617543 (arie)
I failed. Zawaliłem sprawę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #8617544 (arie)
I failed. Poniosłem porażkę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #8617545 (arie)
I failed. Poległam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2484985 (AlanF_US) & #8617546 (arie)
I forgot. Zapomniałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436603 (lukaszpp) & #5271515 (krzysiek)
I gasped. Sapnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828627 (CK) & #12360102 (arie)
I gasped. Sapnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828627 (CK) & #12360103 (arie)
I get it. Rozumiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1691393 (aka_aj) & #363756 (zipangu)
I goofed. Nawaliłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828628 (CK) & #6309179 (arie)
I goofed. Wygłupiłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828628 (CK) & #12360104 (arie)
I goofed. Palnęłam głupstwo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828628 (CK) & #12360110 (arie)
I got it. Złapałem! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433472 (CK) & #3457768 (Siganiv)
I helped. Pomogłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828630 (CK) & #8688530 (nusia2302)
I helped. Pomogłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828630 (CK) & #10596759 (polski_ren)
I jumped. Skoczyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828631 (CK) & #10542061 (tokzyk)
I looked. Patrzyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828632 (CK) & #10542062 (tokzyk)
I manage. Radzę sobie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846096 (CK) & #12360245 (arie)
I matter. Jestem ważna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846099 (CK) & #12360246 (arie)
I matter. Liczę się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846099 (CK) & #12360247 (arie)
I moaned. Jęknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828633 (CK) & #10542063 (tokzyk)
I nodded. Skinąłem głową. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828634 (CK) & #6328316 (arie)
I obeyed. Posłuchałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828635 (CK) & #12360106 (arie)
I passed. Zdałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846102 (CK) & #12360248 (arie)
I passed. Zdałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846102 (CK) & #12360249 (arie)
I paused. Urwałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828636 (CK) & #12360107 (arie)
I paused. Przerwałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828636 (CK) & #12360108 (arie)
I phoned. Dzwoniłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357258 (sacredceltic) & #8617201 (arie)
I played. Grałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846104 (CK) & #3460177 (LunaVulpo)
I played. Grałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846104 (CK) & #12360250 (arie)
I prayed. Modliłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828637 (CK) & #10595163 (polski_ren)
I refuse. Odmawiam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3930181 (Youmu970) & #10542822 (tokzyk)
I resign. Odchodzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #731590 (Eldad) & #6771102 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I resign. Składam wypowiedzenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #731590 (Eldad) & #8608778 (arie)
I rested. Odpoczęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538188 (CK) & #10597353 (polski_ren)
I rested. Odpoczęłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538188 (CK) & #10597354 (polski_ren)
I shaved. Ogoliłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828638 (CK) & #10595165 (polski_ren)
I sighed. Westchnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538191 (CK) & #12360269 (arie)
I sighed. Westchnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538191 (CK) & #12360270 (arie)
I smiled. Uśmiechnąłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3651941 (Luciosp) & #3656550 (Wu)
I stayed. Zostałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123630 (CK) & #5662019 (machmet)
I talked. Mówiłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828639 (CK) & #10595169 (polski_ren)
I talked. Mówiłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828639 (CK) & #10595172 (polski_ren)
I use it. Używam go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254813 (CK) & #10605191 (polski_ren)
I use it. Używam jej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254813 (CK) & #10605192 (polski_ren)
I waited. Czekałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123628 (CK) & #8654357 (nusia2302)
I winked. Mrugnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828641 (CK) & #12360111 (arie)
I winked. Puściłem oko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828641 (CK) & #12360113 (arie)
I winked. Puściłam oczko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828641 (CK) & #12360115 (arie)
I winked. Mrugnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828641 (CK) & #12360116 (arie)
I yawned. Ziewnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828642 (CK) & #10596368 (polski_ren)
I'll pay. Ja zapłacę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #411285 (CK) & #547730 (Bilberry)
I'll try. Spróbuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111768 (CK) & #2338120 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm bald. Jestem łysy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330667 (CK) & #8761028 (nusia2302)
I'm busy. Jestem zajęty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261721 (CK) & #480003 (ignacy130)
I'm busy. Zarobiony jestem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261721 (CK) & #480004 (ignacy130)
I'm cold. Zimno mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455947 (lukaszpp) & #533810 (orzechowski)
I'm cold. Jest mi zimno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455947 (lukaszpp) & #10606637 (polski_ren)
I'm cool. Jestem spokojny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202692 (CK) & #1660212 (Mateusz)
I'm done. Mam dość. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202792 (CK) & #5662103 (machmet)
I'm fair. Jestem sprawiedliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202832 (CK) & #3605045 (Siganiv)
I'm free! Jestem wolny! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1888443 (Spamster) & #2893163 (Koen)
I'm full. Jestem pełny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433863 (CK) & #528937 (Dany74PL)
I'm game. Wchodzę w to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #835972 (CM) & #768841 (zipangu)
I'm glad. Cieszę się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111730 (CK) & #4889614 (BeataB)
I'm here. Jestem tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111726 (CK) & #5662054 (machmet)
I'm home. Jestem w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111725 (CK) & #351998 (zipangu)
I'm hurt. Jestem ranny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111723 (CK) & #5662053 (machmet)
I'm late. Jestem spóźniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123622 (CK) & #5662097 (machmet)
I'm lost. Zgubiłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455833 (lukaszpp) & #6320869 (arie)
I'm lost. Jestem bezradny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455833 (lukaszpp) & #6320870 (arie)
I'm lost. Jestem zdezorientowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455833 (lukaszpp) & #6320871 (arie)
I'm mean. Jestem wredny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203077 (CK) & #5662106 (machmet)
I'm next. Jestem następny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171892 (CK) & #5377711 (jeedrek)
I'm poor. Jestem biedny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261477 (CK) & #544755 (orzechowski)
I'm rich. Jestem bogaty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203289 (CK) & #5662107 (machmet)
I'm safe. Jestem bezpieczny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203309 (CK) & #5662108 (machmet)
I'm sick. Jestem chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #780304 (vgigregg) & #459108 (gregloby)
I'm sure. Jestem pewny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283730 (CK) & #459107 (gregloby)
I'm warm. Jest mi ciepło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2713786 (CK) & #6736421 (nusia2302)
I'm weak. Jestem słaby. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203572 (CK) & #5662117 (machmet)
I'm wise. Jestem mądry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203582 (CK) & #5662050 (machmet)
I've won. Wygrałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283734 (CK) & #5662127 (machmet)
It hurts. To boli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2649251 (CK) & #6160732 (arie)
It works. To działa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1365269 (sacredceltic) & #5198746 (Tomash)
It's his. To jest jego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187229 (CK) & #10542293 (tokzyk)
It's hot. Jest gorąco. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #423405 (cristina_fulginiti) & #3844170 (jeedrek)
It's new. To jest nowe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42304 (CK) & #531774 (orzechowski)
It's red. Jest czerwone. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821226 (CK) & #7151337 (arie)
It's red. Jest czerwony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821226 (CK) & #7151338 (arie)
It's red. Jest czerwona. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821226 (CK) & #7151339 (arie)
It's sad. To smutne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2515077 (CK) & #4328352 (Rudzielec)
Keep out! Nie wchodzić! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #325436 (CK) & #5627184 (machmet)
Keep out. Wstęp wzbroniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #325435 (CK) & #525211 (Pacio)
Kill Tom. Zabij Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7126144 (CM) & #10595319 (polski_ren)
Kill Tom. Zabijcie Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7126144 (CM) & #10595321 (polski_ren)
Kiss Tom. Pocałuj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203863 (CK) & #5637018 (machmet)
Leave it. Zostaw to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954272 (CK) & #2189390 (damc)
Leave me. Zostaw mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954273 (CK) & #557726 (orzechowski)
Leave us. Zostaw nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954274 (CK) & #5627321 (machmet)
Let's go! Chodźmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #241077 (CK) & #370067 (zipangu)
Let's go. Chodźmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1894538 (CK) & #370067 (zipangu)
Look out! Uważaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20719 (CK) & #4791066 (cps)
Marry me. Wyjdź za mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954275 (CK) & #5627326 (machmet)
May I go? Mogę iść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2163138 (Source_VOA) & #7886467 (grunermann)
Nice job! Niezła robota! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7901238 (Kamilla) & #10596430 (polski_ren)
Run away. Ucieknij. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908078 (CK) & #10597403 (polski_ren)
Save Tom. Uratuj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203865 (CK) & #5637014 (machmet)
She came. Przyszła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #853152 (piksea) & #8617160 (arie)
She died. Zmarła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1400268 (enteka) & #10593927 (polski_ren)
She died. Zginęła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1400268 (enteka) & #10593930 (polski_ren)
She left. Odeszła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3258750 (CH) & #10600733 (polski_ren)
She runs. Biegnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #672264 (CM) & #6160752 (arie)
Sit down! Usiądź! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349166 (sacredceltic) & #3503073 (Bilberry)
Sit down! Siadaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349166 (sacredceltic) & #3503075 (Bilberry)
Sit down. Usiądź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553397 (CK) & #1425048 (kosapehape)
Sit here. Usiądź tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111553 (CK) & #3495316 (jeedrek)
Smash it. Rozbij je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10152307 (ddnktr) & #10605141 (polski_ren)
Speak up! Mów głośniej! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35175 (CK) & #4791070 (cps)
Speed up. Przyśpiesz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9929432 (Ooneykcall) & #10597441 (polski_ren)
Stand by. Przygotuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111528 (CK) & #1060676 (Karola)
Stand up! Wstawaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #325429 (CK) & #712481 (zipangu)
Stand up. Wstań. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1573801 (donkirkby) & #10542353 (tokzyk)
Stay put. Zostań na miejscu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111511 (CK) & #5652470 (machmet)
Stop Tom. Zatrzymaj się Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203866 (CK) & #5637013 (machmet)
Take Tom. Zabierz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111478 (CK) & #5627160 (machmet)
Tell Tom. Powiedz Tomowi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111475 (CK) & #5636908 (machmet)
Terrific! Niesamowity. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52022 (Zifre) & #5271477 (krzysiek)
They won. Wygrali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1618734 (CK) & #1614344 (zipangu)
Tom came. Tom przyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203606 (CK) & #5630007 (machmet)
Tom died. Tom umarł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005188 (CK) & #4737273 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Tom fell. Tom upadł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203679 (CK) & #5630019 (machmet)
Tom fled. Tom uciekł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6048309 (CK) & #5629938 (machmet)
Tom fled. Tom zbiegł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6048309 (CK) & #12360162 (arie)
Tom fled. Tom czmychnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6048309 (CK) & #12360163 (arie)
Tom fled. Tom zwiał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6048309 (CK) & #12360164 (arie)
Tom knew. Tom wiedział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203721 (CK) & #5630020 (machmet)
Tom left. Tom wyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005178 (CK) & #5629679 (machmet)
Tom lied. Tom skłamał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005179 (CK) & #5629680 (machmet)
Tom lies. Tom kłamie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203722 (CK) & #5630022 (machmet)
Tom lost. Tom przegrał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005180 (CK) & #5629681 (machmet)
Tom paid. Tom zapłacił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111155 (CK) & #5629833 (machmet)
Tom quit. Tom wyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005183 (CK) & #5629679 (machmet)
Tom rose. Tom wstał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10718323 (CK) & #9677014 (Tomo77)
Tom sang. Tom zaśpiewał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7717230 (shekitten) & #10596426 (polski_ren)
Tom spit. Tom splunął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7715583 (shekitten) & #10597367 (polski_ren)
Tom swam. Tom płynął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203845 (CK) & #5630034 (machmet)
Tom went. Tom poszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416711 (CK) & #10596331 (polski_ren)
Tom wept. Tom łkał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1524763 (Spamster) & #10599074 (polski_ren)
Touch it. Dotknij tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049392 (mailohilohi) & #6320385 (arie)
Trust me! Zostaw to mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #281960 (CM) & #352272 (zipangu)
Trust me! Zaufaj mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #281960 (CM) & #959203 (zipangu)
Trust me. Zaufaj mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #954991 (CM) & #959203 (zipangu)
Try hard. Staraj się mocno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #271901 (Zifre) & #6160712 (arie)
Try some. Spróbuj trochę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916312 (CK) & #5627269 (machmet)
Try this. Spróbuj tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916311 (CK) & #5627268 (machmet)
Use this. Użyj tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954278 (CK) & #2120086 (liori)
Visit us. Odwiedź nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7925116 (MarijnKp) & #10596249 (polski_ren)
Warn Tom. Ostrzeż Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954279 (CK) & #5627327 (machmet)
Watch me. Patrz na mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954282 (CK) & #5627328 (machmet)
Watch us. Patrzą na nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954283 (CK) & #5627332 (machmet)
We agree. Zgadzamy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #628230 (CK) & #5372117 (jeedrek)
We cried. Płakaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9105242 (CK) & #10599796 (polski_ren)
We cried. Płakałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9105242 (CK) & #10599797 (polski_ren)
We cried. Krzyknęliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9105242 (CK) & #10599799 (polski_ren)
We cried. Krzyknęłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9105242 (CK) & #10599801 (polski_ren)
We moved. Przemieszczaliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9097032 (CK) & #10596077 (polski_ren)
We moved. Ruszaliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9097032 (CK) & #10596079 (polski_ren)
We moved. Ruszałyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9097032 (CK) & #10596080 (polski_ren)
We moved. Przemieszczałyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9097032 (CK) & #10596082 (polski_ren)
We stood. Staliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8595078 (CK) & #10599762 (polski_ren)
We tried. Próbowaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4488381 (PentheusPuddleglum) & #8743646 (nusia2302)
We tried. Próbowałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4488381 (PentheusPuddleglum) & #10596757 (polski_ren)
What for? Po co? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24867 (CK) & #3897646 (jeedrek)
What fun! Ale zabawa! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #36026 (CM) & #8617137 (arie)
Who am I? Kim jestem? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #259378 (Zifre) & #10595411 (polski_ren)
Who came? Kto przyszedł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203607 (CK) & #980779 (silvermane)
Who died? Kto umarł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005187 (CK) & #5629688 (machmet)
Who died? Kto zmarł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005187 (CK) & #6483116 (mojeanin)
Who fell? Kto upadł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203678 (CK) & #8617454 (arie)
Who lost? Kto przegrał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8045297 (CK) & #10596278 (polski_ren)
Who paid? Kto zapłacił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6532442 (CK) & #10595292 (polski_ren)
Who quit? Kto wyszedł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005182 (CK) & #5629685 (machmet)
Who swam? Kto pływał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203844 (CK) & #8633062 (nusia2302)
Who's he? Kim on jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203694 (CK) & #460697 (zipangu)
Write me. Napisz do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954284 (CK) & #629817 (zipangu)
You fool! Ty głupcze! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9723895 (shekitten) & #1913909 (zipangu)
You lost. Przegrałaś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6440636 (CK) & #10597236 (polski_ren)
You lost. Przegrałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6440636 (CK) & #10597238 (polski_ren)
After you. Proszę przodem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #505870 (wma) & #8617158 (arie)
Aim. Fire! Cel. Ogień! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1954262 (CK) & #5627295 (machmet)
Answer me. Odpowiedz mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #251060 (Eldad) & #1181767 (hebrajska)
Apologize. Przeproś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11040347 (CK) & #12202024 (polski_ren)
Be honest. Bądź szczery. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908134 (CK) & #10597400 (polski_ren)
Be honest. Bądź szczera. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908134 (CK) & #10597401 (polski_ren)
Be seated. Usiądź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111956 (CK) & #1425048 (kosapehape)
Be strong. Bądź silny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932588 (CK) & #10202977 (Marlena)
Be strong. Bądź silna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932588 (CK) & #10596299 (polski_ren)
Be strong. Bądźcie silni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932588 (CK) & #10596302 (polski_ren)
Be strong. Bądźcie silne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7932588 (CK) & #10596310 (polski_ren)
Birds fly. Ptaki latają. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #278213 (CK) & #547697 (Bilberry)
Bless you. Na zdrowie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111946 (CK) & #10594930 (polski_ren)
Calm down! Uspokój się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1123494 (Scott) & #6309216 (arie)
Calm down! Opanuj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1123494 (Scott) & #6309217 (arie)
Calm down. Uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435575 (CK) & #547699 (Bilberry)
Can I eat? Mogę już jeść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1564744 (kerbear407) & #350891 (zipangu)
Can we go? Możemy iść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005176 (CK) & #4931198 (Martka)
Catch Tom. Złap Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203856 (CK) & #5636944 (machmet)
Catch him. Złap go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #449029 (CK) & #5627120 (machmet)
Chill out. Uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2951593 (CK) & #547699 (Bilberry)
Chill out. Wyluzuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2951593 (CK) & #3427126 (konrad509)
Come back. Wróć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972611 (CK) & #5627148 (machmet)
Come here. Chodź tu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #39944 (Swift) & #524958 (Pacio)
Come home. Chodź do domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413767 (Scott) & #5200868 (Tomash)
Come over. Przyjść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972617 (CK) & #5627149 (machmet)
Come soon. Przyjdź wkrótce. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972619 (CK) & #10576839 (tokzyk)
Cool down. Uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860739 (CK) & #547699 (Bilberry)
Did I win? Wygrałem? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005189 (CK) & #3545924 (Siganiv)
Do it now. Zrób to teraz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435763 (CK) & #569871 (Bilberry)
Dogs bark. Psy szczekają. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357070 (sacredceltic) & #555559 (Bilberry)
Don't cry. Nie płacz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953247 (CK) & #959747 (zipangu)
Don't die. Nie umieraj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860499 (CK) & #3701853 (Spodnie)
Don't lie. Nie kłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111913 (CK) & #745349 (zipangu)
Excuse me? Proszę? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434704 (lukaszpp) & #701574 (zipangu)
Excuse me? Słucham? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434704 (lukaszpp) & #5627179 (machmet)
Excuse me? Przepraszam? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434704 (lukaszpp) & #8617151 (arie)
Fantastic! Fantastyczny! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433511 (CK) & #5627167 (machmet)
Fasten it. Zapnij je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10159644 (ddnktr) & #10597444 (polski_ren)
Fasten it. Zapnij ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10159644 (ddnktr) & #10597445 (polski_ren)
Fasten it. Zapnij go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10159644 (ddnktr) & #10597446 (polski_ren)
Feel this. Poczuj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972624 (CK) & #5627152 (machmet)
Film this. Filmuj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908217 (CK) & #10599771 (polski_ren)
Follow me. Chodź za mną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #250135 (CK) & #5627182 (machmet)
Follow me. Chodźcie za mną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #250135 (CK) & #10695721 (tokzyk)
Follow us. Dołącz do nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972627 (CK) & #5627153 (machmet)
Forget it! Zapomnij o tym! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1178694 (CK) & #5627127 (machmet)
Forget it! Zapomnij! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1178694 (CK) & #7818308 (Hanyel)
Forget it. Nie ma mowy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #510095 (zipangu)
Forget it. Zapomnij o tym! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #5627127 (machmet)
Forget it. Nie ma o czym mówić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #5924345 (BeataB)
Forget it. Zapomnij! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #7818308 (Hanyel)
Forget me. Zapomnij o mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1512159 (CM) & #10542019 (tokzyk)
Get ready. Przygotuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1989588 (CK) & #1060676 (Karola)
Go faster. Idź szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6576266 (Eccles17) & #10595303 (polski_ren)
Go inside. Idź do środka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2428954 (CK) & #2679713 (Koen)
Grab that. Weź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972635 (CK) & #5627261 (machmet)
Grab that. Weź tamto. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972635 (CK) & #5627340 (machmet)
Grab this. Weź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972637 (CK) & #5627261 (machmet)
Hands off. Ręce precz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268620 (CM) & #4101651 (Ceresnya)
Have some. Częstuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111823 (CK) & #2398785 (procroco)
Have some. Napij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111823 (CK) & #8501853 (nusia2302)
He is ill. On jest chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #371409 (saeb) & #387507 (esperanto)
He is old. Jest stary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #302334 (CK) & #364555 (zipangu)
He shaved. Ogolił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #806401 (FeuDRenais) & #6160768 (arie)
He smiled. Uśmiechnął się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1320015 (Eldad) & #8617191 (arie)
He's a DJ. Jest DJ-em. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1383444 (CK) & #1989189 (liori)
He's busy. On jest zajęty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2535641 (CM) & #5097491 (lumberpack)
He's fast. Jest szybki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #838848 (Scott) & #8764865 (nusia2302)
He's good. Jest dobry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1855193 (Spamster) & #10565729 (tokzyk)
He's lazy. Jest leniwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2030108 (Spamster) & #10565735 (tokzyk)
He's rich. Jest bogaty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1790802 (Spamster) & #1896352 (zipangu)
He's sexy. Jest seksowny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288007 (CM) & #10605216 (polski_ren)
Head east. Skieruj się na wschód. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8102686 (CK) & #10596271 (polski_ren)
Head west. Skieruj się na zachód. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8102688 (CK) & #10596270 (polski_ren)
Hide here. Ukryj się tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10143546 (ddnktr) & #10597550 (polski_ren)
Hide here. Ukryjcie się tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10143546 (ddnktr) & #10597552 (polski_ren)
Hold fire. Wstrzymać ogień. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972642 (CK) & #5629673 (machmet)
Hold this. Potrzymaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1972645 (CK) & #5629675 (machmet)
How funny! Jakie śmieszne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908345 (CK) & #12360172 (arie)
Humor Tom. Udobruchaj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203861 (CK) & #5636961 (machmet)
I am full. Jestem pełen. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #620122 (ulyssemc1) & #11580358 (polski_ren)
I am full. Jestem syty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #620122 (ulyssemc1) & #11580359 (polski_ren)
I am full. Jestem syta. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #620122 (ulyssemc1) & #11580360 (polski_ren)
I am full. Jestem pełna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #620122 (ulyssemc1) & #11580362 (polski_ren)
I am good. Jestem dobry! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1120792 (cntrational) & #5336325 (machmet)
I am here. Jestem tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2778806 (CK) & #5662054 (machmet)
I am sick. Jestem chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436427 (lukaszpp) & #459108 (gregloby)
I am sure. Jestem pewny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436433 (lukaszpp) & #459107 (gregloby)
I am sure. Jestem pewna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436433 (lukaszpp) & #1414512 (kosapehape)
I am tall. Jestem wysoki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436275 (lukaszpp) & #459125 (gregloby)
I am tall. Jestem wysoka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436275 (lukaszpp) & #11335502 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I am well. U mnie wszystko w porządku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #574624 (Zac2333) & #352980 (zipangu)
I approve. Zgadzam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828654 (CK) & #349105 (zipangu)
I beg you. Błagam cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #797290 (U2FS) & #10606713 (polski_ren)
I belched. Beknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538193 (CK) & #12360271 (arie)
I belched. Beknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538193 (CK) & #12360272 (arie)
I blinked. Mrugnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828657 (CK) & #12360111 (arie)
I blinked. Mrugnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828657 (CK) & #12360116 (arie)
I can fly. Potrafię latać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #774825 (marloncori) & #10598240 (polski_ren)
I changed. Zmieniłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828658 (CK) & #3748161 (gin)
I changed. Zmieniłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828658 (CK) & #6160216 (arie)
I changed. Przebrałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828658 (CK) & #6769133 (arie)
I changed. Przebrałam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828658 (CK) & #10595175 (polski_ren)
I cheated. Oszukiwałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828659 (CK) & #10596370 (polski_ren)
I clapped. Klaskałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6196262 (CK) & #8756208 (nusia2302)
I coughed. Zakaszlałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828661 (CK) & #8498590 (nusia2302)
I crashed. Rozbiłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828662 (CK) & #12360118 (arie)
I crashed. Rozbiłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828662 (CK) & #12360119 (arie)
I cringed. Skrzywiłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2311244 (Hybrid) & #8617518 (arie)
I cringed. Wzdrygnęłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2311244 (Hybrid) & #8617520 (arie)
I escaped. Uciekłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828663 (CK) & #10595182 (polski_ren)
I escaped. Uciekłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828663 (CK) & #10595185 (polski_ren)
I exhaled. Odetchnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538195 (CK) & #10599083 (polski_ren)
I fainted. Zemdlałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20364 (CK) & #4791067 (cps)
I fainted. Zemdlałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20364 (CK) & #4791068 (cps)
I frowned. Zmarszczyłem brwi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828664 (CK) & #10600742 (polski_ren)
I get you. Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904789 (Trailsend) & #840246 (zipangu)
I giggled. Zachichotałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828665 (CK) & #10600727 (polski_ren)
I giggled. Zachichotałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828665 (CK) & #10600728 (polski_ren)
I give up. Poddaję się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #241200 (CK) & #558319 (zipangu)
I gloated. Tryumfowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828666 (CK) & #12360120 (arie)
I gloated. Tryumfowałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828666 (CK) & #12360121 (arie)
I groaned. Jęknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #10542063 (tokzyk)
I groaned. Jęknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #12360124 (arie)
I groaned. Zajęczałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #12360126 (arie)
I groaned. Zajęczałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #12360127 (arie)
I groaned. Stęknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #12360128 (arie)
I groaned. Stęknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828669 (CK) & #12360129 (arie)
I grunted. Stęknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828670 (CK) & #12360128 (arie)
I grunted. Stęknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828670 (CK) & #12360129 (arie)
I grunted. Chrząknęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828670 (CK) & #12360131 (arie)
I grunted. Chrząknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828670 (CK) & #12360132 (arie)
I hit Tom. Uderzyłem Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235723 (CK) & #2774722 (AdamG)
I hope so. Taką mam nadzieję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51142 (CK) & #359768 (zipangu)
I hurried. Spieszyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358760 (CK) & #3865350 (jeedrek)
I inhaled. Wciągnąłem powietrze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538197 (CK) & #10597363 (polski_ren)
I laughed. Śmiałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #258713 (CK) & #529543 (orzechowski)
I like it. Lubię go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1520245 (ABChessel) & #4482538 (Detharon)
I like it. Lubię to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1520245 (ABChessel) & #7868717 (maria_lysik)
I like it. Lubię je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1520245 (ABChessel) & #11532989 (polski_ren)
I love it. Kocham to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3812708 (robbieheslop) & #10565703 (tokzyk)
I love it. Uwielbiam to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3812708 (robbieheslop) & #10565704 (tokzyk)
I made it. Udało mi się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828672 (CK) & #5910640 (qmak)
I mean it. Mówię poważnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #250804 (CK) & #351877 (zipangu)
I miss it. Brakuje mi tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1337519 (CK) & #10565714 (tokzyk)
I miss it. Tęsknię za tym. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1337519 (CK) & #10565715 (tokzyk)
I must go. Muszę iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2141970 (Dreamk33) & #787793 (damc)
I noticed. Zauważyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821982 (CK) & #4734161 (Tomash)
I noticed. Zauważyłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821982 (CK) & #6313944 (arie)
I promise. Obiecuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111800 (CK) & #8753520 (nusia2302)
I relaxed. Rozluźniłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828674 (CK) & #12360134 (arie)
I relaxed. Rozluźniłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828674 (CK) & #12360135 (arie)
I retired. Przeszedłem na emeryturę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828675 (CK) & #10595189 (polski_ren)
I retired. Przeszłam na emeryturę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828675 (CK) & #10595192 (polski_ren)
I said no. Powiedziałem nie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2405884 (CK) & #5833417 (konrad509)
I said so. Tak powiedziałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254069 (CK) & #10597690 (polski_ren)
I said so. Tak powiedziałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254069 (CK) & #10597691 (polski_ren)
I see Tom. Widzę Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235735 (CK) & #2559912 (grunermann)
I shouted. Krzyknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828676 (CK) & #8756215 (nusia2302)
I slipped. Pośliznąłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828677 (CK) & #12360137 (arie)
I slipped. Pośliznęłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828677 (CK) & #12360138 (arie)
I sneezed. Kichnąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828678 (CK) & #10600743 (polski_ren)
I sneezed. Kichnęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828678 (CK) & #10600744 (polski_ren)
I stopped. Zatrzymałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828679 (CK) & #8756217 (nusia2302)
I studied. Uczyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358754 (CK) & #10626976 (polski_ren)
I studied. Uczyłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358754 (CK) & #10626977 (polski_ren)
I sweated. Pociłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828680 (CK) & #8766148 (nusia2302)
I sweated. Spociłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828680 (CK) & #10600745 (polski_ren)
I took it. Wziąłem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828682 (CK) & #10565709 (tokzyk)
I tripped. Przewróciłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111794 (CK) & #5662015 (machmet)
I tripped. Potknęłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111794 (CK) & #6327954 (arie)
I tripped. Potknąłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111794 (CK) & #6328135 (arie)
I want it. Chcę to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1148324 (cntrational) & #5652018 (machmet)
I was fat. Byłem gruby. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3824749 (CK) & #10570430 (tokzyk)
I was fat. Byłam gruba. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3824749 (CK) & #10570431 (tokzyk)
I went in. Weszłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846384 (CK) & #12359836 (arie)
I went in. Wszedłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846384 (CK) & #12359837 (arie)
I will go. Pójdę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247573 (CK) & #8608644 (arie)
I woke up. Obudziłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3818967 (CK) & #10565713 (tokzyk)
I'd do it. Zrobiłbym to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3823427 (CK) & #10565733 (tokzyk)
I'd leave. Wyjechałbym. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111789 (CK) & #5662095 (machmet)
I'll call. Zadzwonię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111787 (CK) & #5662085 (machmet)
I'll cook. Ugotuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111783 (CK) & #5662081 (machmet)
I'll help. Pomogę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549831 (CK) & #2395852 (procroco)
I'll live. Przeżyję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123627 (CK) & #5662087 (machmet)
I'll pass. Odpuszczę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111776 (CK) & #5662075 (machmet)
I'll sing. Będę śpiewać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111772 (CK) & #5662069 (machmet)
I'll stay. Zostanę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111769 (CK) & #5662062 (machmet)
I'll stop. Przestanę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2878242 (CK) & #5662091 (machmet)
I'll talk. Powiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2878243 (CK) & #5662093 (machmet)
I'll wait. Poczekam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111766 (CK) & #5221598 (konrad509)
I'll walk. Będę chodzić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111765 (CK) & #5662059 (machmet)
I'm a man. Jestem mężczyzną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #580774 (CM) & #357855 (lukaszpp)
I'm angry. Jestem wściekły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #507444 (callmath) & #10606654 (polski_ren)
I'm armed. Jestem uzbrojony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111759 (CK) & #5662057 (machmet)
I'm blind. Jestem niewidomy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111753 (CK) & #5662055 (machmet)
I'm bored. Nudzi mi się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #431539 (Clavain) & #520031 (zipangu)
I'm bored. Nudzę się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #431539 (Clavain) & #2659355 (aleksandraeska)
I'm brave. Jestem odważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202626 (CK) & #5662100 (machmet)
I'm broke. Jestem spłukany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #18547 (CK) & #2680427 (Koen)
I'm clean. Jestem czysty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202653 (CK) & #5662102 (machmet)
I'm cured. Jestem wyleczony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283727 (CK) & #5662121 (machmet)
I'm dirty. Jestem brudny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538201 (CK) & #11581605 (polski_ren)
I'm dirty. Jestem brudna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538201 (CK) & #11581606 (polski_ren)
I'm drunk. Jestem pijany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #958784 (CK) & #5662109 (machmet)
I'm first. Jestem pierwszy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202863 (CK) & #5662105 (machmet)
I'm going. Idę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #495219 (adjusting) & #349055 (zipangu)
I'm happy. Jestem szczęśliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1872056 (Eldad) & #625284 (Wimmer)
I'm happy. Jestem szczęśliwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1872056 (Eldad) & #2659362 (aleksandraeska)
I'm lying. Kłamię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111712 (CK) & #8457951 (nusia2302)
I'm naked. Jestem nagi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111709 (CK) & #9376755 (nusia2302)
I'm naked. Jestem naga. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111709 (CK) & #10626985 (polski_ren)
I'm quiet. Jestem cichy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203244 (CK) & #3127269 (jeedrek)
I'm ready! Jestem gotowy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123619 (CK) & #10565716 (tokzyk)
I'm ready. Jestem gotowy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1891110 (CK) & #361233 (zipangu)
I'm right. Mam rację. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321343 (CK) & #669658 (Bilberry)
I'm short. Jestem niski. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2278586 (CM) & #537503 (lukaszpp)
I'm short. Jestem niska. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2278586 (CM) & #3452744 (lauburu)
I'm smart. Jestem mądry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111684 (CK) & #5662050 (machmet)
I'm sober. Jestem trzeźwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2361904 (CK) & #8132107 (MCcommand)
I'm sorry. Przykro mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38387 (CK) & #557413 (Bilberry)
I'm stuck. Utknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203412 (CK) & #5662112 (machmet)
I'm tired. Jestem zmęczony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1705 (brauliobezerra) & #362057 (zipangu)
I'm tough. Jestem twardy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203467 (CK) & #5662115 (machmet)
I'm young. Jestem młody. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321850 (CK) & #410701 (zipangu)
I'm yours. Jestem twój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111665 (CK) & #5662031 (machmet)
I've lost. Straciłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1126967 (CK) & #5662026 (machmet)
Ignore it. Nie zwracaj na to uwagi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2649249 (CK) & #2893181 (Koen)
Is it bad? Czy to źle? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1665 (CK) & #10544236 (tokzyk)
Is it far? Czy to daleko? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1308427 (CK) & #4406457 (liori)
Is it hot? Czy jest gorąco? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456027 (lukaszpp) & #6320879 (arie)
Is it hot? Czy to jest gorące? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456027 (lukaszpp) & #6320882 (arie)
Is it new? Czy to jest nowe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1910886 (Zaghawa) & #8734893 (nusia2302)
It burned. Płonęło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3825991 (CK) & #10596409 (polski_ren)
It failed. Nie powiodło się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283735 (CK) & #8617508 (arie)
It failed. Nie udało się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283735 (CK) & #8617509 (arie)
It rained. Padało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1435651 (mattpbooth) & #2482465 (zipangu)
It smells. Śmierdzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9188571 (CK) & #3050252 (camilozeta)
It smells. Cuchnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9188571 (CK) & #10600777 (polski_ren)
It snowed. Padał śnieg. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1181168 (Eldad) & #3759904 (gin)
It stinks. Śmierdzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1369138 (sacredceltic) & #3050252 (camilozeta)
It stinks. To śmierdzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1369138 (sacredceltic) & #5629962 (machmet)
It worked. Udało się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283736 (CK) & #6160252 (arie)
It worked. Zadziałało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283736 (CK) & #8617511 (arie)
It's 3:30. Jest trzecia trzydzieści. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456175 (lukaszpp) & #796442 (lukaszpp)
It's 9:15. Jest 9:15. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2762785 (CK) & #10565725 (tokzyk)
It's 9:15. Jest dziewiąta piętnaście. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2762785 (CK) & #10565726 (tokzyk)
It's a TV. To jest telewizja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42698 (CK) & #789059 (damc)
It's dark. Jest ciemno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123608 (CK) & #10565740 (tokzyk)
It's easy. To łatwe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #561962 (CK) & #742724 (zipangu)
It's easy. To proste. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #561962 (CK) & #10529992 (Shounen)
It's easy. Prościzna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #561962 (CK) & #10529994 (Shounen)
It's hard. To jest trudne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1568774 (Sharaf78) & #869125 (hebrajska)
It's late. Jest późno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31195 (CK) & #354052 (zipangu)
It's open. Jest otwarte. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283743 (CK) & #10565717 (tokzyk)
It's ours. To jest nasze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123588 (CK) & #2991679 (jeedrek)
It's sand. To jest piasek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123581 (CK) & #10565721 (tokzyk)
It's true. To prawda. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54868 (CK) & #356399 (zipangu)
It's work. To praca. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433520 (CK) & #552957 (Bilberry)
Jump down. Zeskocz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4356531 (CK) & #10565719 (tokzyk)
Just swim. Po prostu płyń. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5576193 (CK) & #12360088 (arie)
Keep away. Nie zbliżać się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111655 (CK) & #5660137 (machmet)
Keep back. Zatrzymać się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111654 (CK) & #5660135 (machmet)
Keep calm. Zachowaj spokój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860658 (CK) & #5627227 (machmet)
Keep cool. Uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111652 (CK) & #547699 (Bilberry)
Keep down. Nie wstawaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111649 (CK) & #5627146 (machmet)
Keep that. Zatrzymać to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111634 (CK) & #5660071 (machmet)
Keep them. Zatrzymać je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111633 (CK) & #5660066 (machmet)
Keep this. Trzymaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111632 (CK) & #5651988 (machmet)
Keep warm. Utrzymuj ciepło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111630 (CK) & #5660051 (machmet)
Kill them. Zabij je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049439 (mailohilohi) & #10595229 (polski_ren)
Kill them. Zabij ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049439 (mailohilohi) & #10595233 (polski_ren)
Leave Tom. Zostaw Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111626 (CK) & #5636910 (machmet)
Leave now! Idź już. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2447345 (MarlonX19) & #2289992 (Wessnosa)
Leave now! Wyjdź w tej chwili! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2447345 (MarlonX19) & #8617523 (arie)
Leave now! Wyjdź natychmiast! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2447345 (MarlonX19) & #8617525 (arie)
Leave now! Odejdźcie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2447345 (MarlonX19) & #8617527 (arie)
Leave now. Odejdź teraz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52067 (CM) & #10593909 (polski_ren)
Let it be. Niech tak będzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #764592 (U2FS) & #703979 (zipangu)
Let me go! Puść mnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #250112 (CK) & #8718638 (nusia2302)
Let me in. Wpuść mnie do środka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #277466 (CK) & #6154765 (arie)
Let me in. Wpuść mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #277466 (CK) & #10565712 (tokzyk)
Let's ask. Zapytajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1878526 (Asma) & #8761053 (nusia2302)
Let's eat. Zjedzmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1830543 (CK) & #8761051 (nusia2302)
Let's try! Spróbujmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1176908 (bart) & #10565707 (tokzyk)
Let's try. Spróbujmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111616 (CK) & #358751 (zipangu)
Lie still. Leż spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1839430 (CK) & #5627142 (machmet)
Listen up. Słuchaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #4791063 (cps)
Listen up. Posłuchajcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #8617621 (arie)
Listen up. Proszę posłuchać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #8617622 (arie)
Listen up. Niech pani posłucha. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #8617623 (arie)
Listen up. Posłuchaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #8617624 (arie)
Look away. Odwrócić wzrok. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111610 (CK) & #5660018 (machmet)
Look back! Spójrz wstecz! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #240166 (CK) & #532931 (sapper)
Look back. Spójrz wstecz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111609 (CK) & #5660014 (machmet)
Look here. Popatrz tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111606 (CK) & #5660010 (machmet)
Loosen it. Poluzowałeś to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111605 (CK) & #5660008 (machmet)
Loosen up. Wrzuć na luz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1845492 (CK) & #1846194 (zipangu)
Move back. Cofnij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8550072 (CK) & #10599757 (polski_ren)
Move over. Przesuń się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553407 (CK) & #5627139 (machmet)
Nice shot! Niezły strzał! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1857550 (Spamster) & #8617247 (arie)
Of course! Oczywiście! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433730 (CK) & #456980 (gregloby)
Of course. Oczywiście. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433492 (CK) & #563973 (Bilberry)
Open fire! Ognia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1108002 (Scott) & #8607310 (arie)
Open fire! Strzelać! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1108002 (Scott) & #8617176 (arie)
Pardon me? Słucham? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31477 (CK) & #5627179 (machmet)
Pipe down! Cisza! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #6160559 (arie)
Pipe down! Morda w kubeł! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8607279 (arie)
Pipe down! Przestańcie gadać! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617565 (arie)
Pipe down! Mordy w kubeł! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617566 (arie)
Pipe down! Zamknąć japy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617567 (arie)
Pipe down! Przymknij się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617568 (arie)
Pipe down! Zamknąć się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617570 (arie)
Pipe down! Pozamykać się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617571 (arie)
Pipe down! Pozamykać gęby! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2821007 (sharptoothed) & #8617572 (arie)
Please go. Proszę iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171854 (CK) & #8617615 (arie)
Please go. Proszę, idź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171854 (CK) & #8617617 (arie)
Please go. Niech pan idzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171854 (CK) & #8617618 (arie)
Punch Tom. Uderz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10750168 (CK) & #2810206 (Ceresnya)
Punch Tom. Walnij Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10750168 (CK) & #12360219 (arie)
Put it on. Załóż to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1231218 (fengli) & #10542559 (tokzyk)
Read this. Przeczytaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1098659 (cntrational) & #8095899 (Ptr)
Read this. Przeczytajcie to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1098659 (cntrational) & #8095900 (Ptr)
Repeat it. Powtórz je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7925186 (MarijnKp) & #10600768 (polski_ren)
Rest here. Odpocznij tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10132207 (Shishir) & #10597547 (polski_ren)
Say "aah." Powiedz „aaa”. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2852741 (CK) & #8617577 (arie)
Say hello. Powiedz cześć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111563 (CK) & #5659910 (machmet)
Say hello. Przywitaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111563 (CK) & #5659911 (machmet)
Search me. Przeszukaj mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #328870 (fcbond) & #10593925 (polski_ren)
See below. Patrz poniżej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25377 (CM) & #3398915 (konrad509)
Seize him! Pojmać go! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111558 (CK) & #5659897 (machmet)
Seriously? Naprawdę? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1327057 (bmaynard87) & #457404 (gregloby)
Seriously? Poważnie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1327057 (bmaynard87) & #3446213 (Hikaru)
Seriously? Serio? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1327057 (bmaynard87) & #8608251 (arie)
She cried. Ona płakała. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #313193 (CK) & #5271506 (krzysiek)
She tried. Próbowała. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #309976 (CK) & #1452454 (Pandista)
She walks. Ona idzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #316925 (CK) & #5271507 (krzysiek)
Sign here. Podpisz tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1526517 (pauldhunt) & #8749630 (nusia2302)
Sign this. Podpisz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111555 (CK) & #5651986 (machmet)
Sit by me. Usiądź przy mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249967 (CK) & #10565730 (tokzyk)
Sit still. Usiedzieć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111552 (CK) & #5652508 (machmet)
Sit there. Usiądź tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111551 (CK) & #5652507 (machmet)
Sit there. Usiądźcie tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111551 (CK) & #6395623 (mojeanin)
Slow down! Uspokój się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #6309216 (arie)
Slow down! Nie tak szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #7287766 (Tomash)
Slow down! Zwolnij! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #8617598 (arie)
Slow down! Wolniej! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #8617599 (arie)
Slow down! Proszę zwolnić! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #8617600 (arie)
Slow down! Przystopuj trochę! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #8617602 (arie)
Slow down! Nie śpiesz się tak! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3022436 (sharptoothed) & #8617603 (arie)
Slow down. Zwolnij. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187252 (CK) & #10600732 (polski_ren)
Start now. Zacząć teraz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111523 (CK) & #5652524 (machmet)
Stay away. Trzymaj się z daleka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111516 (CK) & #5652483 (machmet)
Stay back. Nie podchodź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1850251 (CK) & #5627211 (machmet)
Stay calm. Spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #788304 (hrin) & #2679357 (Koen)
Stay cool. Zachowaj spokój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111514 (CK) & #5627227 (machmet)
Stay down! Nie ruszaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #6308753 (arie)
Stay down! Nie wstawaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #8617234 (arie)
Stay down! Leż! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #8617235 (arie)
Stay down! Nie podnoś się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #8617236 (arie)
Stay down! Zostań tam! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #8617237 (arie)
Stay down! Nie wychylaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1777435 (Spamster) & #8617238 (arie)
Stay down. Nie wstawaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841182 (CK) & #5627146 (machmet)
Stay here. Zostań tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111512 (CK) & #3495350 (jeedrek)
Stay home. Zostań w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8624434 (Adelpa) & #593433 (buari)
Step back. Krok do tyłu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553393 (CK) & #5627138 (machmet)
Stop here. Zatrzymaj się tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111500 (CK) & #5652388 (machmet)
Stop that. Przestań. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860592 (CK) & #5627222 (machmet)
Stop them. Zatrzymaj ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111491 (CK) & #5652354 (machmet)
Take care! Trzymaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324861 (CK) & #392975 (kertoip)
Take care. Trzymaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20362 (sacredceltic) & #392975 (kertoip)
Take over. Przejąć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111482 (CK) & #5652090 (machmet)
Take this. Weź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111479 (CK) & #5627261 (machmet)
Thank you. Dziękuję! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1876041 (Asma) & #382586 (esperanto)
Thank you. Dziękuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1876041 (Asma) & #1414772 (kosapehape)
That hurt. To bolało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7122959 (CM) & #10599079 (polski_ren)
That's it. To jest to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #270709 (mamat) & #771777 (zipangu)
That's me. To ja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1250350 (CK) & #352266 (zipangu)
Then what? To co? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #53035 (CM) & #1349138 (Ollie1337)
They fell. Poczuli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111371 (CK) & #5650317 (machmet)
They left. Wyszli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111368 (CK) & #5650305 (machmet)
They lied. Kłamali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111367 (CK) & #5650303 (machmet)
They lost. Zgubili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111366 (CK) & #5650301 (machmet)
They swam. Płynęli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1963280 (CK) & #2120079 (liori)
Tom began. Tom zaczął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416709 (CK) & #10596332 (polski_ren)
Tom bowed. Tom ukłonił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3721790 (CM) & #10565705 (tokzyk)
Tom cared. Tom troszczył się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203610 (CK) & #5630008 (machmet)
Tom cares. Tom troszczy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203611 (CK) & #5630010 (machmet)
Tom cooks. Tom gotuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7410470 (CK) & #8750922 (nusia2302)
Tom cried. Tom płakał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111190 (CK) & #5629949 (machmet)
Tom dived. Tom zanurkował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416705 (CK) & #10597369 (polski_ren)
Tom dozed. Tom drzemał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111188 (CK) & #5629946 (machmet)
Tom drank. Tom pił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7410476 (CK) & #10597348 (polski_ren)
Tom drove. Tom przyjechał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111185 (CK) & #5629942 (machmet)
Tom fired. Tom strzelił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8385641 (CK) & #10596276 (polski_ren)
Tom froze. Tom zamarzł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7367727 (CM) & #10595324 (polski_ren)
Tom knits. Tom robi na drutach. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111161 (CK) & #5629845 (machmet)
Tom knits. Tom dzierga. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111161 (CK) & #6903847 (qmak)
Tom knows. Tom wie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111160 (CK) & #5629843 (machmet)
Tom limps. Tom utyka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9840581 (CK) & #10605137 (polski_ren)
Tom moved. Tom się przeprowadził. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005181 (CK) & #5629684 (machmet)
Tom puked. Tom zwymiotował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10298356 (CK) & #10595308 (polski_ren)
Tom puked. Tom rzygnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10298356 (CK) & #10605145 (polski_ren)
Tom reads. Tom czyta. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416701 (CK) & #10596330 (polski_ren)
Tom rocks. Tom kołysał się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203788 (CK) & #5630029 (machmet)
Tom slept. Tom spał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6645778 (CK) & #8511865 (nusia2302)
Tom spoke. Tom mówił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203808 (CK) & #5630030 (machmet)
Tom stood. Tom stał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203828 (CK) & #5630032 (machmet)
Tom swims. Tom pływa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5190879 (CK) & #5636995 (machmet)
Tom swore. Tom przysiągł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3723349 (CM) & #10542044 (tokzyk)
Tom tried. Tom próbował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203870 (CK) & #5630035 (machmet)
Tom tries. Tom próbuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203871 (CK) & #5630036 (machmet)
Tom voted. Tom głosował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203886 (CK) & #5636982 (machmet)
Tom walks. Tom chodzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203890 (CK) & #5630039 (machmet)
Tom waved. Tom pomachał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005185 (CK) & #5629686 (machmet)
Tom works. Tom pracuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203899 (CK) & #5636984 (machmet)
Tom's shy. Tom jest nieśmiały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107593 (CK) & #3776560 (jeedrek)
Tom, wait! Tomie, zaczekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10166598 (ddnktr) & #10600784 (polski_ren)
Trust Tom. Zaufaj Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203867 (CK) & #5637012 (machmet)
Try again. Spróbuj jeszcze raz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31723 (CK) & #360439 (zipangu)
Try it on. Przymierz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2253793 (CK) & #10565708 (tokzyk)
Turn left. Skręć w lewo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464284 (lukaszpp) & #6320822 (arie)
Unlock it. Otwórz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5350432 (mailohilohi) & #4408589 (Baakamono)
Wait here. Poczekaj tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841188 (CK) & #3127363 (jeedrek)
Wait here. Zaczekaj tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841188 (CK) & #5627197 (machmet)
Watch Tom. Oglądaj Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203868 (CK) & #5637010 (machmet)
Watch out! Uważaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #375828 (megamanenm) & #4791066 (cps)
We agreed. Zgodziliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4054938 (CK) & #8771287 (nusia2302)
We danced. Tańczyliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8880544 (CK) & #10597390 (polski_ren)
We danced. Tańczyłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8880544 (CK) & #10597391 (polski_ren)
We did it. Udało się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4498133 (CK) & #6160252 (arie)
We did it. Zrobiliśmy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4498133 (CK) & #6160254 (arie)
We failed. Zawiedliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123507 (CK) & #10594956 (polski_ren)
We failed. Zawiodłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123507 (CK) & #10594959 (polski_ren)
We fasted. Pościliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9181883 (megamanenm) & #10596098 (polski_ren)
We fasted. Pościłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9181883 (megamanenm) & #10596100 (polski_ren)
We forgot. Zapomnieliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123506 (CK) & #8617420 (arie)
We forgot. Zapomniałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123506 (CK) & #8617422 (arie)
We limped. Utykałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10497189 (ToxicFriu) & #10600792 (polski_ren)
We prayed. Modliliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7972353 (deniko) & #10596257 (polski_ren)
We prayed. Pomodliliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7972353 (deniko) & #10596259 (polski_ren)
We smiled. Uśmiechnęliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358745 (CK) & #12360170 (arie)
We smiled. Uśmiechnęłyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358745 (CK) & #12360171 (arie)
We talked. Mówiliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107672 (CK) & #5629810 (machmet)
We waited. Czekaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107674 (CK) & #5629812 (machmet)
We walked. Poszliśmy pieszo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6790864 (shekitten) & #8437931 (nusia2302)
We yawned. Ziewaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7098874 (shekitten) & #10600763 (polski_ren)
We'll see. Zobaczymy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203796 (CK) & #3554725 (konrad509)
We're men. Jesteśmy mężczyznami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6874275 (CK) & #563485 (Bilberry)
We're sad. Jesteśmy smutni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203308 (CK) & #3127673 (Inci)
We've won! Wygraliśmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123500 (CK) & #6729532 (arie)
Well done! Dobra robota! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464478 (lukaszpp) & #3033629 (jeedrek)
Well done. Dobrze zrobione. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3825121 (CK) & #8768661 (nusia2302)
What fell? Co spadło? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9239234 (CK) & #10599809 (polski_ren)
What's up? Jak leci? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25164 (CK) & #402711 (zipangu)
What's up? Co jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25164 (CK) & #530556 (sapper)
Who cares? Kogo to obchodzi? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #40434 (CK) & #5627104 (machmet)
Who drove? Kto prowadził? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6274944 (CK) & #12360165 (arie)
Who is he? Kim on jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #347331 (sysko) & #460697 (zipangu)
Who knows? Kto wie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #276369 (CK) & #1118424 (hebrajska)
Who knows? Kto zna? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #276369 (CK) & #4748448 (AgnieszkaC)
Who spoke? Kto mówił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203807 (CK) & #8539914 (nusia2302)
Who spoke? Kto zabrał głos? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203807 (CK) & #8617483 (arie)
Who spoke? Kto się wypowiadał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203807 (CK) & #8617484 (arie)
Who spoke? Kto zabierał głos? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203807 (CK) & #8617486 (arie)
Who stood? Kto stał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203827 (CK) & #8617487 (arie)
Who'll go? Kto pójdzie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203689 (CK) & #6309188 (arie)
Who's she? Kim ona jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203797 (CK) & #357211 (zipangu)
Wonderful! Cudownie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433510 (CK) & #4791058 (cps)
Wonderful! Cudowny CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433510 (CK) & #4791059 (cps)
Wonderful! Cudowna CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433510 (CK) & #4791061 (cps)
Wonderful! Świetnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433510 (CK) & #4791062 (cps)
Work more. Pracuj więcej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10248874 (ddnktr) & #10600786 (polski_ren)
Write Tom. Pisz Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203869 (CK) & #5637008 (machmet)
You drive. Ty prowadzisz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549830 (CK) & #8542687 (nusia2302)
You idiot! Ty głupcze! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #418475 (Scott) & #1913909 (zipangu)
You start. Ty zaczynasz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549829 (CK) & #3401385 (konrad509)
You stink. Śmierdzisz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4834656 (shekitten) & #8547632 (nusia2302)
You stink. Cuchniesz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4834656 (shekitten) & #10595063 (polski_ren)
You tried. Próbowałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20119 (CK) & #5271483 (krzysiek)
You're OK. Jesteś w porządku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203137 (CK) & #2810250 (Ceresnya)
Act casual. Zachowuj się normalnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #12187795 (CK) & #12336107 (polski_ren)
Act casual. Zachowuj się swobodnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #12187795 (CK) & #12336110 (polski_ren)
Aim higher. Celuj wyżej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2264156 (sharptoothed) & #10542042 (tokzyk)
All aboard! Wszyscy na pokład! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #22121 (CM) & #6160696 (arie)
Am I wrong? Czy nie mam racji? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #410779 (CK) & #555395 (zipangu)
Answer Tom. Odpowiedz Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203854 (CK) & #5636940 (machmet)
Are you OK? Czy wszystko w porządku? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953106 (CK) & #957082 (zipangu)
Are you OK? Wszystko z tobą dobrze? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953106 (CK) & #957083 (zipangu)
Are you OK? Czy wszystko u ciebie OK? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953106 (CK) & #957085 (zipangu)
Ask anyone. Spytaj kogoś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2092642 (CK) & #3049263 (jeedrek)
Ask anyone. Poproś kogoś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2092642 (CK) & #3049264 (jeedrek)
Ask around. Popytaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111967 (CK) & #8617408 (arie)
Be careful! Bądź ostrożny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2047579 (CK) & #2120165 (liori)
Be careful. Bądź ostrożny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1849392 (CK) & #2120165 (liori)
Be careful. Uważaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1849392 (CK) & #2679620 (Koen)
Be content. Bądź zadowolony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111965 (CK) & #8617404 (arie)
Be content. Ciesz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111965 (CK) & #8617405 (arie)
Be content. Niech cię to zadowoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111965 (CK) & #8617406 (arie)
Be on time. Będę na czas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244995 (CK) & #3865333 (jeedrek)
Be patient. Bądź cierpliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1486456 (Spamster) & #4401193 (Baakamono)
Be patient. Bądź cierpliwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1486456 (Spamster) & #4401194 (Baakamono)
Be patient. Cierpliwości. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1486456 (Spamster) & #7960767 (arie)
Be serious. Bądź poważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111954 (CK) & #5627110 (machmet)
Be serious. Mów poważnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111954 (CK) & #8617359 (arie)
Birds sing. Ptaki śpiewają. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #278174 (CK) & #547698 (Bilberry)
Bottoms up! Na zdrowie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21180 (CM) & #611685 (simaqian)
Bottoms up! Zdrówko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21180 (CM) & #6627159 (qmak)
Bottoms up! Do dna! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21180 (CM) & #8617133 (arie)
Bring food. Przynieś jedzenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111944 (CK) & #10596734 (polski_ren)
Bring help. Przynieś pomoc. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111943 (CK) & #10596735 (polski_ren)
Bring wine. Przynieś wino. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111942 (CK) & #6629370 (qmak)
Can I help? Czy mogę pomóc? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #266051 (CK) & #8432618 (nusia2302)
Carry this. Przenieś to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111941 (CK) & #5651994 (machmet)
Catch this. Łap. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8080393 (CK) & #12360303 (arie)
Catch this. Złap to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8080393 (CK) & #12360305 (arie)
Check that. Sprawdź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111937 (CK) & #5651992 (machmet)
Check that. Sprawdźcie to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111937 (CK) & #10594926 (polski_ren)
Check this. Sprawdź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111936 (CK) & #5651992 (machmet)
Choose one. Wybierz jeden. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #883062 (U2FS) & #8617165 (arie)
Choose one. Proszę wybrać jeden. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #883062 (U2FS) & #8617167 (arie)
Come again. Przyjdź znowu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111934 (CK) & #10595954 (polski_ren)
Come again. Zapraszam ponownie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111934 (CK) & #12360068 (arie)
Come alone. Przyjdźcie sami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111933 (CK) & #4884291 (magadi)
Come alone. Przyjdź sam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111933 (CK) & #4884292 (magadi)
Come alone. Przyjdź sama. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111933 (CK) & #4884297 (magadi)
Come along. Zbliżać się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54223 (CK) & #5627106 (machmet)
Come quick! Chodź szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #274037 (CM) & #354669 (zipangu)
Come quick! Przyjeżdżaj szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #274037 (CM) & #732905 (zipangu)
Come quick! Przyjdź szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #274037 (CM) & #5336279 (machmet)
Come to us. Przyjdź do nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245215 (CK) & #10566157 (tokzyk)
Definitely! Zdecydowanie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #30542 (CM) & #6308702 (arie)
Destroy it. Zniszcz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6049434 (mailohilohi) & #8819897 (nusia2302)
Dig faster. Kop szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6616535 (Eccles17) & #8745479 (nusia2302)
Don't come. Nie przychodź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773584 (marloncori) & #6729683 (arie)
Don't come. Nie przychodźcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773584 (marloncori) & #10606706 (polski_ren)
Don't move. Nie ruszaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433502 (CK) & #547701 (Bilberry)
Don't stop. Nie zatrzymuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111898 (CK) & #5660054 (machmet)
Don't stop. Nie przestawaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111898 (CK) & #10566217 (tokzyk)
Don't wait. Nie czekaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1292208 (CK) & #3048293 (camilozeta)
Drink this. Napij się tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7422789 (CK) & #10599081 (polski_ren)
Duty calls. Obowiązki wzywają. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3873514 (Lindoula) & #10542050 (tokzyk)
Eat slowly. Jedz powoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1495917 (CK) & #5627136 (machmet)
Enjoy life. Ciesz się życiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8595082 (CK) & #10597381 (polski_ren)
Examine it. Zbadaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111841 (CK) & #8756223 (nusia2302)
Face facts! Spójrz prawdzie w oczy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1299325 (CM) & #8617188 (arie)
Face facts! Licz się z faktami! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1299325 (CM) & #8617189 (arie)
Face facts! Staw czoła faktom! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1299325 (CM) & #8617190 (arie)
Fill it up. Napełnij to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322631 (CK) & #563504 (Bilberry)
Find a job. Znajdź pracę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245494 (CK) & #8428294 (nusia2302)
Fire burns. Ogień parzy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #23865 (CM) & #8617136 (arie)
Follow Tom. Śledź Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111836 (CK) & #5636912 (machmet)
Follow him. Śledź go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433754 (CK) & #547704 (Bilberry)
Forget Tom. Zapomnij Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111835 (CK) & #5636911 (machmet)
Forget him. Zapomnij o nim. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #286516 (CM) & #6160715 (arie)
Forgive me. Przebacz mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349974 (sacredceltic) & #1350176 (times)
Forgive us. Wybacz nam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111834 (CK) & #8650136 (nusia2302)
Forgive us. Wybaczcie nam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111834 (CK) & #10596208 (polski_ren)
Get moving. Ruszaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111829 (CK) & #10599076 (polski_ren)
Go outside. Idź na zewnątrz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6383726 (Hybrid) & #10600755 (polski_ren)
Go to work. Idź do pracy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230781 (CK) & #10566219 (tokzyk)
God exists. Bóg istnieje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433457 (CK) & #547708 (Bilberry)
Good night. Dobrej nocy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2362724 (NotApplicable) & #8617521 (arie)
Have faith. Miej wiarę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6480956 (OsoHombre) & #10595254 (polski_ren)
He gave in. Dał za wygraną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #296376 (CK) & #363035 (zipangu)
He gave up. Zrezygnował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2764277 (CK) & #10557835 (tokzyk)
He is a DJ. Jest DJ-em. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288669 (CK) & #1989189 (liori)
He is here! On tu jest! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #754632 (papabear) & #765701 (zipangu)
He is kind. On jest uprzejmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324290 (CK) & #3611754 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
He is kind. Jest uprzejmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324290 (CK) & #10606413 (polski_ren)
He is lazy. On jest leniwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #299797 (CK) & #983425 (Janka)
He is mean. On jest niemiły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #482973 (minshirui) & #10598005 (polski_ren)
He is mean. Jest niemiły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #482973 (minshirui) & #10598006 (polski_ren)
He is nice. On jest miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #66702 (CK) & #553154 (Bilberry)
He is poor. On jest biedny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #516601 (kebukebu) & #610660 (orzechowski)
He is sick. On jest chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #371410 (saeb) & #387507 (esperanto)
He is tall. Jest wysoki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773336 (marloncori) & #10598234 (polski_ren)
He made it. Udało mu się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #300301 (CK) & #401168 (zipangu)
He made it. On to zrobił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #300301 (CK) & #10566237 (tokzyk)
He's Swiss. On jest Szwajcarem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #465479 (FeuDRenais) & #704008 (zipangu)
He's Swiss. Jest Szwajcarem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #465479 (FeuDRenais) & #10606643 (polski_ren)
He's smart. On jest mądry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #399205 (CK) & #5665545 (machmet)
Head north. Skieruj się na północ. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6703998 (Eccles17) & #10595263 (polski_ren)
Head south. Kieruj się na południe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8102690 (CK) & #10596312 (polski_ren)
Hello, Tom. Cześć, Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54604 (Zifre) & #350100 (zipangu)
Here it is. Proszę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35529 (CK) & #403035 (zipangu)
Here it is. Oto jest. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35529 (CK) & #10597674 (polski_ren)
Here it is. Oto i on. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35529 (CK) & #12041005 (jimbojim)
Hey, relax. Ej, uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #325177 (CM) & #10581985 (polski_ren)
Hold still. Nie ruszaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #547701 (Bilberry)
Hold still. Leż spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #5627142 (machmet)
Hold still. Nie wierć się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #8617501 (arie)
Hold still. Stój spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #8617502 (arie)
Hold still. Stój nieruchomo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #8617504 (arie)
Hold still. Siedź spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #8617505 (arie)
Hold still. Przestań się wiercić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283719 (CK) & #8617507 (arie)
Hold tight. Trzymaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5268531 (CK) & #8608707 (arie)
Hold tight. Trzymaj się mocno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5268531 (CK) & #12232679 (polski_ren)
Hold tight. Trzymacie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5268531 (CK) & #12360086 (arie)
Hold tight. Trzymacie się mocno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5268531 (CK) & #12360087 (arie)
How absurd! Co za absurd! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111822 (CK) & #8617280 (arie)
How absurd! Ale absurd! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111822 (CK) & #8617281 (arie)
How absurd! Ależ absurdalne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111822 (CK) & #8617282 (arie)
How absurd! Ale niedorzeczne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111822 (CK) & #8617283 (arie)
How clever! Ale sprytnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111819 (CK) & #8617271 (arie)
How clever! Bardzo sprytnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111819 (CK) & #8617272 (arie)
How clever! Jak sprytnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111819 (CK) & #8617273 (arie)
How clever! Ależ sprytnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111819 (CK) & #8617274 (arie)
How lovely! Jak słodko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913086 (CK) & #5627253 (machmet)
How tragic! Co za tragedia! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111811 (CK) & #8617252 (arie)
How was it? Jak było? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #792529 (ryanthewired) & #6400785 (mojeanin)
Hurry back. Wróć szybko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904804 (Trailsend) & #534088 (orzechowski)
Hurry back. Wracaj szybko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904804 (Trailsend) & #820855 (zipangu)
Hurry back. Wróćcie szybko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904804 (Trailsend) & #8617172 (arie)
Hurry home. Spiesz się do domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841177 (CK) & #5326040 (machmet)
I admit it. Przyznaję się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245596 (CK) & #10566233 (tokzyk)
I am a boy. Jestem chłopakiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #453328 (saasmath) & #361243 (zipangu)
I am a man. Jestem mężczyzną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #386704 (Mouseneb) & #357855 (lukaszpp)
I am a man. Jestem człowiekiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #386704 (Mouseneb) & #951230 (zipangu)
I am happy. Jestem szczęśliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436371 (lukaszpp) & #625284 (Wimmer)
I am human. Jestem człowiekiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252284 (CK) & #951230 (zipangu)
I am ready. Jestem gotowy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436423 (lukaszpp) & #361233 (zipangu)
I am right. Mam rację. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #801041 (vest) & #669658 (Bilberry)
I am short. Jestem niski. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436273 (lukaszpp) & #537503 (lukaszpp)
I am short. Jestem niska. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436273 (lukaszpp) & #3452744 (lauburu)
I am smart. Jestem sprytny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #399608 (wanglily22) & #403065 (zipangu)
I beat Tom. Pobiłem Tom'a. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828702 (CK) & #6155057 (arie)
I built it. Ja to zbudowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245628 (CK) & #10558524 (antio)
I can cook. Mogę gotować. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245639 (CK) & #10626998 (polski_ren)
I can draw. Umiem rysować. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11884341 (CK) & #12060529 (jimbojim)
I can help. Mogę pomóc. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245642 (CK) & #10626999 (polski_ren)
I can jump. Mogę skoczyć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261421 (CK) & #10597692 (polski_ren)
I can jump. Umiem skakać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261421 (CK) & #10597697 (polski_ren)
I can sing. Mogę śpiewać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245645 (CK) & #6729562 (arie)
I can sing. Potrafię śpiewać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245645 (CK) & #8919239 (nusia2302)
I can swim. Umiem pływać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256178 (CK) & #1117987 (hebrajska)
I can swim. Mogę pływać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256178 (CK) & #1118057 (hebrajska)
I can wait. Mogę poczekać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245647 (CK) & #367713 (zipangu)
I can walk. Mogę chodzić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245648 (CK) & #6729567 (arie)
I can walk. Mogę iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245648 (CK) & #10565747 (tokzyk)
I canceled. Odwołałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828703 (CK) & #8756219 (nusia2302)
I chew gum. Żuję gumę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2528462 (BoriQa) & #10566195 (tokzyk)
I chuckled. Zachichotałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2006574 (Spamster) & #10600727 (polski_ren)
I chuckled. Zachichotałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2006574 (Spamster) & #10600728 (polski_ren)
I defected. Zdezerterowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11857857 (CK) & #12360259 (arie)
I disagree. Nie zgadzam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111806 (CK) & #4466194 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I doubt it. Wątpię w to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1114337 (shanghainese) & #3005175 (jeedrek)
I drank it. Wypiłem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7337946 (yesjustryan) & #10566201 (tokzyk)
I eat here. Jem tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #449105 (CK) & #10585122 (tokzyk)
I eat meat. Jem mięso. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2481707 (abkhaz) & #3207174 (zipangu)
I enlisted. Zaciągnąłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11857856 (CK) & #12360258 (arie)
I envy her. Zazdroszczę jej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1414039 (Eldad) & #10566230 (tokzyk)
I exercise. Ćwiczę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828706 (CK) & #2784784 (Pompon)
I flinched. Wzdrygnęłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828707 (CK) & #8617520 (arie)
I flinched. Wzdrygnąłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828707 (CK) & #12360140 (arie)
I got lost. Zgubiłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280394 (CK) & #6320869 (arie)
I got lost. Zgubiłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280394 (CK) & #10600847 (polski_ren)
I guess so. Chyba tak. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3820733 (CK) & #5966627 (jeedrek)
I hate Tom. Nienawidzę Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1392718 (CK) & #1351801 (Ollie1337)
I hate you. Nienawidzę cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #827295 (RaspaKrusto) & #827298 (zipangu)
I hate you. Mam cię w dupie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #827295 (RaspaKrusto) & #2720729 (Spodnie)
I have one. Mam jeden. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245891 (CK) & #7969942 (arie)
I have one. Mam jedną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245891 (CK) & #10566205 (tokzyk)
I hear you. Słyszę cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773552 (marloncori) & #7893736 (maria_lysik)
I hear you. Słyszę Cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #773552 (marloncori) & #8114805 (kamich)
I help him. Pomagam mu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #260935 (CK) & #8765665 (nusia2302)
I hope not. Mam nadzieję, że nie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51119 (CK) & #357571 (zipangu)
I know Tom. Znam Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235724 (CK) & #3634380 (Katubeltza)
I know her. Znam ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #424848 (CM) & #937888 (orzechowski)
I know him. Znam go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #71751 (CK) & #561584 (Bilberry)
I know you. Znam cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252915 (CK) & #10566228 (tokzyk)
I like Tom. Lubię Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235725 (CK) & #10566184 (tokzyk)
I like art. Lubię sztukę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245930 (CK) & #10572569 (tokzyk)
I like him. Lubię go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #283629 (CK) & #4482538 (Detharon)
I like tea. Lubię herbatę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #253293 (CK) & #1409710 (kosapehape)
I like you. Lubię cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #410751 (CK) & #479975 (ignacy130)
I lingered. Zwlekałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360308 (arie)
I lingered. Zwlekałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360309 (arie)
I lingered. Nie śpieszyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360310 (arie)
I lingered. Ociągałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360312 (arie)
I lingered. Ociągałam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360313 (arie)
I lingered. Zasiedziałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360314 (arie)
I lingered. Zasiedziałam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360315 (arie)
I lingered. Nie śpieszyłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398566 (CK) & #12360318 (arie)
I listened. Słuchałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828890 (CK) & #3108274 (Mateusz)
I love her. Kocham ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261221 (CK) & #363097 (zipangu)
I love him. Kocham go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #774871 (marloncori) & #2733405 (Ptr)
I love you. Kocham cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1434 (awael58) & #348818 (zipangu)
I love you. Kocham was. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1434 (awael58) & #10575742 (tokzyk)
I miss him. Tęsknię za nim. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #479775 (AniDeer) & #557730 (orzechowski)
I miss you. Tęsknię za Tobą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1308 (brauliobezerra) & #502300 (mwgamera)
I miss you. Tęsknię za tobą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1308 (brauliobezerra) & #864109 (zipangu)
I misspoke. Źle się wyraziłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11857862 (CK) & #11266383 (Milenka)
I misspoke. Przejęzyczyłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11857862 (CK) & #12360260 (arie)
I misspoke. Przejęzyczyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11857862 (CK) & #12360261 (arie)
I need air. Potrzebuję powietrza. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2577181 (VirtuOZ) & #4133967 (Hikaru)
I need ice. Potrzebuję lodu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246006 (CK) & #10566166 (tokzyk)
I need you. Potrzebuję cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #17735 (CK) & #355502 (zipangu)
I objected. Zgłosiłem sprzeciw. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538203 (CK) & #10599085 (polski_ren)
I panicked. Spanikowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111801 (CK) & #8715294 (nusia2302)
I panicked. Spanikowałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111801 (CK) & #10594883 (polski_ren)
I promised. Obiecałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123633 (CK) & #9637885 (Tomo77)
I promised. Obiecałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123633 (CK) & #10594965 (polski_ren)
I relented. Dałam spokój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360142 (arie)
I relented. Dałem spokój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360143 (arie)
I relented. Ustąpiłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360144 (arie)
I relented. Ustąpiłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360145 (arie)
I relented. Odpuściłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360146 (arie)
I relented. Odpuściłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360147 (arie)
I relented. Uległem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360149 (arie)
I relented. Uległam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828893 (CK) & #12360150 (arie)
I remember. Pamiętam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111799 (CK) & #8753536 (nusia2302)
I resigned. Zrezygnowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111797 (CK) & #8608458 (arie)
I resisted. Oparłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846106 (CK) & #12360252 (arie)
I resisted. Oparłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846106 (CK) & #12360253 (arie)
I resisted. Nie uległem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846106 (CK) & #12360254 (arie)
I resisted. Nie uległam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11846106 (CK) & #12360255 (arie)
I screamed. Krzyknąłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3374155 (CK) & #8756215 (nusia2302)
I shrugged. Wzruszyłam ramionami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828895 (CK) & #12360152 (arie)
I shrugged. Wzruszyłem ramionami CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828895 (CK) & #12360153 (arie)
I squinted. Zmrużyłam oczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828897 (CK) & #12360155 (arie)
I squinted. Zmrużyłem oczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828897 (CK) & #12360156 (arie)
I survived. Przeżyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123629 (CK) & #3434730 (konrad509)
I think so. Chyba tak. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254072 (CK) & #5966627 (jeedrek)
I think so. Tak mi się wydaje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254072 (CK) & #5966628 (jeedrek)
I threw up. Zwymiotowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #427861 (CM) & #360219 (zipangu)
I use this. Używam tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1356774 (sacredceltic) & #8506677 (nusia2302)
I want you. Chcę ciebie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #17707 (CK) & #563619 (Bilberry)
I was away. Nie było mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247459 (CK) & #10565753 (tokzyk)
I was full. Byłem pełen. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828904 (CK) & #11581319 (polski_ren)
I was full. Byłem syty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828904 (CK) & #11581320 (polski_ren)
I was full. Byłam syta. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828904 (CK) & #11581322 (polski_ren)
I was sick. Byłem chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2229721 (jgauthier) & #6092778 (ShlomoBronstein)
I whistled. Zagwizdałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828909 (CK) & #10595202 (polski_ren)
I whistled. Zagwizdałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828909 (CK) & #10595204 (polski_ren)
I wrote it. Napisałem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3823451 (CK) & #10222218 (nusia2302)
I'll check. Sprawdzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111784 (CK) & #5662083 (machmet)
I'll drive. Ja prowadzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111781 (CK) & #5662079 (machmet)
I'll hurry. Pospieszę się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111779 (CK) & #10566162 (tokzyk)
I'll leave. Odejdę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2878238 (CK) & #5662088 (machmet)
I'll shoot. Będę strzelać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111773 (CK) & #5662070 (machmet)
I'll stand. Postoję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111771 (CK) & #5662066 (machmet)
I'll start. Zacznę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111770 (CK) & #5662063 (machmet)
I'm 30 now. Mam teraz trzydzieści lat. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5865062 (Ricardo14) & #6155582 (arie)
I'm a hero. Jestem bohaterem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25509 (CK) & #361226 (zipangu)
I'm afraid. Boję się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111762 (CK) & #3085210 (jeedrek)
I'm anemic. Jestem anemikiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #318537 (CM) & #479951 (ignacy130)
I'm baking! Piekę! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #267104 (CM) & #10597710 (polski_ren)
I'm biased. Jestem nieobiektywny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202617 (CK) & #10566154 (tokzyk)
I'm bushed. Jestem wyczerpany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3384593 (CK) & #692531 (Flieg)
I'm coming. Już idę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52081 (CK) & #403725 (zipangu)
I'm direct. Jestem bezpośrednia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202768 (CK) & #8108755 (woof)
I'm direct. Jestem bezpośredni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202768 (CK) & #8108756 (woof)
I'm eating. Jem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1189719 (Vortarulo) & #1613978 (zipangu)
I'm greedy. Jestem chciwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202912 (CK) & #10566169 (tokzyk)
I'm guilty. Jestem winny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111727 (CK) & #3048191 (camilozeta)
I'm hiding. Chowam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203696 (CK) & #8496192 (nusia2302)
I'm humble. Jestem skromny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202962 (CK) & #10566191 (tokzyk)
I'm hungry! Jestem głodny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #404096 (CK) & #356518 (zipangu)
I'm hungry! Jestem głodny! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #404096 (CK) & #532470 (sapper)
I'm immune. Jestem odporny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111722 (CK) & #10566176 (tokzyk)
I'm in bed. Jestem w łóżku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2311273 (CM) & #3425462 (konrad509)
I'm inside. Jestem w środku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203014 (CK) & #10566225 (tokzyk)
I'm mature. Jestem dojrzały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203074 (CK) & #4828180 (jeedrek)
I'm not OK. Nie jest ze mną w porządku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828922 (CK) & #10566155 (tokzyk)
I'm paying. Ja płacę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111702 (CK) & #2290007 (Wessnosa)
I'm pooped. Jestem wykończony! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #599701 (baisong) & #599734 (simaqian)
I'm scared. Boję się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1111871 (Scott) & #3085210 (jeedrek)
I'm single. Jestem wolna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111685 (CK) & #10626983 (polski_ren)
I'm sleepy! Jestem senny! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322707 (CK) & #10606405 (polski_ren)
I'm strict. Jestem bezwzględny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203402 (CK) & #5662111 (machmet)
I'm strong. Jestem silny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203403 (CK) & #3416240 (konrad509)
I'm thirty. Mam trzydzieści lat. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111679 (CK) & #9008240 (nusia2302)
I've eaten. Jadłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5167613 (tabular) & #10566187 (tokzyk)
Ignore Tom. Ignoruj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1868480 (CK) & #5627242 (machmet)
Ignore him. Ignoruj go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904775 (Swift) & #768697 (zipangu)
Ignore him. Zignoruj go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904775 (Swift) & #7818318 (Hanyel)
Is Tom big? Czy Tom jest duży? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244583 (CK) & #10566185 (tokzyk)
Is Tom new? Tom jest nowy? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10541508 (CK) & #10541509 (tokzyk)
Is Tom out? Czy Tom wyszedł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244628 (CK) & #10566142 (tokzyk)
Is he tall? Czy on jest wysoki? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #302406 (CK) & #10565760 (tokzyk)
Is it blue? To jest niebieskie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248442 (CK) & #3970435 (jeedrek)
Is it free? Czy to jest za darmo? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322841 (CK) & #718999 (zipangu)
Is it free? To darmowe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322841 (CK) & #6729551 (arie)
Is it free? To jest za darmo? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322841 (CK) & #6729552 (arie)
Is it love? Czy to miłość? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #663921 (bluepie88) & #1634434 (Siganiv)
Is it time? Czy to już czas? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248473 (CK) & #10565742 (tokzyk)
It happens. Zdarza się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123617 (CK) & #826581 (zipangu)
It is 7:30. Jest 7:30. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456099 (lukaszpp) & #6324408 (arie)
It is 7:30. Jest siódma trzydzieści. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456099 (lukaszpp) & #6324410 (arie)
It is 7:30. Jest wpół do ósmej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456099 (lukaszpp) & #6324411 (arie)
It is 7:30. Jest trzydzieści po siódmej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456099 (lukaszpp) & #6324414 (arie)
It is 7:45. Jest siódma czterdzieści pięć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456101 (lukaszpp) & #794571 (lukaszpp)
It is warm. Jest ciepło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456141 (lukaszpp) & #3285580 (jeedrek)
It matters. To ma znaczenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2396245 (CK) & #3641195 (jeedrek)
It was sad. To było smutne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248879 (CK) & #8808951 (nusia2302)
It's Tom's. To Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187227 (CK) & #10566163 (tokzyk)
It's Tom's. To należy do Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187227 (CK) & #10566164 (tokzyk)
It's cheap. Jest tanie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3272970 (CK) & #10640215 (polski_ren)
It's early. Jest wcześnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456179 (lukaszpp) & #6320889 (arie)
It's green. To jest zielone. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187213 (CK) & #10566149 (tokzyk)
It's on me. Ja stawiam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #250231 (CK) & #568110 (Bilberry)
It's ready. Gotowe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187230 (CK) & #8766050 (nusia2302)
It's safer. Tak jest bezpieczniej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123582 (CK) & #4869513 (Rudzielec)
It's safer. To jest bezpieczniejsze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123582 (CK) & #4869514 (Rudzielec)
It's white. Jest białe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42189 (CK) & #8753528 (nusia2302)
It's windy. Jest wietrznie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #724395 (CK) & #1351576 (Ollie1337)
It's yours. To jest twoje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187248 (CK) & #8636706 (nusia2302)
Jesus wept. Jezus zapłakał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #66664 (CM) & #6160706 (arie)
Just leave. Idź już sobie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358727 (CK) & #6327932 (arie)
Just leave. Po prostu wyjdź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358727 (CK) & #12360169 (arie)
Keep going. Nie poddawaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111646 (CK) & #3141066 (Inci)
Keep notes. Zrób notatki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111643 (CK) & #5660112 (machmet)
Keep quiet! Bądź cicho! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #272075 (CK) & #5627113 (machmet)
Keep quiet. Bądź cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #272043 (CK) & #5627112 (machmet)
Keep still. Keep still. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111636 (CK) & #5660087 (machmet)
Leave town. Opuścić miasto. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111624 (CK) & #5660039 (machmet)
Let Tom go. Puść Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1935451 (Spamster) & #10565749 (tokzyk)
Let Tom in. Wpuść Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235853 (CK) & #10566236 (tokzyk)
Let him go! Puść go! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1894371 (Spamster) & #12058192 (jimbojim)
Let him go! Puszczaj go! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1894371 (Spamster) & #12058193 (jimbojim)
Let him in. Wpuść go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464814 (CK) & #10598002 (polski_ren)
Let him in. Wpuśćcie go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464814 (CK) & #10598003 (polski_ren)
Let me pay. Pozwól mi zapłacić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1302459 (CK) & #2138959 (liori)
Let us out. Wypuść nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249526 (CK) & #10542007 (tokzyk)
Let's chat. Porozmawiajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007940 (CK) & #6328271 (arie)
Let's kiss. Pocałujmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007939 (CK) & #10464327 (Shounen)
Let's play. Zagrajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324520 (CK) & #10606416 (polski_ren)
Let's pray. Pomódlmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187249 (CK) & #10566148 (tokzyk)
Let's talk. Porozmawiajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007936 (CK) & #6328271 (arie)
Let's work. Pracujmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007934 (CK) & #8761067 (nusia2302)
Lighten up. Rozjaśnić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860610 (CK) & #5627224 (machmet)
Look again. Spójrz ponownie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111614 (CK) & #5660034 (machmet)
Look ahead. Patrz przed siebie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111613 (CK) & #5660030 (machmet)
Look alert. Spójrz alarm. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111612 (CK) & #5660024 (machmet)
Look alive. Wyglądać żywo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111611 (CK) & #5660022 (machmet)
Look at it. Spójrz na to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249548 (CK) & #6304213 (arie)
Look at us. Spójrz na nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249552 (CK) & #2874438 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Look at us. Patrz na nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249552 (CK) & #10566165 (tokzyk)
Look there. Spójrz tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1635351 (Amastan) & #8617214 (arie)
Look there. Popatrz tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1635351 (Amastan) & #8617215 (arie)
Love hurts. Miłość boli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111604 (CK) & #5660004 (machmet)
Love lasts. Miłość trwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111603 (CK) & #5660003 (machmet)
Mama cried. Mama płakała. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1447977 (CK) & #5627133 (machmet)
Never mind! Nieważne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617122 (arie)
Never mind! Już nieważne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617123 (arie)
Never mind! Nie szkodzi! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617126 (arie)
Never mind! Nie przejmuj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617127 (arie)
Never mind! Nic nie szkodzi! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617128 (arie)
Never mind! Mniejsza o to! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20394 (CM) & #8617129 (arie)
No comment. Bez komentarza. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #873323 (U2FS) & #674676 (yessoos)
No problem! Nie ma problemu! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413611 (blay_paul) & #570401 (Bilberry)
No problem! Żaden problem! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413611 (blay_paul) & #868049 (Igliwie)
No problem! Nie ma sprawy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413611 (blay_paul) & #8617149 (arie)
No problem! W porządku! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413611 (blay_paul) & #8617150 (arie)
No problem. Nie ma problemu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #551443 (CM) & #535177 (orzechowski)
No problem. Nie ma sprawy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #551443 (CM) & #551622 (zipangu)
No problem. Żaden problem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #551443 (CM) & #10586180 (tokzyk)
Nobody ran. Nikt nie biegł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6335672 (CK) & #10600751 (polski_ren)
Oh, really? Oh! Naprawdę? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2570909 (Hybrid) & #10566167 (tokzyk)
Once again. Jeszcze raz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433729 (CK) & #564780 (Bilberry)
People lie. Ludzie kłamią. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10317655 (shekitten) & #10597450 (polski_ren)
Pick it up. Podnieś to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #41717 (CK) & #10542714 (tokzyk)
Please eat. Proszę, jedz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358715 (CK) & #10600754 (polski_ren)
Please sit. Proszę usiąść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #478180 (CK) & #951399 (zipangu)
Press here. Naciśnij tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9258117 (CK) & #10597429 (polski_ren)
Protect me. Chroń mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6113965 (mailohilohi) & #10596360 (polski_ren)
Protect me. Chrońcie mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6113965 (mailohilohi) & #10596361 (polski_ren)
Pull me up. Wciągnij mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249831 (CK) & #10566180 (tokzyk)
Quiet down. Uspokój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904801 (Trailsend) & #547699 (Bilberry)
Quiet down. Bądź cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904801 (Trailsend) & #5627112 (machmet)
Quiet down. Uspokójcie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904801 (Trailsend) & #8500439 (nusia2302)
Quiet down. Bądźcie cicho. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #904801 (Trailsend) & #8617171 (arie)
Quit lying. Skończ kłamać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9314853 (CK) & #10599813 (polski_ren)
Replace it. Wymień to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111567 (CK) & #2680574 (Koen)
Row faster. Wiosłujcie szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9495932 (DJ_Saidez) & #10599814 (polski_ren)
Row faster. Wiosłuj szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9495932 (DJ_Saidez) & #10599815 (polski_ren)
Run faster. Biegnij szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9023336 (mccarras) & #10599777 (polski_ren)
Say cheese. Powiedz ser. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1852269 (CK) & #5627215 (machmet)
Say please. Proszę powiedz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111561 (CK) & #5659903 (machmet)
Shadow Tom. Śledź Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10555686 (CK) & #5636912 (machmet)
She is old. Ona jest stara. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1335485 (boscowitch) & #8502202 (nusia2302)
She's nice. Jest miła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #747694 (CS) & #10606681 (polski_ren)
Shove over. Wpakować się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111556 (CK) & #5652553 (machmet)
Sing along. Wspólnie śpiewać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111554 (CK) & #5652551 (machmet)
Smell this. Powąchaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3921552 (CK) & #5651998 (machmet)
Stand back! Cofnij się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1894221 (Spamster) & #10542029 (tokzyk)
Start here. Zacznij tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111524 (CK) & #5652526 (machmet)
Start over. Zacząć od nowa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111522 (CK) & #5652522 (machmet)
Stay alert. Bądź czujny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111518 (CK) & #846281 (zipangu)
Stay alert. Bądźcie czujne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111518 (CK) & #12232593 (polski_ren)
Stay awake. Nie zasypiaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111517 (CK) & #5652485 (machmet)
Stay close. Trzymaj się blisko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111515 (CK) & #5652482 (machmet)
Stay quiet. Zamknij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111510 (CK) & #5652466 (machmet)
Stay sharp. Bądź czujny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1627331 (Spamster) & #846281 (zipangu)
Stay sharp. Bądź ostrożny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1627331 (Spamster) & #2120165 (liori)
Stay sharp. Bądźcie czujni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1627331 (Spamster) & #8617210 (arie)
Stay sharp. Miej się na baczności. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1627331 (Spamster) & #8617211 (arie)
Stay still. Nie ruszaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111509 (CK) & #547701 (Bilberry)
Stay there. Zostań tam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #462476 (lukaszpp) & #5271517 (krzysiek)
Stay tuned. Zostańcie z nami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7966958 (CK) & #10572622 (tokzyk)
Step aside. Odsuń się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #40051 (CK) & #5627102 (machmet)
Stop lying. Przestań kłamać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111497 (CK) & #5652384 (machmet)
Stop there. Zatrzymaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111490 (CK) & #5652102 (machmet)
Study hard. Ucz się pilnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #53465 (CK) & #705333 (zipangu)
Study more. Ucz się więcej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7063646 (AlexParrish) & #8745489 (nusia2302)
Take a bus. Jedźcie autobusem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35369 (CK) & #8538377 (nusia2302)
Take a bus. Złap autobus. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #35369 (CK) & #10599857 (polski_ren)
Take cover! Kryć się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111485 (CK) & #5652093 (machmet)
Take notes. Notujcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6681984 (CK) & #10597310 (polski_ren)
Take these. Weź to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111480 (CK) & #5627261 (machmet)
Talk to me! Mów do mnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #320369 (CK) & #10606402 (polski_ren)
Taste this. Posmakuj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111477 (CK) & #5651985 (machmet)
That a boy! To chłopiec! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51144 (CK) & #5651982 (machmet)
That hurts. To boli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #462526 (lukaszpp) & #6160732 (arie)
That works. To działa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111472 (CK) & #5198746 (Tomash)
That'll do. To wystarczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111470 (CK) & #357397 (zipangu)
That's Tom. To jest Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111395 (CK) & #6309199 (arie)
That's all. To wszystko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #43098 (CK) & #540622 (zipangu)
That's sad. To jest smutne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111406 (CK) & #10542339 (tokzyk)
That's wet. To jest mokre. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6532456 (CK) & #6553711 (arie)
They agree. Zgadzają się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111383 (CK) & #5651903 (machmet)
They cheat. Oszukują. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111377 (CK) & #5650326 (machmet)
They slept. Spali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2585200 (DiscoNostalgia) & #4101593 (Ceresnya)
They slept. Spały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2585200 (DiscoNostalgia) & #9671924 (Tomo77)
They stood. Oni stali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111360 (CK) & #3743636 (gin)
They tried. Próbowali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111356 (CK) & #5650279 (machmet)
They voted. Głosowali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123544 (CK) & #5651904 (machmet)
This is it. To tyle. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54232 (CK) & #8608755 (arie)
This works. To działa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111208 (CK) & #5198746 (Tomash)
This'll do. Może być. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111207 (CK) & #2680627 (Koen)
Time flies. Czas leci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #263886 (CK) & #846174 (zipangu)
Time is up. Czas minął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31334 (CK) & #8621003 (arie)
Tom agreed. Tom się zgodził. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111204 (CK) & #5629959 (machmet)
Tom agrees. Tom się zgadza. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111203 (CK) & #5629958 (machmet)
Tom barfed. Tom zwymiotował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10298357 (DJ_Saidez) & #10595308 (polski_ren)
Tom barfed. Tom puścił pawia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10298357 (DJ_Saidez) & #10605142 (polski_ren)
Tom braked. Tom zahamował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416699 (CK) & #10596327 (polski_ren)
Tom burped. Tom beknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111198 (CK) & #5629951 (machmet)
Tom called. Tom dzwonił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111197 (CK) & #5629999 (machmet)
Tom cheats. Tom oszukuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111195 (CK) & #5629998 (machmet)
Tom cooked. Tom gotował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9826429 (CK) & #10596068 (polski_ren)
Tom cursed. Tom zaklął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7410481 (CK) & #10597351 (polski_ren)
Tom danced. Tom tańczył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111189 (CK) & #5629947 (machmet)
Tom dances. Tom tańczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5190880 (CK) & #5636996 (machmet)
Tom drinks. Tom pije. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111187 (CK) & #5629945 (machmet)
Tom drives. Tom prowadzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111186 (CK) & #5629944 (machmet)
Tom failed. Tom zawiódł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111179 (CK) & #5629878 (machmet)
Tom fasted. Tom pościł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7751171 (shekitten) & #10596436 (polski_ren)
Tom forgot. Tom zapomniał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111175 (CK) & #5629871 (machmet)
Tom fought. Tom walczył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111174 (CK) & #5629870 (machmet)
Tom gasped. Tom sapał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111173 (CK) & #5629867 (machmet)
Tom goofed. Tom popełnił gafę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4667274 (CK) & #5636993 (machmet)
Tom helped. Tom pomógł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111166 (CK) & #5629853 (machmet)
Tom hit me. Tom mnie uderzył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2262443 (CK) & #8715185 (nusia2302)
Tom is shy. Tom jest nieśmiały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203345 (CK) & #3776560 (jeedrek)
Tom jumped. Tom skoczył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111162 (CK) & #5629848 (machmet)
Tom limped. Tom utykał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7727781 (shekitten) & #10600764 (polski_ren)
Tom looked. Tom spojrzał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111157 (CK) & #5629836 (machmet)
Tom moaned. Tom jęknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111156 (CK) & #5629834 (machmet)
Tom nodded. Tom skinął głową. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1531064 (Spamster) & #3711135 (jeedrek)
Tom obeyed. Tom posłuchał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203737 (CK) & #5636924 (machmet)
Tom paints. Tom maluje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6772222 (Eccles17) & #10595266 (polski_ren)
Tom paused. Tom przerwał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283753 (CK) & #5636987 (machmet)
Tom phoned. Tom zadzwonił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203753 (CK) & #5630023 (machmet)
Tom played. Tom grał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10297079 (ddnktr) & #10597449 (polski_ren)
Tom prayed. Tom modlił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203754 (CK) & #5630026 (machmet)
Tom rested. Tom odpoczął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5859018 (CK) & #10596405 (polski_ren)
Tom saw it. Tom to widział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2237653 (CK) & #10566186 (tokzyk)
Tom saw me. Tom mnie zobaczył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2237655 (CK) & #10566212 (tokzyk)
Tom saw me. Tom mnie widział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2237655 (CK) & #10566213 (tokzyk)
Tom shaved. Tomek się ogolił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1531053 (Spamster) & #10566210 (tokzyk)
Tom sighed. Tom westchnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111154 (CK) & #5629831 (machmet)
Tom smells. Tom pachnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9229406 (CK) & #10596101 (polski_ren)
Tom smiled. Tom się uśmiechnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005184 (CK) & #2786862 (Hikaru)
Tom smiles. Tom uśmiecha się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10711427 (CK) & #11265999 (Milenka)
Tom smoked. Tom palił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6887010 (voxbubnya) & #3524712 (jeedrek)
Tom smokes. Tom pali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358758 (CK) & #8732543 (nusia2302)
Tom snores. Tom chrapie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111153 (CK) & #5629829 (machmet)
Tom stayed. Tom został. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203823 (CK) & #5630031 (machmet)
Tom stinks. Tom śmierdzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6696147 (Eccles17) & #10595258 (polski_ren)
Tom stinks. Tom cuchnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6696147 (Eccles17) & #10595259 (polski_ren)
Tom talked. Tom mówił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203849 (CK) & #5630030 (machmet)
Tom waited. Tom czekał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111151 (CK) & #5629823 (machmet)
Tom walked. Tom szedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203889 (CK) & #5630038 (machmet)
Tom winked. Tom mrugnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123534 (CK) & #5630000 (machmet)
Tom worked. Tom pracował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203898 (CK) & #5636983 (machmet)
Tom yawned. Tom ziewnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005186 (CK) & #5629687 (machmet)
Tom yelled. Tom krzyknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203901 (CK) & #5636985 (machmet)
Tom'll cry. Tom będzie płakał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123530 (CK) & #10566220 (tokzyk)
Tom'll pay. Tom zapłaci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123521 (CK) & #8763716 (nusia2302)
Tom's deaf. Tom jest głuchy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107479 (CK) & #3529751 (Bilberry)
Tom's free. Tom jest wolny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107516 (CK) & #10566172 (tokzyk)
Tom's glad. Tom jest zadowolony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107521 (CK) & #4889612 (BeataB)
Tom's sick. Tom jest chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107594 (CK) & #5795229 (jeedrek)
Tough luck! A to pech! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617412 (arie)
Tough luck! Trudno! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617413 (arie)
Tough luck! Masz pecha! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617414 (arie)
Tough luck! Mówi się trudno! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617416 (arie)
Tough luck! Co za pech! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617417 (arie)
Tough luck! Pech! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2121675 (freddy1) & #8617419 (arie)
Try harder. Bardziej się staraj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2852896 (CK) & #513454 (zipangu)
Try harder. Próbuj dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2852896 (CK) & #8617213 (arie)
Try harder. Postaraj się bardziej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2852896 (CK) & #8617578 (arie)
Turn it on. Włącz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2253824 (CK) & #10565743 (tokzyk)
Turn right. Skręć w prawo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464290 (lukaszpp) & #6320823 (arie)
Unscrew it. Odkręć go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10130182 (ddnktr) & #10605139 (polski_ren)
Unscrew it. Odkręć ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10130182 (ddnktr) & #10605140 (polski_ren)
Watch this. Patrz na to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549825 (CK) & #5651995 (machmet)
We are men. Jesteśmy mężczyznami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #388869 (CK) & #563485 (Bilberry)
We buy CDs. Kupujemy płyty CD. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #247711 (CK) & #10566196 (tokzyk)
We can try. Możemy spróbować. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241045 (CK) & #6160297 (arie)
We cheated. Oszukiwaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9075685 (CK) & #10596071 (polski_ren)
We cheated. Oszukiwałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9075685 (CK) & #10596072 (polski_ren)
We cheered. Wiwatowaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9075245 (CK) & #12360186 (arie)
We clapped. Zaklaskaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10101797 (ddnktr) & #10597541 (polski_ren)
We had fun. Dobrze się bawiliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241101 (CK) & #10566234 (tokzyk)
We laughed. Śmialiśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1922452 (teapot) & #10566202 (tokzyk)
We like it. Podoba nam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241145 (CK) & #10565744 (tokzyk)
We like it. Lubimy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241145 (CK) & #10565745 (tokzyk)
We lost it. Straciliśmy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241150 (CK) & #10566140 (tokzyk)
We love it. Kochamy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241151 (CK) & #10566161 (tokzyk)
We must go. Musimy iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1531057 (Spamster) & #2164606 (MarcinF)
We relaxed. Odprężyliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9096307 (CK) & #12360206 (arie)
We relaxed. Rozluźniłyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9096307 (CK) & #12360207 (arie)
We saw Tom. Widzieliśmy Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2240304 (CK) & #10566229 (tokzyk)
We saw you. Widzieliśmy cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241441 (CK) & #10565756 (tokzyk)
We want it. Chcemy tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2708748 (CK) & #3377669 (konrad509)
We'll walk. Pójdziemy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203887 (CK) & #8765515 (nusia2302)
We're back. Wróciliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107332 (CK) & #8457959 (nusia2302)
We're boys. Jesteśmy chłopakami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6874274 (CK) & #561590 (Bilberry)
We're cold. Jest nam zimno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202657 (CK) & #10565751 (tokzyk)
We're even. Jesteśmy kwita. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1013826 (CM) & #10565667 (tokzyk)
We're full. Jesteśmy pełni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202895 (CK) & #11580363 (polski_ren)
We're full. Jesteśmy pełne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202895 (CK) & #11580364 (polski_ren)
We're here. Jesteśmy tu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123504 (CK) & #3418635 (konrad509)
We're home. Jesteśmy w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841552 (CK) & #1518026 (zipangu)
We're rich. Jesteśmy bogaci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203292 (CK) & #10566218 (tokzyk)
We're safe. Jesteśmy bezpieczni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107357 (CK) & #3522541 (jeedrek)
What is it? Co to jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42849 (brauliobezerra) & #557379 (Bilberry)
What's new? Co nowego? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25029 (CK) & #2965985 (ridilla)
Who cooked? Kto gotował? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9826432 (CK) & #10596069 (polski_ren)
Who did it? Kto to zrobił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #276223 (CK) & #925818 (zipangu)
Who has it? Kto to ma? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2254728 (CK) & #8721222 (nusia2302)
Who is she? Kim ona jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #315731 (CK) & #357211 (zipangu)
Who phoned? Kto zadzwonił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203752 (CK) & #8617459 (arie)
Who phoned? Kto dzwonił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203752 (CK) & #8617460 (arie)
Who saw me? Kto mnie widział? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3822506 (CK) & #3887862 (gin)
Who stayed? Kto został? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203822 (CK) & #8496096 (nusia2302)
Who waited? Kto czekał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8595097 (CK) & #10597383 (polski_ren)
Who yelled? Kto krzyczał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203900 (CK) & #8743539 (nusia2302)
Who's next? Kto następny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2561317 (Hybrid) & #3781512 (Spodnie)
Who's sick? Kto jest chory? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5504571 (CK) & #730435 (zipangu)
Why bother? Po co się trudzić? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3731482 (CM) & #7710943 (qmak)
Why bother? Po co zawracać sobie głowę? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3731482 (CM) & #7710945 (qmak)
Wood burns. Drewno się pali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #323576 (CK) & #566766 (Bilberry)
Yeah, sure. Tak, jasne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10914863 (CK) & #12360222 (arie)
You agreed. Zgodziłeś się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8750826 (deniko) & #10597385 (polski_ren)
You agreed. Zgodziłaś się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8750826 (deniko) & #10597386 (polski_ren)
You agreed. Zgodziliście się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8750826 (deniko) & #10597387 (polski_ren)
You called? Zadzwoniłeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #64527 (CK) & #5627108 (machmet)
You decide. Ty zdecyduj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1747551 (belgavox) & #8617228 (arie)
You missed. Nie trafiłeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549824 (CK) & #8617564 (arie)
You owe me. Jesteś mi winien. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #687966 (lukaszpp) & #10606671 (polski_ren)
You'll see. Zobaczysz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #241719 (U2FS) & #8761356 (nusia2302)
You'll see. Zobaczycie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #241719 (U2FS) & #10595531 (polski_ren)
You're bad. Jesteś zły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202603 (CK) & #5664905 (machmet)
You're big. Jesteś wielki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202619 (CK) & #5664911 (machmet)
You're fun. Jesteś zabawy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202897 (CK) & #5664972 (machmet)
You're mad. Jesteś szalony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2217881 (CK) & #928165 (orzechowski)
You're odd. Jesteś dziwny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203132 (CK) & #5664866 (machmet)
You're old. Jesteś stary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203139 (CK) & #5665020 (machmet)
You're sad. Jesteś smutny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203306 (CK) & #5665023 (machmet)
You're shy. Jesteś nieśmiały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203344 (CK) & #5665027 (machmet)
You've won! Wygrałeś! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123492 (CK) & #3065525 (jeedrek)
You've won! Wygrałaś! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123492 (CK) & #3065526 (jeedrek)
You've won! Wygraliście! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123492 (CK) & #3065527 (jeedrek)
You've won! Wygrałyście! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123492 (CK) & #3065528 (jeedrek)
All is well. Wszystko jest dobre. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322610 (CM) & #593193 (simaqian)
Am I hungry! Jestem głodny! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #72095 (CK) & #532470 (sapper)
Anyone hurt? Są ranni? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2092559 (CK) & #5629713 (machmet)
Are we lost? Zgubiliśmy się? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244925 (CK) & #3664763 (jeedrek)
Are we safe? Jesteśmy bezpieczni? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244928 (CK) & #3664758 (jeedrek)
Are you mad? Oszalałeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #18965 (CK) & #859048 (zipangu)
Are you new? Jesteś nowy? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #429820 (CM) & #2979849 (jeedrek)
Ask anybody. Zapytaj kogokolwiek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111968 (CK) & #8617409 (arie)
Ask anybody. Spytaj kogokolwiek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111968 (CK) & #8617410 (arie)
Ask for Tom. Pytaj o Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235642 (CK) & #10565673 (tokzyk)
Avoid riots. Unikaj zamieszek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11909982 (CK) & #12227253 (polski_ren)
Be cheerful. Bądź pogodny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1490966 (BraveSentry) & #10600721 (polski_ren)
Be cheerful. Bądź pogodna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1490966 (BraveSentry) & #10600722 (polski_ren)
Be cheerful. Bądźcie pogodni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1490966 (BraveSentry) & #10600723 (polski_ren)
Be cheerful. Bądźcie pogodne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1490966 (BraveSentry) & #10600724 (polski_ren)
Be creative. Bądź kreatywny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111964 (CK) & #8617401 (arie)
Be discreet. Bądź dyskretny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111963 (CK) & #8617399 (arie)
Be faithful. Bądź wierny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908768 (CK) & #10599773 (polski_ren)
Be faithful. Bądź wierna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908768 (CK) & #10599774 (polski_ren)
Be friendly. Bądź miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #5627273 (machmet)
Be friendly. Bądź przyjazny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #8617393 (arie)
Be friendly. Bądź przyjacielski. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #8617395 (arie)
Be friendly. Bądźcie mili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #8617396 (arie)
Be friendly. Bądźcie dla siebie mili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #8617397 (arie)
Be friendly. Bądź miła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111962 (CK) & #8617398 (arie)
Be merciful. Okaż miłosierdzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111961 (CK) & #4009529 (times)
Be merciful. Bądź miłosierny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111961 (CK) & #8617385 (arie)
Be merciful. Bądź litościwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111961 (CK) & #8617387 (arie)
Be merciful. Miej litość. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111961 (CK) & #8617388 (arie)
Be prepared. Przygotuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #1060676 (Karola)
Be prepared. Bądź gotowy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #8617369 (arie)
Be prepared. Bądź gotów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #8617370 (arie)
Be prepared. Bądź gotowa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #8617371 (arie)
Be prepared. Bądź przygotowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #8617372 (arie)
Be prepared. Przygotujcie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111960 (CK) & #8617373 (arie)
Be punctual. Nie spóźnij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111959 (CK) & #3446231 (Hikaru)
Be punctual. Bądź punktualny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111959 (CK) & #8617368 (arie)
Be ruthless. Bądź bezwzględny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111957 (CK) & #8617361 (arie)
Be ruthless. Bądź bezlitosny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111957 (CK) & #8617362 (arie)
Be ruthless. Nie miej litości. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111957 (CK) & #8617363 (arie)
Be sensible. Bądź rozsądny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111955 (CK) & #4881425 (BeataB)
Be specific. Bądź bardziej dokładny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111953 (CK) & #8617334 (arie)
Be specific. Bądź dokładny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111953 (CK) & #8617357 (arie)
Be thorough. Bądź dokładny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111951 (CK) & #8617357 (arie)
Be tolerant. Bądź tolerancyjny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111950 (CK) & #8753351 (nusia2302)
Be tolerant. Bądź tolerancyjna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111950 (CK) & #10606104 (polski_ren)
Be vigilant. Bądź czujny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111949 (CK) & #846281 (zipangu)
Be watchful. Bądź czujny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111948 (CK) & #846281 (zipangu)
Be watchful. Bądźcie czujni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111948 (CK) & #8617210 (arie)
Be yourself. Bądź sobą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1490941 (BraveSentry) & #10570593 (tokzyk)
Behave well. Bądź grzeczny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908813 (CK) & #964947 (zipangu)
Behave well. Zachowuj się dobrze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908813 (CK) & #12360173 (arie)
Behave well. Bądźcie grzeczni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908813 (CK) & #12360174 (arie)
Behave well. Zachowujcie się dobrze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908813 (CK) & #12360175 (arie)
Birds chirp. Ptaszki ćwierkają. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8908860 (CK) & #12360176 (arie)
Can we come? Możemy przyjść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245043 (CK) & #2405979 (procroco)
Can we help? Czy możemy ci pomóc? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245044 (CK) & #2405982 (procroco)
Can we stop? Możemy zakończyć? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245048 (CK) & #2405990 (procroco)
Can we stop? Możemy się zatrzymać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245048 (CK) & #10602704 (tokzyk)
Can you try? Możesz spróbować? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245062 (CK) & #2406018 (procroco)
Check again. Sprawdź jeszcze raz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111940 (CK) & #10596736 (polski_ren)
Clean it up. Posprzątaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245179 (CK) & #841748 (zipangu)
Come aboard. Wejdź na pokład. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111935 (CK) & #8539906 (nusia2302)
Come closer. Podejdź bliżej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111932 (CK) & #6327931 (arie)
Come closer. Podejdźcie bliżej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111932 (CK) & #10596733 (polski_ren)
Comfort Tom. Pociesz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111927 (CK) & #5636916 (machmet)
Concentrate. Skup się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11915586 (CK) & #5652479 (machmet)
Contact Tom. Kontakt z Tomem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111926 (CK) & #5636915 (machmet)
Cover it up. Przykryj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245244 (CK) & #3084391 (jeedrek)
Did Tom cry? Czy Tom płakał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235662 (CK) & #6603009 (princes21)
Did Tom die? Czy Tom umarł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235663 (CK) & #6603011 (princes21)
Did Tom eat? Czy Tom zjadł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235665 (CK) & #6603016 (princes21)
Do as I say. Rób jak mówię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2029931 (Spamster) & #10565677 (tokzyk)
Do you mind? Masz coś przeciwko? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245279 (CK) & #7183688 (arie)
Do you mind? Nie masz nic przeciwko? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245279 (CK) & #7183689 (arie)
Do you mind? Nie przeszkadza ci to? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245279 (CK) & #7183691 (arie)
Do you mind? Czy ci to przeszkadza? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245279 (CK) & #7183694 (arie)
Do you mind? Przejmujesz się tym? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245279 (CK) & #7183695 (arie)
Don't boast. Nie przechwalaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11935004 (CK) & #12239923 (polski_ren)
Don't cheat. Nie oszukuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111917 (CK) & #10565681 (tokzyk)
Don't fight. Nie walcz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111915 (CK) & #10570885 (tokzyk)
Don't laugh. Nie śmiej się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1771554 (Scott) & #3502806 (jeedrek)
Don't shoot! Nie strzelaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1664567 (Spamster) & #8621013 (arie)
Don't stare. Nie gap się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111899 (CK) & #10542191 (tokzyk)
Don't worry. Nie martw się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #506446 (rtomharper) & #350045 (zipangu)
Finish this. Skończ to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111837 (CK) & #5651989 (machmet)
Flip a coin. Rzuć monetą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245499 (CK) & #3421928 (konrad509)
Forgive Tom. Wybacz Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203857 (CK) & #5636947 (machmet)
Get changed. Przebierz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111833 (CK) & #8621020 (arie)
Get dressed. Ubierz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111832 (CK) & #10594906 (polski_ren)
Get serious. Bądź poważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268457 (CK) & #5627110 (machmet)
Get started. Zaczynaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111827 (CK) & #6160579 (arie)
Go have fun. Idź się bawić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230767 (CK) & #2289989 (Wessnosa)
Go help Tom. Idź pomóc Tomowi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230768 (CK) & #2289990 (Wessnosa)
Go on board. Wejdź na pokład. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268420 (CK) & #8539906 (nusia2302)
Go straight. Idź prosto. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6619660 (CK) & #6768827 (arie)
Go with Tom. Idź z Tomem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230783 (CK) & #4749848 (Tomash)
Guess again. Zgaduj dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5825528 (CK) & #12360090 (arie)
He can come. Może przyjść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #289971 (CK) & #2810297 (Ceresnya)
He can come. On może przyjść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #289971 (CK) & #10564398 (tokzyk)
He can read. On umie czytać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #388981 (CK) & #550637 (Bilberry)
He can swim. On umie pływać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #293936 (CK) & #358787 (zipangu)
He chuckled. Zachichotał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2006572 (Spamster) & #10600726 (polski_ren)
He grew old. Zestarzał się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #302343 (CK) & #10597760 (polski_ren)
He has come! On przyszedł! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #790518 (papabear) & #5336283 (machmet)
He is alone. On jest sam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #293708 (CK) & #558278 (Bilberry)
He is eight. On ma osiem lat. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288654 (CK) & #868175 (Sonix)
He is happy. Jest szczęśliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #296294 (CH) & #363739 (zipangu)
He is nasty. On jest okropny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #71998 (CK) & #3502785 (Bilberry)
He is young. On jest młody. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1766545 (CK) & #8504781 (nusia2302)
He needs it. On go potrzebuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1356760 (sacredceltic) & #10598446 (polski_ren)
He needs it. On jej potrzebuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1356760 (sacredceltic) & #10598447 (polski_ren)
He relented. Ustąpił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1934881 (Spamster) & #3129159 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
He resigned. Zrezygnował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1580341 (sam_m) & #10557835 (tokzyk)
He squinted. Zmrużył oczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1996941 (Spamster) & #12359736 (arie)
He squinted. Zerknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1996941 (Spamster) & #12359737 (arie)
He stood up. Wstał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #517531 (blay_paul) & #922471 (zipangu)
He was busy. Był zajęty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #303699 (CK) & #3649398 (Katubeltza)
He's my age. On jest w tym samym wieku co ja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #674278 (yessoos) & #516561 (zipangu)
He's strong. On jest silny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #295297 (CK) & #412975 (zipangu)
Hello again. Witam ponownie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1764868 (Amastan) & #8617229 (arie)
Here I come. Nadchodzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1112325 (Scott) & #2282541 (liori)
Here she is! Oto ona! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #33119 (CK) & #1409869 (kosapehape)
Here we are! Jesteśmy na miejscu! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54174 (CK) & #3656570 (Wu)
How are you? Jak się masz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #373320 (CK) & #349992 (zipangu)
How are you? Jak się pan miewa? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #373320 (CK) & #405642 (zipangu)
How curious! Jak ciekawie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913085 (CK) & #5627250 (machmet)
How strange! Jak dziwnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1913092 (CK) & #5627266 (machmet)
I adore you. Uwielbiam cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436279 (lukaszpp) & #6320857 (arie)
I also went. Ja również poszłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #262358 (CK) & #5868696 (BeataB)
I also went. Ja również poszedłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #262358 (CK) & #5868697 (BeataB)
I also went. Ja także poszłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #262358 (CK) & #5868709 (BeataB)
I also went. Ja także poszedłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #262358 (CK) & #5868712 (BeataB)
I am better. Jestem lepszy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #775440 (CK) & #4482458 (Detharon)
I am coming. Idę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #65918 (CK) & #349055 (zipangu)
I am coming. Przybywam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #65918 (CK) & #566491 (Bilberry)
I am sweaty. Jestem spocony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436435 (lukaszpp) & #6320864 (arie)
I am taller. Jestem wyższy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #251869 (CK) & #10595387 (polski_ren)
I avoid Tom. Unikam Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828932 (CK) & #7710435 (qmak)
I bought it. Kupiłem je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254843 (CK) & #10600816 (polski_ren)
I bought it. Kupiłem go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254843 (CK) & #10600818 (polski_ren)
I bought it. Kupiłem ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254843 (CK) & #10600819 (polski_ren)
I buried it. Zakopałem je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245629 (CK) & #10626991 (polski_ren)
I buried it. Zakopałam je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245629 (CK) & #10626992 (polski_ren)
I buried it. Zakopałam go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245629 (CK) & #10626994 (polski_ren)
I buried it. Zakopałem ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245629 (CK) & #10626995 (polski_ren)
I buy tapes. Kupuję taśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435445 (CK) & #10597999 (polski_ren)
I can do it. Mogę to zrobić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254742 (CK) & #1844975 (zipangu)
I can't eat. Nie mogę jeść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1951551 (CK) & #2650977 (aleksandraeska)
I can't fly. Nie umiem latać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #956779 (Shishir) & #956981 (zipangu)
I can't say. Nie mogę tego powiedzieć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24897 (CK) & #1085484 (Larin)
I can't win. Nie mogę wygrać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4928208 (gustonrankin) & #4929144 (Martka)
I collapsed. Upadłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8783277 (jimkillock) & #10599766 (polski_ren)
I collapsed. Upadłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8783277 (jimkillock) & #10599767 (polski_ren)
I confessed. Przyznałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111808 (CK) & #8617250 (arie)
I disagreed. Nie zgodziłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828936 (CK) & #10600746 (polski_ren)
I disagreed. Nie zgodziłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828936 (CK) & #10600747 (polski_ren)
I eat a lot. Dużo jem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828937 (CK) & #10566465 (tokzyk)
I eat alone. Jadam sam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245729 (CK) & #10627003 (polski_ren)
I eat alone. Jadam sama. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245729 (CK) & #10627004 (polski_ren)
I eat fruit. Jadam owoce. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1120822 (cntrational) & #10589326 (polski_ren)
I exercised. Ćwiczyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111804 (CK) & #3452627 (lauburu)
I exercised. Ćwiczyłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111804 (CK) & #10594887 (polski_ren)
I feel cold. Zimno mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21124 (CK) & #533810 (orzechowski)
I feel fine. Czuję się świetnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321586 (CK) & #557000 (Bilberry)
I feel weak. Słabo mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245759 (CK) & #10696227 (tokzyk)
I fell down. Upadłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7538209 (CK) & #10599766 (polski_ren)
I fell over. Upadłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10697309 (sundown) & #10599766 (polski_ren)
I felt dumb. Czułem się głupio. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2342348 (Hybrid) & #10566452 (tokzyk)
I forgot it. Zapomniałem o nim. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #254852 (CK) & #10600820 (polski_ren)
I found you. Znalazłem Cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #243290 (CK) & #10542170 (tokzyk)
I got dirty. Pobrudziłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9144047 (CK) & #11581607 (polski_ren)
I got dirty. Pobrudziłam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9144047 (CK) & #11581608 (polski_ren)
I had to go. Musiałem iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1113317 (CK) & #6020514 (qmak)
I hate dogs. Nienawidzę psów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330557 (CK) & #3685468 (jeedrek)
I hate rain. Nienawidzę deszczu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5956060 (mailohilohi) & #5956196 (stagos)
I hate rats. Nienawidzę szczurów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245864 (CK) & #10604138 (polski_ren)
I hate snow. Nienawidzę śniegu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5956059 (mailohilohi) & #5956195 (stagos)
I hate them. Nienawidzę ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245869 (CK) & #10566432 (tokzyk)
I have cash. Mam gotówkę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245876 (CK) & #10556283 (tokzyk)
I have eyes. Mam oczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245881 (CK) & #10565686 (tokzyk)
I have food. Mam jedzenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245884 (CK) & #10601805 (polski_ren)
I have news. Mam wieści. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330281 (CK) & #3817530 (liori)
I have time. Mam czas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245901 (CK) & #8547693 (nusia2302)
I heard you. Usłyszałem cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #885698 (Trailsend) & #908083 (zipangu)
I hesitated. Wahałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828947 (CK) & #8753358 (nusia2302)
I hesitated. Zawahałam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828947 (CK) & #10600748 (polski_ren)
I hired Tom. Zatrudniłem Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235722 (CK) & #10601747 (tokzyk)
I know that. Wiem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #716145 (papabear) & #10542835 (tokzyk)
I know them. Znam ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #260873 (CK) & #360955 (zipangu)
I know them. Znam je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #260873 (CK) & #5930493 (qmak)
I left home. Wyszedłem z domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8159807 (TheNightAvl) & #6320447 (arie)
I like both. Lubię oba. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #255228 (CK) & #8760743 (nusia2302)
I like both. Lubię obie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #255228 (CK) & #8760744 (nusia2302)
I like both. Lubię obu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #255228 (CK) & #10570601 (tokzyk)
I like cake. Lubię tort. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #253417 (CK) & #590757 (buari)
I like cats. Lubię koty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #354379 (bourdu) & #352921 (zipangu)
I like dogs. Lubię psy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252245 (CK) & #352922 (zipangu)
I like fish. Lubię ryby. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256891 (CK) & #750550 (zipangu)
I like jazz. Lubię jazz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321631 (CK) & #348769 (zipangu)
I like math. Lubię matematykę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435452 (CK) & #440635 (zipangu)
I like snow. Lubię śnieg. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1642586 (CK) & #8504746 (nusia2302)
I like this. Lubię to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245943 (CK) & #7868717 (maria_lysik)
I liked Tom. Lubiłem Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235726 (CK) & #10599569 (tokzyk)
I lost face. Straciłem twarz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252374 (CM) & #8721028 (nusia2302)
I lost face. Straciłam twarz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252374 (CM) & #10600814 (polski_ren)
I love beef. Kocham wołowinę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4805128 (Raringo) & #10565678 (tokzyk)
I love cats. Kocham koty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1056416 (Mofli) & #6602609 (princes21)
I love golf. Kocham golf. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #798254 (luna_moonsilver) & #10606712 (polski_ren)
I love life. Kocham życie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1766701 (CK) & #10565682 (tokzyk)
I love rock. Uwielbiam rock. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #255939 (CK) & #533817 (orzechowski)
I love snow. Uwielbiam śnieg. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #740938 (CK) & #5989623 (jeedrek)
I loved you. Kochałem cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1789234 (Spamster) & #8698420 (nusia2302)
I need food. Potrzebuję jedzenia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246004 (CK) & #10601806 (polski_ren)
I need glue. Potrzebuję kleju. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2631795 (Joseph) & #10584569 (tokzyk)
I need help. Potrzebuję pomocy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #582309 (CM) & #1591778 (TopMan)
I need this. Potrzebuję tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #253814 (CK) & #5652009 (machmet)
I never cry. Nigdy nie płaczę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8119805 (Balamax) & #7891489 (maria_lysik)
I often ski. Często jeżdżę na nartach. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #253884 (CK) & #1353862 (Ollie1337)
I overslept. Zaspałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #258769 (CK) & #867735 (Igliwie)
I pay taxes. Płacę podatki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246038 (CK) & #10627025 (polski_ren)
I protested. Zaprotestowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828955 (CK) & #10596375 (polski_ren)
I recovered. Wyzdrowiałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123632 (CK) & #10600730 (polski_ren)
I recovered. Wyzdrowiałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123632 (CK) & #10600731 (polski_ren)
I said stop. Powiedziałem stop. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3360546 (CK) & #10584516 (tokzyk)
I said stop. Powiedziałem dość. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3360546 (CK) & #10584517 (tokzyk)
I said that. Ja to powiedziałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433643 (CK) & #555251 (Bilberry)
I saw a UFO. Widziałem UFO. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1322952 (CK) & #967061 (zipangu)
I saw a dog. Widziałem psa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #378503 (CK) & #359283 (zipangu)
I saw a dog. Widziałam psa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #378503 (CK) & #2710737 (Martka)
I see a boy. Widzę chłopca. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2626834 (Joseph) & #2187049 (Martka)
I sell cars. Sprzedaję samochody. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4266270 (Mofli) & #4736108 (Tomash)
I smell gas. Czuję zapach benzyny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #681055 (Source_VOA) & #3366034 (nusia2302)
I smell gas. Czuję gaz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #681055 (Source_VOA) & #8721204 (nusia2302)
I snickered. Zachichotałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828959 (CK) & #10600727 (polski_ren)
I snickered. Zachichotałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828959 (CK) & #10600728 (polski_ren)
I snickered. Parsknąłem śmiechem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828959 (CK) & #12360157 (arie)
I snickered. Parsknęłam śmiechem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828959 (CK) & #12360158 (arie)
I struggled. Było mi trudno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828961 (CK) & #12360161 (arie)
I succeeded. Udało mi się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5828962 (CK) & #5910640 (qmak)
I surrender. Poddaję się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246292 (Hybrid) & #558319 (zipangu)
I talk fast. Mówię szybko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3658446 (AlanF_US) & #3659348 (Wu)
I thank you. Dziękuję ci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #252766 (CM) & #933291 (zipangu)
I trust him. Ufam mu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1258628 (CK) & #735962 (zipangu)
I want Mary. Chcę Mary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2011269 (CK) & #10565672 (tokzyk)
I want kids. Chcę dzieci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2011268 (CK) & #8498506 (nusia2302)
I want mine. Chcę mój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247445 (CK) & #10566456 (tokzyk)
I want mine. Chcę moje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247445 (CK) & #10566457 (tokzyk)
I want more. Chcę więcej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #521096 (CK) & #8543098 (nusia2302)
I want this. Chcę to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2011272 (CK) & #5652018 (machmet)
I was angry. Byłem zły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247453 (CK) & #4999001 (aleksandraeska)
I was angry. Byłam zła. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247453 (CK) & #4999002 (aleksandraeska)
I was fired. Zwolnili mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1140531 (CK) & #2282522 (liori)
I was hired. Zostałem zatrudniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #748249 (CK) & #10598225 (polski_ren)
I was lucky. Miałem szczęście. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256144 (CK) & #3615018 (Baakamono)
I was lucky. Miałam szczęście. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256144 (CK) & #3615019 (Baakamono)
I was tired. Byłem zmęczony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261394 (CK) & #4887763 (BeataB)
I was wrong. Myliłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #472431 (blay_paul) & #521512 (zipangu)
I went home. Poszedłem do domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256490 (CK) & #5326043 (machmet)
I whispered. Zaszeptałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7925094 (MarijnKp) & #10596251 (polski_ren)
I will help. Pomogę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247574 (CK) & #2395852 (procroco)
I work here. Pracuję tutaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #730034 (CK) & #1086461 (hebrajska)
I'll attend. Będę obecny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435424 (CK) & #547711 (Bilberry)
I'll change. Przebiorę się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111785 (CK) & #5662084 (machmet)
I'll get by. Dam sobie radę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2878226 (CK) & #8948641 (antek55)
I'll get in. Wejdę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321895 (CK) & #556045 (Bilberry)
I'll scream. Będę krzyczeć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111774 (CK) & #5662072 (machmet)
I'm a nurse. Jestem pielęgniarką. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #256726 (CK) & #10530090 (Shounen)
I'm a slave. Jestem niewolnikiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10204809 (shekitten) & #12239996 (polski_ren)
I'm a vegan. Jestem weganinem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4086788 (pullnosemans) & #410094 (zipangu)
I'm a vegan. Jestem weganką. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4086788 (pullnosemans) & #410095 (zipangu)
I'm a woman. Jestem kobietą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1122514 (Shishir) & #2684354 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm at home. Jestem w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #404046 (zipangu) & #351998 (zipangu)
I'm at work. Jestem w pracy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247930 (CK) & #12152768 (mwgamera)
I'm blessed. Jestem błogosławiony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283724 (CK) & #5662120 (machmet)
I'm careful. Jestem uważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2047580 (CK) & #5985492 (qmak)
I'm certain. Jestem pewna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1179935 (CK) & #1414512 (kosapehape)
I'm curious. Bardzo jestem ciekaw. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1396179 (CK) & #596626 (simaqian)
I'm dancing. Tańczę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203639 (CK) & #6935824 (jestembluepanda2)
I'm excited. Jestem podekscytowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1408720 (CK) & #4578301 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm excited. Jestem podekscytowana. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1408720 (CK) & #4578305 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm falling. Spadam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1148318 (cntrational) & #3922728 (jeedrek)
I'm finicky. Jestem wybredny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202860 (CK) & #2784654 (Pompon)
I'm healthy. Jestem zdrowy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #259288 (CK) & #525035 (Pacio)
I'm in jail. Jestem w więzieniu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248036 (CK) & #4730343 (BeataB)
I'm injured. Jestem ranny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6196250 (CK) & #5662053 (machmet)
I'm jealous. Jestem zazdrosny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203045 (CK) & #4737279 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm leaving. Wychodzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #350133 (human600) & #349452 (zipangu)
I'm leaving. Odchodzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #350133 (human600) & #6771102 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm married. Jestem zamężna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #257204 (CK) & #361238 (zipangu)
I'm married. Jestem mężatką. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #257204 (CK) & #744053 (zipangu)
I'm nervous. Jestem zdenerwowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111708 (CK) & #5336277 (machmet)
I'm no liar. Nie jestem kłamcą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1265412 (Scott) & #10566440 (tokzyk)
I'm not Tom. Nie jestem Tomem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235773 (CK) & #10543453 (tokzyk)
I'm not old. Nie jestem stary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248165 (CK) & #5224642 (Tomash)
I'm not shy. Nie jestem nieśmiały. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2221143 (Hybrid) & #10543553 (tokzyk)
I'm not you. Nie jestem tobą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3765653 (Wuzzy) & #7802522 (querton)
I'm on time. Jestem na czas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248199 (CK) & #3127342 (jeedrek)
I'm patient. Jestem cierpliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321736 (CK) & #560177 (Bilberry)
I'm patient. Jestem cierpliwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321736 (CK) & #10606404 (polski_ren)
I'm popular. Jestem popularny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203201 (CK) & #10565670 (tokzyk)
I'm psyched. Jestem podekscytowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111698 (CK) & #4578301 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm resting. Odpoczywam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #790043 (Swift) & #5007206 (aleksandraeska)
I'm retired. Jestem emerytem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #510573 (CK) & #5495866 (rubber_duck)
I'm retired. Jestem na emeryturze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #510573 (CK) & #5495868 (rubber_duck)
I'm retired. Jestem emerytką. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #510573 (CK) & #5495872 (rubber_duck)
I'm selfish. Jestem egoistą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203324 (CK) & #10565683 (tokzyk)
I'm serious. Mówię poważnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433675 (CK) & #351877 (zipangu)
I'm shocked. Jestem zszokowany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203342 (CK) & #5336485 (machmet)
I'm sloshed. Jestem pijany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203366 (CK) & #5662109 (machmet)
I'm smashed. Jestem naćpany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203375 (CK) & #5662110 (machmet)
I'm so glad. Tak się cieszę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1891125 (CK) & #4889635 (BeataB)
I'm starved. Umieram z głodu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #64032 (CK) & #552532 (Bilberry)
I'm stunned. Jestem zdumiony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203418 (CK) & #5662113 (machmet)
I'm thirsty. Jestem spragniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1814 (CK) & #526803 (Pacio)
I'm thirsty. Chce mi się pić. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1814 (CK) & #10572390 (tokzyk)
I'm through. Skończyłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111677 (CK) & #3545506 (sensitivecherry)
I'm touched. Jestem wzruszony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111675 (CK) & #5662039 (machmet)
I'm trapped. Jestem w pułapce. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111674 (CK) & #5662035 (machmet)
I'm unhappy. Jestem nieszczęśliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203511 (CK) & #3127327 (jeedrek)
I'm waiting. Czekam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111670 (CK) & #2835409 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I'm wounded. Jestem ranny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111666 (CK) & #5662053 (machmet)
I'm wounded. Jestem ranna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111666 (CK) & #10599111 (polski_ren)
I've failed. Zawiodłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111661 (CK) & #5662027 (machmet)
Ignore that. Zignoruj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111657 (CK) & #10596226 (polski_ren)
Ignore that. Zignorujcie to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111657 (CK) & #10596231 (polski_ren)
Ignore them. Zignoruj ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111656 (CK) & #10596228 (polski_ren)
Ignore them. Zignorujcie ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111656 (CK) & #10596230 (polski_ren)
Is Tom safe? Czy Tom jest bezpieczny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244635 (CK) & #3407181 (konrad509)
Is he right? Czy on ma rację? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #300372 (CK) & #8546163 (nusia2302)
Is it dirty? Czy jest brudny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248452 (CK) & #11581816 (polski_ren)
Is it dirty? Czy jest brudna? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248452 (CK) & #11581817 (polski_ren)
Is it dirty? Czy jest brudne? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248452 (CK) & #11581818 (polski_ren)
Is it foggy? Czy jest mgliście? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456025 (lukaszpp) & #6320876 (arie)
Is it foggy? Czy to jest niejasne? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456025 (lukaszpp) & #6320878 (arie)
Is it white? Czy to jest białe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #282567 (CK) & #1350469 (times)
Is it windy? Czy jest wietrznie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456035 (lukaszpp) & #8760884 (nusia2302)
Is it windy? Czy wieje wiatr? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456035 (lukaszpp) & #8760888 (nusia2302)
Is it yours? To twoje? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42344 (CK) & #1606592 (chemski)
Is that all? Czy to wszystko? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #28376 (CK) & #10595937 (polski_ren)
Is that fun? Czy to jest zabawne? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549819 (CK) & #6446515 (nusia2302)
Is that new? Czy to jest nowe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248489 (CK) & #8734893 (nusia2302)
Is this art? Czy to jest sztuka? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1857913 (CK) & #10565680 (tokzyk)
Is this new? Czy to jest nowe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248645 (CK) & #8734893 (nusia2302)
It can't be! Nie może być! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1501 (CK) & #3634738 (Katubeltza)
It is dusty. To jest zakurzone. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456105 (lukaszpp) & #6320887 (arie)
It may rain. Może padać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #26887 (CK) & #4432625 (Kolpan)
It may snow. Może padać śnieg. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #272548 (CK) & #349427 (zipangu)
It saved me. To mnie uratowało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #65112 (Eldad) & #1170281 (hebrajska)
It suits me. Pasuje na mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25540 (CM) & #10597476 (polski_ren)
It suits me. Mi pasuje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25540 (CM) & #10597477 (polski_ren)
It's Monday. Jest poniedziałek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #238862 (CK) & #10584398 (tokzyk)
It's a book. To książka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9473989 (CK) & #550691 (Bilberry)
It's a fact. To fakt. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249001 (CK) & #5369956 (Mateon1)
It's a pity. Szkoda. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4305914 (kimsora) & #5336521 (machmet)
It's a plan. To jest jakiś plan. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3725411 (CM) & #12071431 (jimbojim)
It's a rule. To zasada. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249006 (CK) & #10566460 (tokzyk)
It's broken. To jest zepsute. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187199 (CK) & #10565674 (tokzyk)
It's cloudy. Jest pochmurno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280740 (CK) & #10587906 (tokzyk)
It's my bus. To mój autobus. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1272300 (CK) & #10624690 (polski_ren)
It's my job. To moja praca. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433521 (CK) & #557441 (Bilberry)
It's no use. To nie ma sensu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1112089 (Scott) & #3545434 (sensitivecherry)
It's secret. To tajemnica. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42148 (CK) & #635839 (zipangu)
It's urgent. To pilne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187245 (CK) & #3855153 (jeedrek)
Keep moving. Nie zatrzymuj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111644 (CK) & #5660054 (machmet)
Keep trying. Próbuj dalej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1629911 (Spamster) & #8617213 (arie)
Let me help. Pozwól, że ci pomogę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860626 (CK) & #837042 (zipangu)
Let me help. Pozwól mi pomóc. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860626 (CK) & #2120158 (liori)
Let me know. Daj mi znać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1228083 (CK) & #10542377 (tokzyk)
Let's begin. Zaczynajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #387427 (CK) & #442924 (zipangu)
Let's check. Sprawdźmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111622 (CK) & #8761044 (nusia2302)
Let's do it. Zróbmy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413788 (Scott) & #1114982 (Deasmond)
Let's drink. Napijmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111621 (CK) & #7880404 (maria_lysik)
Let's hurry. Pośpieszmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007932 (CK) & #1353367 (Ollie1337)
Let's leave. Wyjdźmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007931 (CK) & #8761065 (nusia2302)
Let's relax. Zrelaksujmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007929 (CK) & #8761064 (nusia2302)
Let's start! Zaczynajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #387428 (CK) & #442924 (zipangu)
Let's start! Zaczynajmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #387428 (CK) & #1192983 (StanislawMandrak)
Let's start! Zacznijmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #387428 (CK) & #3743730 (lato365)
Let's start. Zaczynajmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007928 (CK) & #442924 (zipangu)
Let's start. Zacznijmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2007928 (CK) & #3452672 (lauburu)
Life is fun. Życie to zabawa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435772 (CK) & #570449 (Bilberry)
Look around. Rozejrzyj się wokoło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1271905 (Lich) & #1348884 (times)
Look at him. Spójrz na niego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2355809 (CK) & #3572446 (Martka)
Look closer. Przypatrz się dobrze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111607 (CK) & #2289979 (Wessnosa)
Look inside. Spójrz do środka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10736129 (CK) & #12360218 (arie)
Make a wish. Powiedz życzenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #954159 (CK) & #991313 (zipangu)
Many thanks. Wielkie dzięki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322178 (CK) & #999236 (zipangu)
May I smoke? Mogę zapalić? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456367 (lukaszpp) & #4111346 (konrad509)
Memorize it. Zapamiętać to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111602 (CK) & #5659990 (machmet)
Money talks. Pieniądze mają siłę przekonywania. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #18631 (CK) & #5271479 (krzysiek)
Nice timing. W samą porę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1329340 (Scott) & #8617195 (arie)
Nice timing. Niezłe wyczucie czasu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1329340 (Scott) & #8617196 (arie)
No one came. Nikt nie przyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2238072 (gleki) & #526554 (Pacio)
No one died. Nikt nie umarł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2091087 (CK) & #3516161 (arie)
No one knew. Nikt nie wiedział CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6885023 (Objectivesea) & #10542046 (tokzyk)
Nobody came. Nikt nie przyszedł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1690 (Eldad) & #526554 (Pacio)
Nobody died. Nikt nie umarł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1538472 (CK) & #3516161 (arie)
Nobody knew. Nikt nie wiedział CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3823222 (CK) & #10542046 (tokzyk)
Nobody lied. Nikt nie kłamał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2093044 (CK) & #3300906 (jeedrek)
Nobody move! Niech nikt się nie rusza! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7846369 (supercoolbeas30) & #10596440 (polski_ren)
Now we wait. A teraz czekamy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249734 (CK) & #3427178 (konrad509)
Now you try. Teraz ty spróbuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3122429 (CK) & #10634711 (tokzyk)
OK. I agree. Ok, zgadzam się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433874 (CK) & #557530 (Bilberry)
Paper burns. Papier płonie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8880489 (CK) & #10599770 (polski_ren)
Plants grow. Rośliny rosną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268563 (CK) & #2830025 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Please clap. Proszę, klaszczcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8154862 (shekitten) & #10596434 (polski_ren)
Please come. Proszę, przyjdź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324997 (CK) & #5627121 (machmet)
Please sing. Proszę śpiewać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1937071 (CK) & #5627291 (machmet)
Please stay. Proszę zostać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111570 (CK) & #5659936 (machmet)
Please stop! Proszę się zatrzymać! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2837617 (patgfisher) & #440471 (zipangu)
Please stop. Proszę przestać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111569 (CK) & #5659934 (machmet)
Please vote. Proszę, zagłosuj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10093654 (Nylez) & #10600783 (polski_ren)
Please wait. Proszę czekać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111568 (CK) & #5659932 (machmet)
Please wait. Proszę zaczekać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111568 (CK) & #8213717 (arie)
Press Enter. Naciśnij enter. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10502027 (sundown) & #10599825 (polski_ren)
Pull harder. Ciągnij mocniej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910012 (CK) & #12360177 (arie)
Pull harder. Ciągnijcie mocniej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910012 (CK) & #12360178 (arie)
Put it down. Odłóż to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #41863 (CK) & #10542205 (tokzyk)
Record this. Nagraj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8013656 (OsoHombre) & #10596335 (polski_ren)
Release Tom. Wydaj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203864 (CK) & #5637017 (machmet)
Release him. Zwalnia go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841180 (CK) & #5627145 (machmet)
Remember it. Zapamiętaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1742464 (belgavox) & #4104342 (konrad509)
Return fire. Odpowiedz ogniem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111566 (CK) & #5659930 (machmet)
Say goodbye. Powiedz do widzenia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111564 (CK) & #5659923 (machmet)
Say goodbye. Pożegnaj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111564 (CK) & #5659926 (machmet)
Say nothing. Nic nie mów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111562 (CK) & #1844961 (zipangu)
Settle down! Ustatkować się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111557 (CK) & #5652555 (machmet)
She blushed. Zarumieniła się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3523742 (CK) & #3729536 (konrad509)
She fainted. Zemdlała. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3272704 (CM) & #10600736 (polski_ren)
She is dead. Ona nie żyje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #430925 (CK) & #692438 (Flieg)
She woke up. Obudziła się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #528455 (fanty) & #348700 (zipangu)
Sit with me. Siadaj ze mną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249971 (CK) & #3495317 (jeedrek)
Sleep tight. Śpij dobrze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111550 (CK) & #5652545 (machmet)
Speak to me. Mów do mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2249997 (CK) & #3495340 (jeedrek)
Stand aside! Stań z boku! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111529 (CK) & #5652537 (machmet)
Stand aside. Odstąp. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1935050 (Spamster) & #10596163 (polski_ren)
Stand still! Stój spokojnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111527 (CK) & #5652534 (machmet)
Stand still. Stój spokojnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6358661 (CK) & #8617502 (arie)
Start again. Zacznij jeszcze raz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111526 (CK) & #5652528 (machmet)
Stay in bed. Zostań w łóżku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2250006 (CK) & #3495347 (jeedrek)
Stay inside. Zostań w środku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3184869 (CK) & #5652488 (machmet)
Stay strong. Bądź silny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5675587 (Hybrid) & #10202977 (Marlena)
Stick to it! Trzymaj się tego! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31454 (CM) & #10595959 (polski_ren)
Stop crying. Przestań płakać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111502 (CK) & #5652393 (machmet)
Stop eating. Przestań jeść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910081 (CK) & #10599775 (polski_ren)
Stop eating. Przestańcie jeść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910081 (CK) & #10599776 (polski_ren)
Stop it now. Skończ to teraz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2250015 (CK) & #3495356 (jeedrek)
Stop moving! Nie ruszaj się! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357604 (etala) & #6308753 (arie)
Stop moving! Przestań się ruszać! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1357604 (etala) & #8617202 (arie)
Stop moving. Przestań się ruszać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111496 (CK) & #5652375 (machmet)
Stop trying. Przestań próbować. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111489 (CK) & #5652101 (machmet)
Stop! Thief! Stój! Złodziej! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1173317 (cntrational) & #8617177 (arie)
Surprise me. Zaskocz mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8080432 (CK) & #10599087 (polski_ren)
Surprise me. Zaskoczcie mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8080432 (CK) & #10599088 (polski_ren)
Take a rest. Odpocznij. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #19766 (CK) & #737264 (zipangu)
Take a seat. Usiądź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1789253 (Spamster) & #1425048 (kosapehape)
Take action. Podjąć działania. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111488 (CK) & #5652098 (machmet)
Take my car. Weź moje auto. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2250055 (CK) & #4736104 (Tomash)
Talk slower. Mów wolniej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5314117 (KatKoba) & #10595123 (polski_ren)
Talk slowly. Mów wolno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9814562 (DJ_Saidez) & #10596067 (polski_ren)
Tea, please. Poproszę herbatę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1362032 (etala) & #8617203 (arie)
That helped. To pomogło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111474 (CK) & #5651965 (machmet)
That worked. To zadziałało. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111473 (CK) & #5651964 (machmet)
That's cool. To super. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1897784 (CK) & #2399297 (procroco)
That's free. To jest za darmo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111437 (CK) & #593294 (buari)
That's hers. To jest jej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2187267 (CK) & #10569015 (tokzyk)
That's huge. To jest ogromne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111434 (CK) & #3929660 (jeedrek)
That's lame. To jest żałosne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2320399 (Hybrid) & #10598442 (polski_ren)
That's lame. To jest nudne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2320399 (Hybrid) & #12269442 (polski_ren)
That's life. Takie jest życie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #515472 (CK) & #569877 (Bilberry)
That's true. To prawda. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #618799 (aandrusiak) & #356399 (zipangu)
The TV's on. Telewizor jest włączony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #419592 (tanzoniteblack) & #669599 (Bilberry)
They agreed. Zgodzili się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9234833 (CK) & #10597427 (polski_ren)
They agreed. Zgodziły się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9234833 (CK) & #10597428 (polski_ren)
They burned. Spalili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111380 (CK) & #5651897 (machmet)
They called. Zadzwonili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111379 (CK) & #5650335 (machmet)
They danced. Tańczyli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111375 (CK) & #5650322 (machmet)
They hugged. Przytulili. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111370 (CK) & #5650316 (machmet)
They kissed. Pocałowali się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2006560 (Spamster) & #6400782 (mojeanin)
They kissed. Pocałowały się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2006560 (Spamster) & #10593953 (polski_ren)
They may go. Mogą iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2243256 (CK) & #3671861 (jeedrek)
They obeyed. Posłuchali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111365 (CK) & #5650299 (machmet)
They smiled. Uśmiechnęli się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111361 (CK) & #5650291 (machmet)
They waited. Czekali. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111353 (CK) & #5650273 (machmet)
They walked. Szli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111352 (CK) & #5637022 (machmet)
They yelled. Krzyczeli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111351 (CK) & #5637021 (machmet)
Think again. Pomyśl jeszcze raz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123537 (CK) & #10596752 (polski_ren)
This is big. To jest duże. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2233660 (CK) & #6149977 (jeedrek)
This is new. To jest nowe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #703077 (papabear) & #531774 (orzechowski)
This stinks. To śmierdzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111209 (CK) & #5629962 (machmet)
Time passed. Czas płynął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910126 (CK) & #448901 (zipangu)
Time passed. Czas mijał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910126 (CK) & #12360179 (arie)
Time passed. Mijał czas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8910126 (CK) & #12360180 (arie)
Tom arrived. Tom przybył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3721776 (CM) & #6178341 (qmak)
Tom belched. Tom beknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6665113 (CK) & #5629951 (machmet)
Tom blinked. Tom zamrugał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111199 (CK) & #5629952 (machmet)
Tom blushed. Tom się zarumienił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1027009 (CK) & #1590876 (TopMan)
Tom changed. Tom zmienił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203613 (CK) & #5630014 (machmet)
Tom cheered. Tom wiwatował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203621 (CK) & #5630016 (machmet)
Tom clapped. Tom poklepał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111193 (CK) & #5629995 (machmet)
Tom coughed. Tom kaszlał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111191 (CK) & #5629950 (machmet)
Tom crashed. Tom rozbił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203638 (CK) & #5630017 (machmet)
Tom cringed. Tom skulił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3326666 (CK) & #5636991 (machmet)
Tom decided. Tom zdecydował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203644 (CK) & #5636976 (machmet)
Tom drowned. Tom utopił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111184 (CK) & #5629941 (machmet)
Tom escaped. Tom uciekł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111182 (CK) & #5629938 (machmet)
Tom exhaled. Tom wzdychał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111180 (CK) & #5629880 (machmet)
Tom fainted. Tom zemdlał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111178 (CK) & #5142880 (Tomash)
Tom frowned. Tom zmarszczył brwi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #37029 (CK) & #364045 (zipangu)
Tom gambles. Tom uprawia hazard. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8829370 (CK) & #10599768 (polski_ren)
Tom giggled. Tom zachichotał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111172 (CK) & #5629862 (machmet)
Tom gloated. Tom triumfował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111171 (CK) & #5629860 (machmet)
Tom got mad. Tom się wściekł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2764095 (CK) & #3991670 (jeedrek)
Tom grinned. Tom wyszczerzył się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111169 (CK) & #10605785 (tokzyk)
Tom groaned. Tom jęknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111168 (CK) & #5629834 (machmet)
Tom grunted. Tom chrząknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2471841 (arnxy20) & #8617534 (arie)
Tom grunted. Tom coś burknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2471841 (arnxy20) & #8617535 (arie)
Tom grunted. Tom coś odburknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2471841 (arnxy20) & #8617541 (arie)
Tom inhaled. Tom wciągnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111164 (CK) & #5629850 (machmet)
Tom is bald. Tom jest łysy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1025079 (CK) & #4481111 (Detharon)
Tom is cold. Tomowi jest zimno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202656 (CK) & #11478298 (sam)
Tom is dead. Tom jest martwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1868217 (CK) & #2120142 (liori)
Tom is lost. Tom się zgubił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203060 (CK) & #7962586 (arie)
Tom is nosy. Przestań być wścibski. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5859012 (CK) & #10497069 (nikho)
Tom is slim. Tom jest szczupły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7449054 (CK) & #12302155 (polski_ren)
Tom kneeled. Tom uklęknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1526112 (Spamster) & #10542193 (tokzyk)
Tom knocked. Tom zapukał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11758675 (CK) & #12360243 (arie)
Tom laughed. Tom roześmiał się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111159 (CK) & #5629841 (machmet)
Tom listens. Tom słucha. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203723 (CK) & #5636922 (machmet)
Tom mumbled. Tom mamrotał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6740702 (CK) & #12360263 (arie)
Tom noticed. Tom zauważył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203734 (CK) & #3425469 (konrad509)
Tom paid me. Tom mi zapłacił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244702 (CK) & #11582196 (tokzyk)
Tom painted. Tom malował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7751154 (shekitten) & #8745534 (nusia2302)
Tom prepaid. Tom zapłacił z góry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203755 (CK) & #3125682 (jeedrek)
Tom reacted. Tom zareagował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8416688 (CK) & #10596326 (polski_ren)
Tom refused. Tom odmówił. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203769 (CK) & #5636927 (machmet)
Tom relaxed. Tom uspokoił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203770 (CK) & #5636928 (machmet)
Tom replied. Tom odpowiedział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8385657 (CK) & #5629956 (machmet)
Tom retired. Tom poszedł na emeryturę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3732426 (CK) & #4258266 (liori)
Tom saw her. Tom ją widział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2237651 (CK) & #8541295 (nusia2302)
Tom saw her. Tom ją zobaczył. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2237651 (CK) & #10565669 (tokzyk)
Tom scowled. Tom nachmurzył się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360208 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom spojrzał groźnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360209 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom popatrzył gniewnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360210 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom łypnął wrogo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360211 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom spojrzał spode łba. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360212 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom spochmurniał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360213 (arie)
Tom scowled. Tom skrzywił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10534312 (CK) & #12360214 (arie)
Tom shouted. Tom krzyknął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549807 (CK) & #5636985 (machmet)
Tom slipped. Tom poślizgnął się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549806 (CK) & #5636988 (machmet)
Tom sneezed. Tom kichnął. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2649243 (CK) & #5636990 (machmet)
Tom sniffed. Tom pociągnął nosem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5825529 (CK) & #12360092 (arie)
Tom stopped. Tom zatrzymał się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203830 (CK) & #5630033 (machmet)
Tom sweated. Tom pocił się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203846 (CK) & #5636937 (machmet)
Tom teaches. Tom uczy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203852 (CK) & #5636939 (machmet)
Tom told us. Tom nam powiedział. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2238818 (CK) & #4119848 (konrad509)
Tom tripped. Tom potknął się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203872 (CK) & #5630037 (machmet)
Tom vomited. Tom zwymiotował. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6736318 (CK) & #10595308 (polski_ren)
Tom was old. To był stary. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3732583 (CK) & #3750080 (gin)
Tom was sad. Tom był smutny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2239842 (CK) & #10565671 (tokzyk)
Tom watched. Tom przyglądał się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8385661 (CK) & #10596277 (polski_ren)
Tom'll come. Tom przyjdzie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123531 (CK) & #10544021 (tokzyk)
Tom'll lose. Tom przegra. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2123523 (CK) & #10566435 (tokzyk)
Tom's alive. Tom żyje. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107445 (CK) & #8745516 (nusia2302)
Tom's young. Tomasz jest młody. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107661 (CK) & #3743777 (lato365)
Try smiling. Spróbuj się uśmiechać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10143526 (ddnktr) & #10597443 (polski_ren)
Try this on. Spróbuj tego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2253805 (CK) & #5627268 (machmet)
Turn around. Odwróć się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464282 (lukaszpp) & #6160733 (arie)
Turn it off. Wyłącz to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #41719 (CK) & #6309316 (arie)
Use caution. Bądź ostrożna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5758415 (CM) & #12232677 (polski_ren)
Wait for us. Czekaj na nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2253853 (CK) & #10542272 (tokzyk)
Walk faster. Idź szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10028586 (CK) & #10595303 (polski_ren)
Walk slowly. Iść powoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #30117 (CK) & #5627177 (machmet)
Was I wrong? Czy się myliłem? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25506 (CK) & #353153 (zipangu)
We all quit. Wyjdźmy stąd wszyscy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241013 (CK) & #3499976 (jeedrek)
We are free! Jesteśmy wolni! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1110057 (Scott) & #3254860 (Ceresnya)
We are here. Jesteśmy tu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1098434 (cntrational) & #3418635 (konrad509)
We broke up. Zerwaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2223763 (Hybrid) & #10610895 (tokzyk)
We can hear. Słyszymy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241037 (CK) & #8746836 (nusia2302)
We found it. Znaleźliśmy to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2241094 (CK) & #8522044 (nusia2302)
We know him. Znamy go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #262783 (CK) & #357960 (zipangu)
We lingered. Zwlekaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360316 (arie)
We lingered. Zwlekałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360317 (arie)
We lingered. Nie śpieszyliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360319 (arie)
We lingered. Nie śpieszyłyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360321 (arie)
We lingered. Ociągaliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360322 (arie)
We lingered. Ociągałyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360323 (arie)
We lingered. Zasiedzieliśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360324 (arie)
We lingered. Zasiedziałyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8398567 (CK) & #12360325 (arie)
We listened. Słuchaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9098292 (CK) & #10599792 (polski_ren)
We listened. Słuchałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9098292 (CK) & #10599795 (polski_ren)
We need Tom. Potrzebujemy Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2240302 (CK) & #8772836 (nusia2302)
We need you. Potrzebujemy Ciebie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1797684 (Spamster) & #2168278 (dryhay)
We panicked. Spanikowałyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9107706 (CK) & #10599802 (polski_ren)
We panicked. Spanikowaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9107706 (CK) & #10599804 (polski_ren)
We promised. Obiecaliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107668 (CK) & #5629806 (machmet)
We remember. Pamiętamy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107669 (CK) & #5629807 (machmet)
We screamed. Krzyknęliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9101880 (CK) & #10599799 (polski_ren)
We screamed. Wrzeszczeliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9101880 (CK) & #12360201 (arie)
We screamed. Wrzasnęłyśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9101880 (CK) & #12360202 (arie)
We screamed. Wydarłyśmy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9101880 (CK) & #12360203 (arie)
We screamed. Krzyczeliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9101880 (CK) & #12360204 (arie)
We survived! Przeżyliśmy! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1904716 (CK) & #5627247 (machmet)
We survived. Przeżyliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107671 (CK) & #5629809 (machmet)
We want Tom. Chcemy Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2011273 (CK) & #10565668 (tokzyk)
We'll hurry. Pospieszymy się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203707 (CK) & #8973528 (nusia2302)
We're alone. Jesteśmy sami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1893655 (CK) & #8751007 (nusia2302)
We're ready. Jesteśmy gotowi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107356 (CK) & #3522529 (jeedrek)
We're sorry. Przykro nam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107361 (CK) & #3522545 (jeedrek)
We're stuck. Utknęliśmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107363 (CK) & #3522574 (jeedrek)
We're tired. Jesteśmy zmęczeni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2107364 (CK) & #5315940 (Martka)
We're young. Jesteśmy młodzi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203593 (CK) & #6313151 (arie)
What a mess! Co za bałagan! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1737375 (Spamster) & #11538252 (tokzyk)
What a pity! Jaka szkoda... CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #24885 (CK) & #361696 (zipangu)
What's next? Co jest następne? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549803 (CK) & #5377712 (jeedrek)
What's that? Co to jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #66989 (CK) & #557379 (Bilberry)
What's this? Co to jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413821 (CK) & #557379 (Bilberry)
Where is it? Gdzie to jest? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #687628 (lukaszpp) & #756381 (zipangu)
Who are you? Kim jesteś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #356200 (yorickvidal) & #363006 (zipangu)
Who cheated? Kto zdradził? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203615 (CK) & #8505693 (nusia2302)
Who cheated? Kto oszukiwał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203615 (CK) & #8617425 (arie)
Who cheated? Kto ściągał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203615 (CK) & #8617427 (arie)
Who cheered? Kto dopingował? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203620 (CK) & #8617435 (arie)
Who cheered? Kto wiwatował? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203620 (CK) & #8617439 (arie)
Who cheered? Kto klaskał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203620 (CK) & #8617440 (arie)
Who drew it? Kto to narysował? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #442064 (CK) & #550355 (Bilberry)
Who escaped? Kto uciekł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203659 (CK) & #3430052 (konrad509)
Who gets it? Kto to dostaje? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2254722 (CK) & #12188963 (polski_ren)
Who gets it? Kto to rozumie? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2254722 (CK) & #12188964 (polski_ren)
Who is next? Kto następny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #801609 (Eldad) & #3781512 (Spodnie)
Who is next? Kto jest następny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #801609 (Eldad) & #10606715 (polski_ren)
Who stopped? Kto się zatrzymał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203829 (CK) & #8617488 (arie)
Who stopped? Kto przestał? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203829 (CK) & #8617489 (arie)
Who's there? Kto tam? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #50984 (CK) & #1896049 (simaqian)
Will he die? Czy on umrze? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #297214 (adjusting) & #352249 (zipangu)
Work slowly. Pracuj powoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #30124 (CK) & #5198743 (Tomash)
Work slowly. Pracuj wolno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #30124 (CK) & #5198744 (Tomash)
You can try. Możesz spróbować. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2254942 (CK) & #4550586 (jeedrek)
You cheated. Oszukiwałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549802 (CK) & #8617561 (arie)
You cheated. Ściągałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549802 (CK) & #8617562 (arie)
You fainted. Zemdlałeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3374075 (CK) & #10600734 (polski_ren)
You fainted. Zemdlałaś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3374075 (CK) & #10600735 (polski_ren)
You made it. Udało ci się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549800 (CK) & #8763160 (nusia2302)
You made it. Zrobiłeś to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549800 (CK) & #10566463 (tokzyk)
You must go. Musisz iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #438942 (CK) & #348973 (zipangu)
You said it! Ty to powiedziałeś! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51258 (CM) & #10595910 (polski_ren)
You woke me. Obudziłeś mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2255318 (CK) & #2364045 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
You woke me. Obudziłaś mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2255318 (CK) & #2364047 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
You're back. Wróciłeś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202601 (CK) & #3432816 (konrad509)
You're back. Jesteś z powrotem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202601 (CK) & #5664904 (machmet)
You're cool. Jesteś fajny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202690 (CK) & #5665003 (machmet)
You're done. Jesteś skończony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202790 (CK) & #5664938 (machmet)
You're fair. Jesteś sprawiedliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202830 (CK) & #5664955 (machmet)
You're fine. Jesteś w porządku. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202857 (CK) & #2810250 (Ceresnya)
You're free. Jesteś wolny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202888 (CK) & #5664971 (machmet)
You're good. Jesteś dobry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202904 (CK) & #5665009 (machmet)
You're here. Jesteś tu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202941 (CK) & #5665013 (machmet)
You're kind. Jesteś miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203052 (CK) & #5665014 (machmet)
You're late. Spóźniłeś się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1895603 (CK) & #5664870 (machmet)
You're late. Jesteś spóźniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1895603 (CK) & #10593308 (tokzyk)
You're late. Jesteś spóźniona. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1895603 (CK) & #10593309 (tokzyk)
You're lazy. Jesteś leniwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203054 (CK) & #3414038 (konrad509)
You're lost. Jesteś zgubiony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203061 (CK) & #5665015 (machmet)
You're loud. Jesteś głośno. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203063 (CK) & #5665016 (machmet)
You're mean. Jesteś wredny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203075 (CK) & #5664978 (machmet)
You're mine. Jesteś moja. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2217883 (CK) & #832671 (zipangu)
You're mine. Jesteś mój. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2217883 (CK) & #5336339 (machmet)
You're next. Jesteś następny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549799 (CK) & #5665208 (machmet)
You're nice. Jesteś miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203108 (CK) & #5665014 (machmet)
You're nuts. Jesteś szurnięty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203114 (CK) & #5665019 (machmet)
You're poor. Jesteś biedny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203195 (CK) & #3427254 (konrad509)
You're rich. Jesteś bogaty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203290 (CK) & #591346 (buari)
You're safe. Jesteś bezpieczny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203311 (CK) & #5665024 (machmet)
You're sick! Jesteś chory! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #34756 (CM) & #1913923 (zipangu)
You're thin. Jesteś cienki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203443 (CK) & #5665036 (machmet)
You're tidy. Jesteś porządny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203454 (CK) & #5665308 (machmet)
You're vain. Jesteś próżny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203566 (CK) & #5665044 (machmet)
You're weak. Jesteś słaby. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203575 (CK) & #5665045 (machmet)
Abandon ship! Opuścić statek! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #273489 (CK) & #5627116 (machmet)
Abandon ship. Opuśćcie statek. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3820872 (CK) & #10596408 (polski_ren)
Am I invited? Czy jestem zaproszony? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244894 (CK) & #3631065 (Katubeltza)
Any problems? Jakieś problemy? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9125058 (CK) & #12360197 (arie)
Anybody here? Czy jest tu ktoś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2092543 (CK) & #5629699 (machmet)
Anybody hurt? Ktoś ranny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2092544 (CK) & #5629708 (machmet)
Anything new? Coś nowego? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25313 (CM) & #716830 (zipangu)
Are they new? Czy one są nowe? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434230 (lukaszpp) & #6320832 (arie)
Are they new? Czy oni są nowi? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434230 (lukaszpp) & #6320833 (arie)
Are we alone? Czy jesteśmy sami? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244923 (CK) & #3375686 (konrad509)
Are we alone? Jesteśmy same? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244923 (CK) & #8989734 (digitcrusher)
Are we alone? Jesteśmy sami? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244923 (CK) & #8989736 (digitcrusher)
Are we ready? Jesteśmy gotowi? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244927 (CK) & #3664759 (jeedrek)
Are you busy? Czy jesteś zajęty? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #68948 (adjusting) & #531002 (Bilberry)
Are you cold? Jest ci zimno? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244935 (CK) & #3664743 (jeedrek)
Are you done? Skończyłaś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244941 (CK) & #2470644 (Pompon)
Are you done? Skończyliście? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244941 (CK) & #2470646 (Pompon)
Are you done? Skończyłyście? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244941 (CK) & #2470647 (Pompon)
Are you hurt? Jesteś ranny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1110547 (Scott) & #3664696 (jeedrek)
Are you lame? Czy kulejesz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11899684 (CK) & #12269443 (polski_ren)
Are you lost? Zgubił się pan? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280393 (CK) & #348813 (zipangu)
Are you nuts? Zwariowałeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244957 (CK) & #531813 (Wimmer)
Are you nuts? Oszalałeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244957 (CK) & #859048 (zipangu)
Are you nuts? Odbiło ci? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244957 (CK) & #3664715 (jeedrek)
Are you safe? Jesteś bezpieczny? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3172331 (CK) & #5989438 (jeedrek)
Are you sick? Jesteś chory? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434252 (lukaszpp) & #6320835 (arie)
Are you sure? Jesteś pewien? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1326 (brauliobezerra) & #348994 (zipangu)
Are you sure? Jesteś pewna? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1326 (brauliobezerra) & #532870 (cps)
Are you well? Czy dobrze się czujesz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #611272 (Eldad) & #3460682 (LunaVulpo)
Be attentive. Bądź uprzejmy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1851041 (CM) & #3611739 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
Be attentive. Bądź troskliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1851041 (CM) & #8617243 (arie)
Be attentive. Bądź uważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1851041 (CM) & #8617246 (arie)
Be confident. Bądź pewny siebie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111966 (CK) & #8617407 (arie)
Be merciless. Bądź bezlitosny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2119149 (Eldad) & #8617362 (arie)
Be merciless. Nie mej litości. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2119149 (Eldad) & #8617411 (arie)
Be objective. Bądź obiektywny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821856 (CK) & #8506638 (nusia2302)
Be realistic! Bądź realistą! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1063982 (CK) & #5627125 (machmet)
Beef, please. Poproszę wołowinę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #19483 (CK) & #366167 (zipangu)
Boil one egg. Ugotuj jedno jajko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #325237 (CK) & #10597988 (polski_ren)
Bring backup. Przyprowadź wsparcie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111945 (CK) & #10596739 (polski_ren)
Bring my hat. Przynieś mój kapelusz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1177115 (bart) & #10598430 (polski_ren)
Call someone. Zadzwoń po kogoś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9196047 (CK) & #10597517 (polski_ren)
Can Tom cook? Czy Tom potrafi gotować? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235654 (CK) & #2405968 (procroco)
Can Tom cook? Czy Tom umie gotować? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235654 (CK) & #2405969 (procroco)
Can Tom sing? Czy Tom potrafi śpiewać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235655 (CK) & #2405972 (procroco)
Can Tom sing? Czy Tom umie śpiewać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235655 (CK) & #2405974 (procroco)
Can Tom walk? Czy Tom może chodzić? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235656 (CK) & #2405976 (procroco)
Can we do it? Zrobimy to? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549796 (CK) & #7493455 (qmak)
Can we leave? Czy możemy wyjść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245045 (CK) & #2405984 (procroco)
Can we start? Możemy zaczynać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245047 (CK) & #2405989 (procroco)
Can you come? Czy możesz przyjść? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38302 (CK) & #567476 (Bilberry)
Can you hear? Słyszysz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245054 (CK) & #2406005 (procroco)
Can you help? Pomożesz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245055 (CK) & #2406008 (procroco)
Can you move? Możesz przejść dalej? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245057 (CK) & #2406012 (procroco)
Can you read? Potrafisz czytać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5195302 (CK) & #8448603 (nusia2302)
Can you read? Umiesz czytać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5195302 (CK) & #10584639 (tokzyk)
Can you stay? Możesz zostać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245060 (CK) & #2406015 (procroco)
Can you swim? Umiesz pływać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #16300 (CK) & #362489 (zipangu)
Can you wait? Możesz poczekać? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245064 (CK) & #2406021 (procroco)
Check around. Rozejrzyj się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111939 (CK) & #547915 (Bilberry)
Check around. Rozejrzyjcie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111939 (CK) & #12360071 (arie)
Check it now. Sprawdź to teraz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245079 (CK) & #8716627 (gryzus24)
Check it out! Spróbuj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #237660 (CK) & #566810 (Bilberry)
Come back in. Wróć do środka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245193 (CK) & #10565662 (tokzyk)
Come forward. Chodź tu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111931 (CK) & #524958 (Pacio)
Come forward. Podejdź bliżej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111931 (CK) & #6327931 (arie)
Come forward. Podejdź. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111931 (CK) & #12359752 (arie)
Come help me. Chodź pomóż mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1439549 (CM) & #2120212 (liori)
Come outside. Wyjdź na zewnątrz. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860740 (CK) & #5627231 (machmet)
Come quickly! Przyjdź szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111929 (CK) & #5336279 (machmet)
Come quickly. Chodź szybko! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #559404 (Nm) & #354669 (zipangu)
Come with me. Chodź ze mną. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434458 (lukaszpp) & #8608728 (arie)
Come with us. Chodź z nami. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433696 (CK) & #551865 (Bilberry)
Count to ten. Policz do dziesięciu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245241 (CK) & #8498591 (nusia2302)
Deal with it. Pogódź się z tym. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245253 (CK) & #3083529 (jeedrek)
Deal with it. Poradź sobie z tym. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245253 (CK) & #3083530 (jeedrek)
Describe Tom. Opisz Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4699984 (CK) & #5637005 (machmet)
Did Tom call? Czy Tom dzwonił? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1886205 (CK) & #6603003 (princes21)
Did Tom come? Czy tom przyszedł? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1495915 (CK) & #6603001 (princes21)
Did Tom stay? Tom został? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235682 (CK) & #5510857 (rubber_duck)
Did you call? Dzwoniłeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433689 (CK) & #552950 (Bilberry)
Did you sign? Podpisałeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1700628 (CM) & #3788245 (jeedrek)
Did you vote? Zagłosowałeś? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1987964 (Spamster) & #6603005 (princes21)
Do I look OK? Dobrze wyglądam? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1886118 (CK) & #5968900 (jeedrek)
Do I look OK? Wyglądam okej? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1886118 (CK) & #5968902 (jeedrek)
Do something. Zrób coś. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8550075 (CK) & #10599759 (polski_ren)
Do you smoke? Palisz? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #506948 (blay_paul) & #3600383 (Siganiv)
Do your best. Daj z siebie wszystko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #34011 (CK) & #734382 (zipangu)
Does it hurt? Czy to boli? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1655469 (Spamster) & #3418779 (konrad509)
Don't be sad. Nie smuć się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #317756 (CK) & #366029 (zipangu)
Don't bother. Nie kłopocz się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #707182 (CK) & #3414185 (konrad509)
Don't forget. Nie zapomnij. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1844224 (CK) & #1844956 (zipangu)
Don't go yet. Nie idź jeszcze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4246066 (CK) & #10542491 (tokzyk)
Don't hit me. Nie uderz mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245352 (CK) & #3125611 (jeedrek)
Don't hit me. Nie bij mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245352 (CK) & #7680859 (qmak)
Don't litter! Nie zaśmiecaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #434662 (lukaszpp) & #497382 (lukaszpp)
Don't slouch. Nie garb się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111903 (CK) & #3639680 (Bilberry)
Dress warmly. Ubierz się ciepło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5853302 (CK) & #10596402 (polski_ren)
Dress warmly. Ubierzcie się ciepło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5853302 (CK) & #10596403 (polski_ren)
Drink slowly. Pij powoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9265125 (CK) & #10597432 (polski_ren)
Drive faster. Jedź szybciej. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111893 (CK) & #8617327 (arie)
Drive safely. Jedź ostrożnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #484648 (blay_paul) & #355414 (zipangu)
Drive slowly. Jedź powoli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #30126 (CK) & #1605577 (zipangu)
Entertain us. Zabaw nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9857740 (shekitten) & #10597522 (polski_ren)
Everyone ate. Każdy zjadł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9699447 (Amastan) & #10596051 (polski_ren)
Everyone hid. Wszyscy się ukryli. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9188649 (CK) & #10600779 (polski_ren)
Everyone ran. Każdy biegł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9699442 (Amastan) & #10596050 (polski_ren)
Everyone sat. Każdy usiadł. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9699448 (Amastan) & #10597438 (polski_ren)
Examine them. Zbadaj ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111840 (CK) & #10596205 (polski_ren)
Examine them. Zbadajcie ich. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111840 (CK) & #10596207 (polski_ren)
Examine this. Przebadaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111839 (CK) & #5651990 (machmet)
Fear nothing. Bez obaw. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #958908 (CM) & #348665 (zipangu)
Fear nothing. Nie bój się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #958908 (CM) & #450221 (zipangu)
Fear nothing. Nie lękajcie się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #958908 (CM) & #959009 (zipangu)
Find the cat. Znajdź kota. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1345901 (CK) & #8982985 (Shounen)
Fish, please. Poproszę rybę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #19342 (CK) & #951344 (zipangu)
Food is food. Jedzenie to jedzenie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2577674 (Hybrid) & #10601808 (polski_ren)
Get upstairs. Idź na górę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111826 (CK) & #8617294 (arie)
Ghosts exist. Duchy istnieją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324442 (CM) & #5271508 (krzysiek)
Give me that. Daj mi to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245526 (CK) & #4837631 (gin)
Give me time. Daj mi czas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #264001 (CK) & #10605199 (polski_ren)
Go back home. Wracaj do domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2230759 (CK) & #3421793 (konrad509)
Go to school. Idź do szkoły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #21504 (CK) & #8498681 (nusia2302)
Go with them. Pojedźcie z nimi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3903806 (CH) & #10695935 (tokzyk)
Go with them. Pojedź z nimi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3903806 (CH) & #10695936 (tokzyk)
Good morning. Dzień dobry! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2258234 (_undertoad) & #403047 (zipangu)
Grab it, Tom. Chwyć to, Tom CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2549792 (CK) & #6156606 (arie)
Hand it over. Daj mi to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553501 (CK) & #4837631 (gin)
Hand it over. Oddawaj. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553501 (CK) & #8182273 (arie)
Hand it over. Oddawaj to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1553501 (CK) & #8182274 (arie)
Happy Easter! Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #66762 (papabear) & #3046759 (jeedrek)
Have a donut. Poczęstuj się pączkiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3736814 (CK) & #3852980 (liori)
Have a drink. Napij się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #610139 (CK) & #8501853 (nusia2302)
Have another. Napij się jeszcze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111825 (CK) & #8617289 (arie)
Have another. Wypij jeszcze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111825 (CK) & #8617290 (arie)
Have another. Weź dokładkę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111825 (CK) & #8617291 (arie)
Have another. Częstuj się jeszcze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111825 (CK) & #8617292 (arie)
Have another. Weź jeszcze jeden. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111825 (CK) & #8617293 (arie)
Have courage. Odwagi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111824 (CK) & #8617284 (arie)
Have courage. Miej odwagę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111824 (CK) & #8617285 (arie)
Have courage. Bądź odważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111824 (CK) & #8617286 (arie)
Have courage. Miejcie odwagę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111824 (CK) & #8617287 (arie)
Have courage. Bądźcie odważni. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111824 (CK) & #8617288 (arie)
He got angry. Rozzłościł się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #507233 (CM) & #8762645 (nusia2302)
He has a dog. On ma psa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288121 (CK) & #2349253 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
He has a dog. Ma psa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #288121 (CK) & #4934131 (Martka)
He helps her. On jej pomaga. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #302897 (CK) & #10597865 (polski_ren)
He is asleep. On śpi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #303959 (CK) & #5013633 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
He is asleep. Śpi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #303959 (CK) & #5315937 (Martka)
He is eating. On je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #299788 (CK) & #10568843 (tokzyk)
He is heroic. Jest bohaterski. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #706642 (CK) & #10598223 (polski_ren)
He kicked it. Kopnął je. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #287992 (CK) & #10605217 (polski_ren)
He kicked it. Kopnął go. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #287992 (CK) & #10605219 (polski_ren)
He kicked it. Kopnął ją. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #287992 (CK) & #10605220 (polski_ren)
He likes tea. Lubi herbatę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1098268 (cntrational) & #10598371 (polski_ren)
He loves her. On ją kocha. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #394633 (CK) & #348633 (zipangu)
He seems ill. Wygląda na chorego. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #303157 (CK) & #6109102 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
He was alone. Był sam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #293728 (CK) & #8651050 (nusia2302)
He was brave. On był odważny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #476456 (CK) & #560854 (Bilberry)
He will walk. Będzie chodził. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #303613 (CK) & #10606382 (polski_ren)
He's a bigot. Jest dewotem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1920706 (Spamster) & #1920876 (zipangu)
Hello, girls. Cześć, dziewczyny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1641754 (Amastan) & #8617217 (arie)
Hey, wait up! Hej, poczekaj! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953322 (CK) & #960964 (zipangu)
Hey, wait up! Halo, momencik! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953322 (CK) & #960965 (zipangu)
Honesty pays. Uczciwość popłaca. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821562 (CK) & #837204 (zipangu)
How annoying! Jakie to irytujące! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1557994 (melospawn) & #10542024 (tokzyk)
How arrogant! Co za arogancja! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1915781 (donkirkby) & #10593945 (polski_ren)
How barbaric! Cóż za barbarzyństwo! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111820 (CK) & #8617275 (arie)
How barbaric! Co za barbarzyństwo! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111820 (CK) & #8617276 (arie)
How barbaric! Ale barbarzyństwo! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111820 (CK) & #8617277 (arie)
How exciting! Jakie ekscytujące! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111818 (CK) & #8617255 (arie)
How exciting! Ależ ekscytujące! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111818 (CK) & #8617269 (arie)
How horrible! Jak okropnie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1864457 (kerbear407) & #5558326 (BeataB)
How horrible! Jak strasznie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1864457 (kerbear407) & #5558327 (BeataB)
How pathetic! Jakie to żałosne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111815 (CK) & #8617261 (arie)
How pathetic! Ależ beznadziejne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111815 (CK) & #8617262 (arie)
How pathetic! Ale żałosne! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111815 (CK) & #8617263 (arie)
How romantic! Jak romantycznie! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #729024 (Shazback) & #1353214 (Ollie1337)
How touching! Ale wzruszające! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111812 (CK) & #8617253 (arie)
How touching! Jakie to wzruszające! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111812 (CK) & #8617254 (arie)
I admire you. Podziwiam cię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #68937 (CK) & #8541285 (nusia2302)
I admire you. Podziwiam was. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #68937 (CK) & #8764829 (nusia2302)
I am Chinese. Jestem Chińczykiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #335138 (CN) & #367147 (zipangu)
I am Chinese. Jestem Chinką. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #335138 (CN) & #10596970 (tokzyk)
I am ashamed. Wstyd mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841711 (CK) & #1844985 (zipangu)
I am at home. Jestem w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #29049 (CK) & #351998 (zipangu)
I am curious. Bardzo jestem ciekaw. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1436 (brauliobezerra) & #596626 (simaqian)
I am working. Pracuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #340708 (tinacalysto) & #360969 (zipangu)
I apologized. Przeprosiłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111809 (CK) & #8608468 (arie)
I apologized. Przeprosiłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111809 (CK) & #8617251 (arie)
I ate caviar. Jadłem kawior. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2413 (CK) & #8766394 (nusia2302)
I ate caviar. Zjadłem kawior. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2413 (CK) & #10599827 (polski_ren)
I can't move. Nie mogę się ruszać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #280208 (CK) & #393060 (kertoip)
I can't swim. Nie umiem pływać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1140183 (CK) & #832596 (zipangu)
I can't talk. Nie mogę rozmawiać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #609291 (virgil) & #1173307 (perry)
I can't wait. Nie mogę czekać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1908927 (Spamster) & #3680466 (Katubeltza)
I dialed 911. Wykręciłem 911. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5829157 (CK) & #6159410 (arie)
I didn't pay. Nie zapłaciłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245699 (CK) & #8763726 (nusia2302)
I didn't win. Nie wygrałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245707 (CK) & #4699655 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I don't care. Nie obchodzi mnie to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2323 (CK) & #6159976 (arie)
I don't date. Nie randkuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245717 (CK) & #3524760 (jeedrek)
I don't know. Nie wiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #349064 (fatih) & #348673 (zipangu)
I don't sing. Nie śpiewam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245724 (CK) & #2708767 (aleksandraeska)
I drank milk. Wypiłem mleko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #806340 (luna_moonsilver) & #3031507 (jeedrek)
I drink beer. Piję piwo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4994712 (CarpeLanam) & #2374404 (Martka)
I drink milk. Piję mleko. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3304449 (pne) & #3535913 (arie)
I eat cheese. Jem ser. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2481696 (abkhaz) & #3031846 (jeedrek)
I feel alive. Czuję, że żyję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #271755 (CK) & #10626979 (polski_ren)
I feel dizzy. Kręci mi się w głowie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436583 (lukaszpp) & #822164 (zipangu)
I feel great. Czuję się świetnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436587 (lukaszpp) & #557000 (Bilberry)
I feel sorry. Przykro mi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #245286 (CM) & #557413 (Bilberry)
I feel tired. Czuję się zmęczony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1495914 (CK) & #10584404 (tokzyk)
I felt happy. Czułam się szczęśliwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245767 (CK) & #12196508 (polski_ren)
I got scared. Przestraszyłem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245799 (CK) & #7886553 (grunermann)
I had doubts. Miałem wątpliwości. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245806 (CK) & #3642389 (Bilberry)
I hate tests. Nie cierpię sprawdzianów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5769646 (Hybrid) & #12179000 (polski_ren)
I hate tests. Nienawidzę testów. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5769646 (Hybrid) & #12179001 (polski_ren)
I have a cat. Mam kota. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2399188 (amazighgirl) & #4449180 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I have a cow. Mam krowę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2777841 (CM) & #3805763 (Baakamono)
I have a dog. Mam psa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #378502 (CK) & #2826489 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I have a gun. Mam pistolet. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2358734 (CK) & #6935815 (jestembluepanda2)
I have a pen. Mam długopis. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #255571 (CK) & #8571623 (nusia2302)
I have money. Mam pieniądze. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1502828 (CK) & #3929669 (jeedrek)
I have to go. Muszę iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1887384 (CK) & #787793 (damc)
I hear music. Słyszę muzykę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25441 (CK) & #5909114 (Ceresnya)
I improvised. Improwizowałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111803 (CK) & #8750944 (nusia2302)
I like beans. Lubię fasolę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245931 (CK) & #10627009 (polski_ren)
I like books. Lubię książki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8469605 (shekitten) & #11533005 (polski_ren)
I like chess. Lubię szachy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1755544 (Betsemes) & #11532990 (polski_ren)
I like fruit. Lubię owoce. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1121362 (cntrational) & #10598381 (polski_ren)
I like pizza. Lubię pizzę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245937 (CK) & #10627011 (polski_ren)
I like sushi. Lubię sushi. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #810883 (Zaphod) & #3741240 (gin)
I like women. Lubię kobiety. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245945 (CK) & #2482525 (zipangu)
I live alone. Mieszkam sam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245948 (CK) & #2675558 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I live alone. Mieszkam sama. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245948 (CK) & #10627013 (polski_ren)
I love books. Uwielbiam książki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2883884 (Hybrid) & #5315943 (Martka)
I love bread. Kocham chleb. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #4755376 (garborg) & #10565651 (tokzyk)
I love candy. Uwielbiam cukierki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5981476 (mailohilohi) & #5982785 (stagos)
I love games. Uwielbiam gry. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841672 (CK) & #1844896 (zipangu)
I made plans. Stworzyłem plany. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245975 (CK) & #2482543 (zipangu)
I might stay. Mógłbym zostać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2245981 (CK) & #2482567 (zipangu)
I missed you. Tęskniłem za tobą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #407574 (Scott) & #410091 (zipangu)
I must study. Muszę się uczyć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #400129 (CK) & #534052 (orzechowski)
I need a car. Potrzebuję samochodu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2387429 (CK) & #3176966 (Ceresnya)
I need money. Potrzebuję pieniędzy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436861 (lukaszpp) & #2178284 (Martka)
I need proof. Potrzebuję dowodu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246011 (CK) & #5275546 (Tomash)
I need sleep. Potrzebuję snu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2246013 (CK) & #4735545 (BeataB)
I need to go. Muszę iść. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2141961 (Dreamk33) & #787793 (damc)
I passed out. Zemdlałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821707 (CK) & #4791067 (cps)
I passed out. Zemdlałam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3821707 (CK) & #4791068 (cps)
I play piano. Gram na pianinie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #866345 (elaichi) & #4723419 (Tomash)
I see a lion. Widzę lwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #586830 (kebukebu) & #597831 (buari)
I see a tree. Widzę drzewo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11760637 (Seael) & #8903151 (nusia2302)
I sell fruit. Sprzedaję owoce. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5839932 (CK) & #8595194 (qmak)
I started it. Ja zacząłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3439454 (CK) & #6542007 (arie)
I started it. To ja zaczęłam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3439454 (CK) & #6542010 (arie)
I suppose so. Tak przypuszczam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51064 (CK) & #10578474 (tokzyk)
I thought so. Tak myślałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3820731 (CK) & #6309313 (arie)
I understand. Rozumiem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433468 (CK) & #363756 (zipangu)
I understood. Zrozumiałem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1494037 (CK) & #3759809 (gin)
I want a lot. Dużo chcę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #40984 (CK) & #364121 (zipangu)
I want money. Chcę pieniędzy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #64620 (CK) & #4394725 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I was afraid. Bałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247452 (CK) & #5304315 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I was hungry. Byłem głodny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #64956 (CK) & #529628 (orzechowski)
I was hungry. Byłam głodna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #64956 (CK) & #10626978 (polski_ren)
I was robbed. Okradziono mnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5829197 (CK) & #10699424 (tokzyk)
I was robbed. Zostałem okradziony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5829197 (CK) & #10699425 (tokzyk)
I was robbed. Zostałam okradziona. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5829197 (CK) & #10699426 (tokzyk)
I was scared. Bałem się. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247511 (CK) & #5304315 (MarekMazurkiewicz)
I will learn. Będę się uczyć. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #854406 (piksea) & #6483110 (mojeanin)
I won't lose! Nie przegram! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2024 (CK) & #1166433 (StanislawMandrak)
I wrote that. Napisałem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247645 (CK) & #10222218 (nusia2302)
I'll be nice. Będę miły. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247675 (CK) & #10542838 (tokzyk)
I'll be safe. Będę uważał. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5839948 (CK) & #12077617 (jimbojim)
I'll pay you. Zapłacę ci. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1890926 (CK) & #8763723 (nusia2302)
I'll read it. Przeczytam to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247801 (CK) & #10542215 (tokzyk)
I'll risk it. Zaryzykuję. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2247804 (CK) & #8721595 (nusia2302)
I'll sue you. Pozwę cię do sądu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #237678 (CK) & #560508 (Bilberry)
I'll take it. Wezmę to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #54925 (CK) & #3425954 (konrad509)
I'm 99% sure. Jestem pewien na 99%. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6765072 (Hybrid) & #6769225 (arie)
I'm 99% sure. Jestem pewna na dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć procent. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #6765072 (Hybrid) & #6769226 (arie)
I'm a coward. Jestem tchórzem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1122735 (Scott) & #10565658 (tokzyk)
I'm a pastor. Jestem pastorem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397878 (CK) & #8993443 (digitcrusher)
I'm addicted. Jestem uzależniony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2030115 (Spamster) & #4115404 (konrad509)
I'm an idiot. Jestem idiotą. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11960952 (CK) & #12360016 (arie)
I'm an idiot. Ale jestem głupia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #11960952 (CK) & #12360017 (arie)
I'm bleeding. Krwawię. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111754 (CK) & #8760839 (nusia2302)
I'm busy now. Teraz jestem zajęty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #241566 (CK) & #362470 (zipangu)
I'm divorced. Jestem rozwiedziony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111741 (CK) & #531802 (Wimmer)
I'm gullible. Jestem łatwowierny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2202925 (CK) & #3049285 (jeedrek)
I'm home now. Jestem teraz w domu CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397891 (CK) & #10599060 (polski_ren)
I'm homeless. Jestem bezdomny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111724 (CK) & #3664805 (jeedrek)
I'm homesick. Tęsknię za domem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2713784 (CK) & #3051220 (jeedrek)
I'm like Tom. Jestem jak Tom. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5829206 (CK) & #7802531 (querton)
I'm not busy. Nie jestem zajęty. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261730 (CK) & #359318 (zipangu)
I'm not busy. Nie jestem zajęta. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #261730 (CK) & #10623501 (polski_ren)
I'm not deaf. Nie jestem głuchy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1460560 (Eldad) & #2149153 (MarcinF)
I'm not deaf. Nie jestem głucha. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1460560 (Eldad) & #3630988 (Katubeltza)
I'm not free. Nie jestem wolny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455915 (lukaszpp) & #8766401 (nusia2302)
I'm not free. Nie jestem wolna. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #455915 (lukaszpp) & #8766403 (nusia2302)
I'm not home. Nie jestem w domu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248149 (CK) & #8678061 (nusia2302)
I'm not lazy. Nie jestem leniwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330368 (CK) & #3613419 (Bilberry)
I'm not sick. Nie jestem chory. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248178 (CK) & #3013314 (jeedrek)
I'm not tall. Nie jestem wysoki. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330163 (CK) & #3587286 (cvbge)
I'm not tall. Nie jestem wysoka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3330163 (CK) & #3587287 (cvbge)
I'm pregnant. Jestem w ciąży. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #348596 (CM) & #348632 (zipangu)
I'm so happy. Jestem taki szczęśliwy. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #321673 (CK) & #566767 (Bilberry)
I'm so sorry. Przepraszam bardzo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953853 (CK) & #348803 (zipangu)
I'm so sorry. Strasznie mi przykro. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #953853 (CK) & #731978 (zipangu)
I'm thinking. Rozmyślam. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2283731 (CK) & #9845818 (Cezrun64)
I'm thorough. Jestem skrupulatny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203449 (CK) & #5662114 (machmet)
I'm thrilled. Jestem zachwycony. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111678 (CK) & #5662049 (machmet)
I'm very sad. Jestem bardzo smutny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248309 (CK) & #6178068 (nusia2302)
I'm with Tom. Jestem z Tomem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235803 (CK) & #7802519 (querton)
I'm with him. Jestem z nim. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3436420 (CK) & #3853007 (liori)
I've changed. Zmieniłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111664 (CK) & #5662029 (machmet)
I've checked. Sprawdziłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111663 (CK) & #5662028 (machmet)
I've done it. Zrobiłem to. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1841618 (CK) & #3656958 (jeedrek)
I've done so. Tak zrobiłem. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3735299 (CK) & #3749934 (gin)
I've retired. Poszłam na emeryturę. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3732425 (CK) & #4258268 (liori)
Ice is solid. Lód jest sztywny. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #682043 (Source_VOA) & #10606669 (polski_ren)
Identify Tom. Zidentyfikuj Toma. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203862 (CK) & #5636963 (machmet)
Introduce us. Przedstaw nas. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #9264919 (CK) & #10597430 (polski_ren)
Iron is hard. Żelazo jest twarde. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #278746 (Zifre) & #6672598 (qmak)
Is Tom cured? Czy Tom jest wyleczony? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244589 (CK) & #8721590 (nusia2302)
Is Tom drunk? Tom jest pijany? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244596 (CK) & #5510831 (rubber_duck)
Is Tom dying? Czy Tom umiera? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244597 (CK) & #3851505 (jeedrek)
Is Tom local? Czy Tom jest miejscowym? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2244617 (CK) & #10619079 (polski_ren)
Is it broken? Czy to jest zepsute? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248443 (CK) & #3970433 (jeedrek)
Is it broken? Czy to jest złamane? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248443 (CK) & #3970434 (jeedrek)
Is it cloudy? Czy jest pochmurno? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #456021 (lukaszpp) & #6320875 (arie)
Is that love? Czy to miłość? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #955144 (CM) & #1634434 (Siganiv)
Is that mine? To jest moje? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248487 (CK) & #10565650 (tokzyk)
Is that snow? Czy to jest śnieg? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #5961665 (mailohilohi) & #5961810 (stagos)
Is that true? Czy to prawda? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #322153 (CK) & #4111492 (konrad509)
Is this love? Czy to jest miłość? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #326263 (CK) & #1614291 (zipangu)
Is this love? Czy to miłość? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #326263 (CK) & #1634434 (Siganiv)
Is this true? Czy to prawda? CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #684389 (offdare) & #4111492 (konrad509)
It amazed me. To mnie zaskoczyło. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1152180 (belgavox) & #5558350 (BeataB)
It amazed me. To zbiło mnie z tropu. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1152180 (belgavox) & #5558351 (BeataB)
It is a book. To książka. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #42097 (CK) & #550691 (Bilberry)
It is unfair. To niesprawiedliwe. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1349801 (sacredceltic) & #3257467 (jeedrek)
It looks fun. Wygląda zabawnie. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248772 (CK) & #2290009 (Wessnosa)
It may break. Może się złamać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248782 (CK) & #12259377 (polski_ren)
It was awful. To było okropne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248803 (CK) & #3510114 (jeedrek)
It was magic. To była magia. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2248861 (CK) & #7778944 (FixKey)
It was night. Była noc. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #323962 (CK) & #822161 (zipangu)
It works now. Teraz działa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3437184 (CM) & #7929206 (qmak)
It's October. Jest październik. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #10191221 (sundown) & #10202985 (Marlena)
It's a curse. To klątwa. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1449619 (CK) & #3664068 (Siganiv)
It's a curse. To przekleństwo. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1449619 (CK) & #10542524 (tokzyk)
It's a steal. To jest kradzież. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1797168 (Spamster) & #8725922 (nusia2302)
It's amazing. To niesamowite. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #52021 (CM) & #5558334 (BeataB)
It's bedtime. Czas spać. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #498458 (adjusting) & #364571 (zipangu)
It's illegal. To nielegalne. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2146020 (Maralula) & #536706 (zipangu)